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View Full Version : Wells - private water supply?

03-Nov-05, 22:20
Does anyone on here know anything about local private water supplies? I am thinking of buying some land to build on that has no water supply anywhere near it, so I'd have to seek an alternative to mains water connection. I have been into borehole drilling etc. and it's a lot of money, and is it necessary?

I say this because the site is in a peat bog area where the water table is probably very close to the surface, so I may be able to use this. For starters the, how were wells traditionally constructed in Caitness?

And who locally might be able to drill a bore hole if it came to this?

04-Nov-05, 07:30
Im sure Scottish Water , customer Service on 0845 601 8855 or alternatively research their website on www.scottishwater.co.uk.

It is their responsibility to ensure you have safe clean drinking water , whether it come from a mains service or a well. im sure if you do your research on this site , there will be guidelines somewhere.

Bill Fernie
04-Nov-05, 09:36
Also make sure that the land is designated for possible building in the Caithness Local Plan otherwise you may not get planning permission to build a property. If you are not near water presumably you will not be connected to the waste water /sewerage system so check with SEPA regarding septic tanks in the area you are thnking about to find out what is allowed. The local plan is available from the library in Caithness or planning department in Wick.

04-Nov-05, 23:09
Thanks for the replies. Yes Bill, sewage is less of a problem, and electricity in not too far away, but after having done lots of research about private water supplies I am still needing info about local private supplies. Can't find much on the Scottish Water website.

Now most of Caithness and Sutherland is peat bog and the water table is very close to the surface. So you would think that it would be easy to obtain a water supply, however the downside is that water taken from close to the surface is more likely to be contaminated e.g. with bird or animal droppings, so it is necessary to treat this water to avoid problems. By contrast, borehole water (if you can get at it) is from deeper down and cleaner because it has filteres through a good depth of ground.

What I'm after is info on how local private supplies are derived - from shallow wells? From springs? How reliable are these supplies? If I can find or get referred to someone who knows about these things I have loads more questions! Thanks in anticipation!