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View Full Version : Granny Killer

04-Mar-08, 14:52
I have just been reading the hellish story of a nurse, Colin Norris, who has been convicted of murdering 4 elderly patients by giving them over-doses of insulin. The police believe a serial killer has been stopped from perfecting his 'craft'. I wonder will he be joining Beverley Allit in a mental institution as the insulin technique was one she was fond of.

Highland Laddie
04-Mar-08, 14:58
I have just been reading the hellish story of a nurse, Colin Norris, who has been convicted of murdering 4 elderly patients by giving them over-doses of insulin. The police believe a serial killer has been stopped from perfecting his 'craft'. I wonder will he be joining Beverley Allit in a mental institution as the insulin technique was one she was fond of.

Cough cough splutter hang him cough splutter splutter

04-Mar-08, 15:01
Cough cough splutter hang him cough splutter splutterI couldn't possibly consider that until capital punishment is subect to totally infallible evidence for all convictions.

04-Mar-08, 15:02
Cough cough splutter hang him cough splutter splutter

totally agree with you!

he is scum[evil]

04-Mar-08, 16:27
all muderers are scum....no exceptions[evil]

04-Mar-08, 17:34
Life is precious, who has the right to take it.
Not the likes of that scum.

04-Mar-08, 21:06
He has been sentenced to life and must serve 30 years before being considered for parole.

percy toboggan
04-Mar-08, 21:29
all muderers are scum....no exceptions[evil]

I can't agree.

There are a few who act in the heat of a challenging moment and every case needs to be judged on its merits - or de-merits.

Some are evil, some are scum, some are de-ranged and some are just plain nasty.
Norris? A man who thought he could play God. Like Shipman....he might have killed many more too had he not been overly cocky.
I think a whole life tariff would have been more appropriate.
Reserve the rope for the truly heinous - but if pushed I'd go along with the gibbet for this worm of a man.