View Full Version : Brown's bid to prevent Alex Salmond from becoming First Minister.

06-Mar-08, 21:56
I was a bit taken aback at the arrogance of Gordon Brown in seeking to prevent Alex Salmond from becoming First Minister even if the SNP won the election and requesting undercover meetings with Sir Menzies Campbell.

I understand that many deals are done behind closed doors in politics (and business) but in my opinion, this is a further demonstration of the blatent disregard of the will of the people by New Labour, another being the EU Treaty/Constitution referendum.

I have for some time been wary of Gordon Brown and his ways, but this reinforces my opinion of him as a sleekit person.

percy toboggan
06-Mar-08, 22:14
I'm not sure what 'sleekit' means, but it's a delicious sound to sum up most politicians. I'm disillusioned with almost all of 'em...including Alex Salmond.
Ming isn't too bad - I sense a man of some honour but he's a rarity.

08-Mar-08, 04:51
If Gordon Brown claims that inflation (RPI) was 36.5% between 1997 and 2007 yet increased taxation from £270 billions to £570 billions (ie 111%) does that make him a liar or a thief?
To put that in normal figures it is roughly £100,000 per UK adult in ten years.
That could be another thread "What would you have done with your own money given the chance?".

08-Mar-08, 14:25
I'm not sure what 'sleekit' means, but it's a delicious sound to sum up most politicians. I'm disillusioned with almost all of 'em...including Alex Salmond.
Ming isn't too bad - I sense a man of some honour but he's a rarity.
Sly, crafty. As in "To a mouse" by the baird

08-Mar-08, 15:05
Sly, crafty. As in "To a mouse" by the baird

Is that John Logie Baird?:)

08-Mar-08, 23:02
No its me baird Linda