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View Full Version : Lost cat

06-Nov-05, 14:11
I was wondering if anyone out there has lost a beautiful ginger and white cat i first noticed her in my garage last night. She is so friendly and well cared for someone must be missing her, i am quite happy to look after her until her owner comes to collect her, we live just outside of Wick.

07-Nov-05, 13:10
Hi i was wondering if its a young or older cat

10-Nov-05, 14:57
Hi i am just wondering if anyone came forward to claim the Ginger and White cat, i know with it have being bonfire night when you found her maybe she wandered of after getting a fright from the fireworks.

10-Nov-05, 16:42
Hi Beena no one has come to claim her but she must belong to someone she is being well looked after, but somone must know where she came from

10-Nov-05, 18:11
Have you asked at the vets,Police or the pet shop in henrietta street if anyones reported a puss missing?

10-Nov-05, 20:17
Yes we have a notice up in pet shop, phoned vets, cat protection, even gone round peoples house about 1mile from we live, we have tried but no one interested, but thanks

10-Nov-05, 20:42
It could be possible the cat has been dumped. My friend witnessed the dumping of a poor wee cat earlier this year in Scrabster. It was a right friendly cat. The cat luckily found a nice new home, thanks to Balmore.
I hope this is not the case though.

10-Nov-05, 21:16
Hi we thought of that to but she is so well cared for and friendly its hard to believe someone might do that if we cant find her owner we shall keep her ourselves.