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03-Nov-05, 17:53
What do you all think?
Is it a case of birth, death and re-birth?
Is there 'life' after death or are we just maggot food?
Do you believe in ghosts, psychic abilities or had any near death experiences?

I'd be very interested to find out what the individual thought is on this topic.

I personally believe our spirits go 'home' and that 'life' is a school whereby we aim to learn certain things in order to transcend to higher beings on the other side.
I also believe that we pre-determine the major events in our life before we get here e.g. parents, siblings, children etc and that feeling of dejavu that most of us get every now an then is actually a memory link back to those blueprints and lets us know that our life's on track and taking the path that we intended.

So what do you lot think?

03-Nov-05, 17:58
A lot of sense in what your saying . never really thought about it like a blueprint though . Think animals know a lot more than we do !

03-Nov-05, 19:11
well you know what i think porshie, but i swear i was a thin person in my past life, and this time round i had to be BIGGER !!! Next time i surppose i will come back as a man, now theres a thought!!!

03-Nov-05, 19:15
Porshiepoo, you have finally convinced me that you live in a daydreamer's universe which lies both far away and parallel to the one the rest of us inhabit. Are you being serious with your last paragraph? Is there a gateway to extra dimensions in or near Lybster? Having you been out with Rheghead to see the faeries in his hedge? Too many magic mushrooms for you two methinks.

I am finding it hard to respond to your post because the whole thing is clearly a figment of your (admirably fertile) imagination, and it has no basis whatsoever in either physical or psychological reality. So, where is "home"? Is it near Atlantis, Mars, the hitherto unknown Comet Porshiepoo, a secret planet in orbit around the Dog Star, or is it in some discreet black hidey-hole on the lower lobe of the left ear of the Horsehead Nebula? Or perhaps it's in a warped extra dimension?

You remind me of an old friend. When I was a grad student, one of my fellow students used to draw a picture of what he used to call the psychological space. He claimed that we sail on a ship across a sea which is divided into two parts by a "reality line". In his mind, the great question to be determined in life is whether we are sailing on one side of the reality line or t'other. I was never quite sure whether he was insane or not, but somehow he managed to get the magic word "Dr" in front of his name after writing a thesis on more down-to-earth rational science. Last I heard he was back in Brazil with a job in a sane institution. Unfortunately, I have forgotten his name (a Senior Member's moment methinks), but I think you'd get on well with him.

On a more practical note, can you predict the immediate future too? If so, pray tell me whether my car will pass its MoT tomorrow, and whether Man U will get thrashed again this weekend -- 3 defeats in one week for the Red Devils and I'll truly be in Heaven.

To paraphrase an answer to your question...

I believe in death after life -- period. I don't have a soul or a spirit. Bring on the maggots, I'm waitin' fer ye, ye horrible squirmy wee beasties, ye!

Wait! Just one more thing...

Do you believe in witches and witchcraft? Have you cast a spell over this forum? Why are there no sane replies to this thread? (Other than mine of course.)

03-Nov-05, 19:42
Oh dear oh dear DrSzin, You obviously know nothing about this subject, where as porshiepoo does. I feel you may well lose on this one and it is certainly not a figment of her imagination !! or mine come to that. I will leave porshipoo to answer any forth coming comments from you, as i feel i may "blow your mind" with regards to any future responce.

03-Nov-05, 20:31
O dear DrSzin what a sad, boring old life this must be for you! All the mundane normalcies of which we call 'life' and according to you at the end of it we just die! How naff is that!

So, pray tell me DrSzin, what is the point to this life if not to learn? And what is the point of learning if not to better ourselves and stretch ourselves, and whats the point of bettering ourselves if we just....die?
Is it not far simpler to think that there must be a meaning to it all?
I for one am not frightened of dying. I don't want to go yet obviously, as I feel I've still much to learn, but when I do go I won't be grasping on for dear life and having to be dragged away. I'll go peacefully, secure in the knowledge that I AM going 'home' and that family will be there to greet me.
How distressing it must be for people close to death who believe that is it, that there is no where else to go and that maggots are gonna have a feast!
Believing there is a reason for life DrSzin is what has got me through many a difficult time in my life, if when I die I'm proven wrong I'll be none the worse off because I'll know no better, but if it helps get me through difficult times in the meantime then surely thats better.

FYI I also believe that when we pass over, die or whatever one chooses to call it, that we have to sit in judgement on ourselves for actions we have taken in this life. That, DrSzin is the realms of hell, not burning flames and devils underground. If we feel we have more to learn then eventually we will decide to return. On the other side we have no fear of putting ourselves through the vulgarities of this life again and again because we know it will never the less lead us to return home eventually.

No, I am not part of the 'god squad'. I do not necessarily believe in god. I believe in Jesus, but not as is portrayed in the bible, but as a man who had what we now know to be 'healing hands', the rest is chinese whispers.

And no, I am not psychic - unfortunately. I have attended many open/closed circles, spiritualist sessions and classes to learn to channel any mediumship abilities I may have.
If I were I would say that No, your car will not pass it's MOT. :rolleyes:

As for your question as to where 'heaven' (for want of a better word) is, well imagine a fan, when the blades are turning slowly you can see them perfectly, but when that fan speeds up the blades seem to dissapear despite the fact that you 'know' they are there.
The other side is on a faster frequency and no I don't believe it's in the clouds either, I believe it's about 3-4ft off the ground.

So there DrSzin, pick the bones from that lot.

03-Nov-05, 20:47
Well this is a very interesting topic porshiepoo has begun to unravel upon us!!
I just dont get why people are too scared to believe that there is life after death - the very thought of becoming maggot food terrifies me!! I am secure in my own belief that we go onto to a much better place, and yes as porchiepoo says it would almost be like going "home". What a dreadfull thought it would be to think that this is it, one life only and when its gone its gone!! - How do people explain where guardian angels and spirit guides are from if there is no spirit world. I say those who do not believe, are newborns and have only just begun their path of life, and will return many many times to learn about the tapestry of life.

03-Nov-05, 20:50
So, pray tell me DrSzin, what is the point to this life if not to learn?

It's natures way of keeping meat fresh.

03-Nov-05, 22:57
Have you read The Celestine Prophesies, they make interesting reading.

04-Nov-05, 01:01
I just dont get why people are too scared to believe that there is life after death - the very thought of becoming maggot food terrifies me!! Scared to believe there's life after death? Scared? Don't be silly. I'm not scared to think that! Sometimes, I would like to think there's life after death, but there is nothing whatsoever in the world around us that indicates that there is. As you say, you are the scared one. You are scared to face the thought that you are future maggot food.

How do people explain where guardian angels and spirit guides are from if there is no spirit world. I don't for one second believe that there are such things as guardian angels or spirit guides.

Your analysis is nothing more than wishful thinking.

04-Nov-05, 01:28
O dear DrSzin what a sad, boring old life this must be for you! All the mundane normalcies of which we call 'life' and according to you at the end of it we just die! How naff is that!

So, pray tell me DrSzin, what is the point to this life if not to learn? And what is the point of learning if not to better ourselves and stretch ourselves, and whats the point of bettering ourselves if we just....die?
A reasonable question, but only if you see the universe in anthropocentric terms. I want to find out how the universe really works.

Is it not far simpler to think that there must be a meaning to it all? Only if you are satisfied with naive and simple-minded thoughts. I have lots of questions about life, the universe and everything. I guess the main one is "why quantum mechanics?" Why on earth is our world described by such a seemingly-bizarre dynamics? Why are these dynamics the way they are? Where do they come from? As far as I am aware, there is not a single verifiable effect in our universe that is in contradiction with quantum mechanics, so it must be a sensible description of reality at some level.

One answer is that matter as we know it wouldn't be possible with quantum mechanics, so nor would life. That's good enough for some people, but it ain't good enough for me.

I for one am not frightened of dying. I don't want to go yet obviously, as I feel I've still much to learn, but when I do go I won't be grasping on for dear life and having to be dragged away. I'll go peacefully, secure in the knowledge that I AM going 'home' and that family will be there to greet me.
How distressing it must be for people close to death who believe that is it, that there is no where else to go and that maggots are gonna have a feast! Believe what you want, but please don't expect me to believe in your arbitrary fantasies.

Believing there is a reason for life DrSzin is what has got me through many a difficult time in my life, if when I die I'm proven wrong I'll be none the worse off because I'll know no better, but if it helps get me through difficult times in the meantime then surely thats better. At last, something we can (almost) agree on. However, as a research scientist, I want to find out how the world really works, not how you wish it would work.

FYI I also believe that when we pass over, die or whatever one chooses to call it, that we have to sit in judgement on ourselves for actions we have taken in this life. That, DrSzin is the realms of hell, not burning flames and devils underground. If we feel we have more to learn then eventually we will decide to return. On the other side we have no fear of putting ourselves through the vulgarities of this life again and again because we know it will never the less lead us to return home eventually. You are free to believe what you wish, and I am free to tell you that I think this is (at best) nothing other than an arbitrary hypothesis on your part, but it's probably just wishful thinking.

So, believe what you wish about judgement on yourself. I have no such worries about having to do that. Lucky me, eh?

No, I am not part of the 'god squad'. I do not necessarily believe in god. I believe in Jesus, but not as is portrayed in the bible, but as a man who had what we now know to be 'healing hands', the rest is chinese whispers. You may think you know he had healing hands. I don't believe healing hands exist, and I certainly don't believe that he was the son of some fantasy figure. Gleeber once said on here "I believe Man created God in his own image." I am at one with him there.

And no, I am not psychic - unfortunately. I have attended many open/closed circles, spiritualist sessions and classes to learn to channel any mediumship abilities I may have.
If I were I would say that No, your car will not pass it's MOT. :rolleyes:
Agreed -- on the car! I also agree that you're not psychic, nor is anyone else! ;)

As for your question as to where 'heaven' (for want of a better word) is, well imagine a fan, when the blades are turning slowly you can see them perfectly, but when that fan speeds up the blades seem to dissapear despite the fact that you 'know' they are there.
The other side is on a faster frequency and no I don't believe it's in the clouds either, I believe it's about 3-4ft off the ground. Faster frequency? Lol, you'll have to do better than that.

So there DrSzin, pick the bones from that lot. I'm done. Not much to pick from there I'm afraid.

04-Nov-05, 01:38
Oh dear oh dear DrSzin, You obviously know nothing about this subject, where as porshiepoo does. I feel you may well lose on this one and it is certainly not a figment of her imagination !! or mine come to that. I will leave porshipoo to answer any forth coming comments from you, as i feel i may "blow your mind" with regards to any future responce. Ms Hilton, I am sure you would indeed blow my mind.

well you know what i think porshie, but i swear i was a thin person in my past life, and this time round i had to be BIGGER !!! Next time i surppose i will come back as a man, now theres a thought!!! But, Ms Hilton, you are one of the skinniest and most-desired women in the world. Er, hold on a sec. Is it possible that I have the wrong paris, and that you are the "other one", the one that's living on a parallel brane in a higher-dimensional space? A brane with fast fans that's perhaps 3 or 4 ft away in the fifth dimension. Oh dear, I think the paris I first thought of may have the better deal. And money too I would imagine. Nice hotels though. I stayed in one in the spring. Nice. :D

04-Nov-05, 01:48
Have you read The Celestine Prophesies, they make interesting reading.
No, lol. But I read something about them here (http://www.allabouttheoccult.org/celestine-prophecy.htm).

I read that "true meaning and purpose comes from energies, vibrations and auras." Yeah, that's right. Steal a couple of sensible words from science and mix them with auras. It's the same sort of meaningless twaddle peddled by that guy from Boulder we talked about on here in the summer. I forget his name. Ken something...

04-Nov-05, 02:19
Dr Szin,

Try a bit harder - I'll let you dig a little deeper before I'll bite...


04-Nov-05, 02:51
What this really needs is a bit of Spike Milligan to put "scientists" into perspective.

"We've come a long way
said the Cigarette Scientist
as he destroyed a live rabbit
to show the students how it worked.

He took its heart out
plugged it into an electric pump
that kept it beating for nearly two hours.

I know rabbits who can keep their hearts
beating for nearly seven years

And look at the electricity they save."

Spike Milligan, 1970 London.

The trouble with "scientists" is that they feel this overwhelming urge to answer the question "Why?" when sometimes they really ought to think twice about asking it in the first place.

If you look back in history, classical objective scientific theories continually get enhanced into theories that include the subjective too and even more recently to include consciousness - where will the arrow of time take us I wonder? Further from the past and closer to the truth I suppose.

Spike Milligan, dead? or very much alive? hmmm....

04-Nov-05, 09:55
DrSzin, instead of asking 'why' all the time, try asking yourself 'why not'.

There is no definate proof that life does carry on after death just as there is no definate proof that it doesn't.
You can't see it so therefore it isn't there! What kind of attitude is that?

How do you explain mediums that do have extraordinary gifts of communicating with deceased people? And before you say they're all fakes, theres a damn sight more proof that they CAN do it than there is to say that they CAN'T do it.
What about people who have 'near death experience's'? Is it all just a mass illusion that many. many, many people world wide have shared? Or could it possibly be that there is somewhere once we pass over?

In your defence DrSzin, as Airyfairy says, you're perhaps a very new soul who's only just begun the 'learning' process as is on your first life path.
That could go some way to explain your ignorance at least

04-Nov-05, 12:39
Hahaha! There's an interesting view on this on 'Good Morning'.
They've had people on - including a lad who was 3 1/2 at the time - that have had near death experiences.

They were telling Fern & Philip about an experience of leaving their body which is very similar to my own.
Mine wasn't about near death as far as I'm aware - I was about 8 at the time -. Basically I went to bed and then I just remember floating up out of my body to the ceiling, turning around and looking down at my sleeping body. I wasn't at all fearful and it came extremely nauturally and easily. Then all of a sudden I was back in my body and screaming my head off! (Probably because I had come back ;) )
I remember it as clear as day even now, fortunately my mum and family also believe in these things so other than the crying I don't think it freaked my mum out.

04-Nov-05, 14:06

I dont think about what happens after i die i just think about how to do a good job with the life im living

Thats about as much as a girl can influence if you ask me

04-Nov-05, 17:12
Believing in life after death doesn't stop you from living this life to the full. In fact quite the opposite. Because I believe that I experience things to the degree that I chose and that I wanted to learn something from each experience in order to progress, it makes me more able to cope with lifes major pitfalls.

04-Nov-05, 19:33
Hahaha! There's an interesting view on this on 'Good Morning'.
They've had people on - including a lad who was 3 1/2 at the time - that have had near death experiences.

They were telling Fern & Philip about an experience of leaving their body which is very similar to my own.
Mine wasn't about near death as far as I'm aware - I was about 8 at the time -. Basically I went to bed and then I just remember floating up out of my body to the ceiling, turning around and looking down at my sleeping body. I wasn't at all fearful and it came extremely nauturally and easily. Then all of a sudden I was back in my body and screaming my head off! (Probably because I had come back ;) )
I remember it as clear as day even now, fortunately my mum and family also believe in these things so other than the crying I don't think it freaked my mum out.

Have you never heard of dreaming while asleep!!!
If you believe this rubbish you must be off your head!:rolleyes:

04-Nov-05, 20:59
Im with you on this one porshiepoo.............We are spiritual beings having a physical experience............only just the other night I had an experience with an angel {happens quite often}.........truly amazing. Everyday I ask for guidance and usually Im given it........ its up to me though at the end of the day if I listen or not. I dont believe in death.....death of the physical yes but not of the spirit/soul.....the spirit has come here to learn and to grow and then move on to a higher level..........not an easy path to walk. Ghosts and spirits I believe in too.....I cant not believe in them........theyre always bothering me. I cant prove that to anyone though I only know it to be so and accept it.......and that is not easy either! I believe too that Jesus was a healer I have "seen" and felt him around at times, I never fail to be amazed at the things that happen........receiving healing from someone 100s of miles away or picking up a message sent telepathically...........we are amazing beings! That makes two of us thats off our heads porshiepoo..........

I think sequewhotsits must have got to you DrSzin.....messing around in all that Egyptian stuff is not good for you.........

04-Nov-05, 21:18
Ever since the beginning of time humans have required someone or something that can explain the unknown, whether the sun or moon was worshipped or whatever.... eventually we were able to begin to worship abstract concepts i.e. Gods

I personally don't need religion as an insurance policy in case - as in the words of Jack Nicolson "What if this is as good as it gets". I think this is all there is so make the most of it..... I dont expect heaven, paradise, hell, meeting dead relatives or whatever. I expect the lights to go out and not come back on...

Of course people lek myself and the good doctor will be seen as lacking in some spiritual sense by the "believers" but we in turn see you as part of the biggest con and brainwash in history. Also your inability to consider that there my be a scientific explanation to near death experiences / angels / ghosties / whatever is kind of strange. I would think that physical environment / lack of oxygen to the brain or being slightly MENTAL would explain most of these.....

Ever wonder why all those churches are being turned into pubs???
Religion is dying as the people in our society are more and more thinking for themselves and not just blindly accepting what is rammed down your throat in school, sunday school, society etc....

Ach weel........

04-Nov-05, 21:35
cullbucket..........I am not religious far from it.................I Believe thats all..... simple! An do you know that people that are classed as MENTAL as you put are really the closest to "GOD" ie higher evolved beings! Where does that leave you and the good Dr? Me Im expecting the light to come on not too go out...........weve been living in the dark for too long now..........come to think of it how do you switch the light of when its not on...........Thats one for you Dr Szin...........

04-Nov-05, 22:08
superstition and religion - same thing isn't it?

04-Nov-05, 22:21
No ,Religion & superstition are most defo NOT the same thing man! Religion is spiritual for many,not myself though but each to their own, Superstition is when ye will or wont do something a certain way because maybe the last time ye did it it did or didna work and you maybe want or dont want to change that ! if ye get what i mean, I used to work at sea & the boys at sea were ultra superstitious years ago , but as i got older it didna seem to matter much anymore,But there were still 2 or 3 things i wouldnt do coz im still superst.

04-Nov-05, 22:21
Ah well there is 3 of us off wur heids. And I know plenty more hahaha

04-Nov-05, 22:33
No ,Religion & superstition are most defo NOT the same thing man! etc....

Here is the definition of superstition from www.dictionary.com

An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.
A belief, practice, or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance.
A fearful or abject state of mind resulting from such ignorance or irrationality.

Sounds like religion to me.......

04-Nov-05, 22:45
superstition and religion - same thing isn't it?

Cullbucket and ignorance - same thing isn't it?

FYI Cullbucket I'm not a 'religious' person at all. I don't worship a god neither do I attend church. I go to church every now and again to light a candle at the anniversary of a death or if there atrocities going on in the world, but thats it.
I don't have to pray to a god to have a right to believe in life after death.

Not believing is your perogative and if you're happy to go through life with all it's ups and downs and not even question 'why!' then that is your right, and no one has a right to either expect you to cahnge your mind or try to force their belief on you.
All I'm saying is, open up your mind to the possibility. It doesn't mean you're a loony or a girlie just to believe.
Like I said before, believing in "Heaven" helps me through this school of life. I know that whatever hardships I come across they are no more than what I knew I could manage in this life and that there was a definate experience in it that I felt I could learn from.

Have you never had that feeling of dejavu? Or met someone that you know you recognise but have never met before? or been to a place that you can describe but have never been to or even, for a quick second, thought you saw someone you know to be dead? Heard them? Smelt them?
I don't believe there is a person alive that hasn't had some kind of experience but due to the fact that they 'can't' believe they put it down to the mind or coincidence or some such.
Incidentally, one of the reasons I believe that people do refuse to even contemplate the idea is that because if they do and they start to open up to it, it opens a whole new can of worms with regards to judging yourself when you pass over.

04-Nov-05, 22:47
Ever wonder why all those churches are being turned into pubs???
Religion is dying as the people in our society are more and more thinking for themselves and not just blindly accepting what is rammed down your throat in school, sunday school, society etc....

No, the crowd control business just got taken over by politicians that's all, they use the same principles, people are as gullible as ever. The heavens they promise you and the hells they offer to protect you from are just as phoney and created for just the same reasons.

04-Nov-05, 23:17
Who wrote the dictionary cullbucket?

05-Nov-05, 00:47
Porshiepoo, you have finally convinced me that you live in a daydreamer's universe which lies both far away and parallel to the one the rest of us inhabit. Are you being serious with your last paragraph? Is there a gateway to extra dimensions in or near Lybster? Having you been out with Rheghead to see the faeries in his hedge? Too many magic mushrooms for you two methinks.

Brilliant Doc, and you still never stopped her lol.

I agree with you thats its crazy thoughts. The best description i heard to describe the vibrations porshie and her gang seem to feel was hallucinatory psychosis.
Mind you I have to admit I have been prone to bouts of the said psychosis myself in the course of my life.
God willing im ok now though.

05-Nov-05, 09:00
Gang, how up-lifting, never been in one before !
All i can say is ..one day , wether you like it or not , you WILL belive in what pooie is saying, its just at the moment your braincells wouldnt be able to soak it all up, I wonder why ? Thoes of us in "the gang" as you put it , well need i say anymore !!

05-Nov-05, 10:06
Brilliant Doc, and you still never stopped her lol.

I agree with you thats its crazy thoughts. The best description i heard to describe the vibrations porshie and her gang seem to feel was hallucinatory psychosis.
Mind you I have to admit I have been prone to bouts of the said psychosis myself in the course of my life.
God willing im ok now though.

Ironic you ask God to ensure you're ok gleeber!

05-Nov-05, 11:40
I am finding it hard to respond to your post, Your an idiot szin, as hard as you may have found it to respond, I can't help but note you are the one that has replied the most to the post, and also provided the largest replies hahahaha get a grip

05-Nov-05, 12:22
Ooohhhhhhhhh Theyre coming to take you away haha hehe hoho.......away{no pun intended away} Where has he gone? Whats up Doc.........seen a ghost? Sequewhotsits got your tongue eh! Aye God does work in mysterious ways:} Spiritual law of Karma in action here...............What is it I do next I wonder..........PM you............Boo!!!!!!!!!

05-Nov-05, 12:34
Sorry!!!!!!! I had a moment of madness there..........stayed up late last night and watched Jack Nicholson in The Shining...........Scary Stuff!!!!!!

05-Nov-05, 14:10
Ironic you ask God to ensure you're ok gleeber!

Its much more ironic that you didnt notice the flippancy in my post. Mind you its a common symptom of the psychosis you and your gang are suffering from.
I dont believe you lot. What more could the doctor say to show up your fantasy? Gluttons for punishment.
Mind you, theres something comforting in the beliefs you lot are putting forward as an extra dimension to our difficult lives. As much as I know the doctor is right about your sanity theres a wee bit of me still troubled by the same demons as your gang members.
Doesnt mean I want to join your gang though. I have enough credibility problems.

05-Nov-05, 15:04
yadda yadda yadda

05-Nov-05, 15:42
Its much more ironic that you didnt notice the flippancy in my post. Mind you its a common symptom of the psychosis you and your gang are suffering from.
I dont believe you lot. What more could the doctor say to show up your fantasy? Gluttons for punishment.
Mind you, theres something comforting in the beliefs you lot are putting forward as an extra dimension to our difficult lives. As much as I know the doctor is right about your sanity theres a wee bit of me still troubled by the same demons as your gang members.
Doesnt mean I want to join your gang though. I have enough credibility problems.

Jeepers Gleeber why do you find it so frightening that people believe in life after death?
It doesn't make us insane or religious or psychotic, it simply means we are more intelligent! :D open minded, flexible and ultimately less likely to be fearful of death. :D

05-Nov-05, 17:03
[quote=porshiepoo]Cullbucket and ignorance - same thing isn't it?
Nice1 Great Dane Lady, I Agree wholeheartidly;)

05-Nov-05, 17:33
Jeepers Gleeber why do you find it so frightening that people believe in life after death?
It doesn't make us insane or religious or psychotic, it simply means we are more intelligent! :D open minded, flexible and ultimately less likely to be fearful of death. :D

I dont find it frightening that people believe such stuff. I find it fascinating. What I find most fascinating is that one time I may even had given the stuff you believe some credence.
Like the doctor I also want to know how the universe really works. Part of that process has been discovering HOW i really work. Now thats frightening lol.
As a matter of interest, what exactly reinforces the stuff you believe? Is it just feelings? Is it thoughts? Or is it visions? Could you call up some spirits for me to see or feel or hear with my own eyes or ears? You say its inteligence and I have to admit you may have me there but surely these apparations your talking about, if they are really outside your head, I should be able to see them too?

Murdina Bug
05-Nov-05, 17:46
Hahaha! There's an interesting view on this on 'Good Morning'. They've had people on - including a lad who was 3 1/2 at the time - that have had near death experiences. They were telling Fern & Philip about an experience of leaving their body which is very similar to my own.

Aye, but the rest of the item was based on a Doctor's research into what happens to the physical body during death. He was not saying that there was an afterlife but that the 'last struggle' of the body which is dying releases huge amounts of endorphins and adrenaline which will affect the brain's perceptions. Then, if the person lives, their interpretation of what they 'saw' at this time will be dependant on their own beliefs. I think he said that only something like 10% of people in near death situations have this experience and he likened it to being able to remember dreams when you wake.

I always have very vivid dreams and recall a lot of information from them whereas my partner swears he never dreams at all as he never recalls anything! Guess I might be the one having the near death vision - if I make it back I'll let you know!!

05-Nov-05, 18:03
I have a question
Dr Sizn why are you behaving so agressive towards this question?
it asked as how you as an individual belived not how to ridicule others for not
beliving as you do.
I myself and deeply religious but that is neither here nor there as it is a very personal thing and i do not expect any one else to belive as i do.. i will teach my children my faith and when they are old enough to make their own choices i will support them even if i do not agree with them. and just as i do every night i will pray for them.
to answer your question porshiepoo..
i def belive in life after death.. and i belive that even though we do not know everything that is in the after life we will eventually find out as we get to those stages of our evolution as living souls.
ive seen way too much in my life time to discount much of anything.
i dont belive in a firey hell but do belive that those who need it are punished and when that punishment is done and they have "repented" so to speak then they will be welcome with everyone else.. dont really want to go into the deep doctrine right now.. *smiles*
one thing that saddens me is when i first came over here i was ridiculed and laughed at over my beliefs and told i was stupid and ignorant for beliving in God . God did not exist and i was a fool to even belive in him. when we died we ceased to exist so no after life.. and that if i had any sence i would get my act together.. yet these same people would be the first to snarl and bite.. if you mentioned religion to them. and curse you for "bible bashing"
a very big double standard im afraid.. i do not push my religion on others nor do i want atheism pushed on me.. i respect all faiths.. and think all have truth in them.. and that each person has to find his or her way.

05-Nov-05, 18:07
As a matter of interest, what exactly reinforces the stuff you believe? Is it just feelings? Is it thoughts? Or is it visions? Could you call up some spirits for me to see or feel or hear with my own eyes or ears? You say its inteligence and I have to admit you may have me there but surely these apparations your talking about, if they are really outside your head, I should be able to see them too?

Supposing you saw very quickly, a person you know to be dead. What would you tell yourself? That you're hallucinating? Minds playing tricks on you? Or that it was something else? Even though for those few seconds you know what you saw! Thats why some people can't see, it's not that they don't see it's that they can't allow themselves to believe what they have seen!

Alot of people think you're la la if you even mention believing in this stuff, and thats something alot of people are not prepared to live with.

In answer to your question. For me it's something I've always known, I don't question it I never have. From a very small child I've always known that there is a life after death. I don't look to prove it or disprove it, for me I don't need to.
Like I said before, if I'm wrong I'll be no worse off. My belief gets me through this life, I try to learn from my experiences cos I don't want to feel the need to come back and learn some more once i've gone.
But for those that don't believe, alot will fear death till the last second before they realise they were wrong and what a traumatic way to go.
There are also those lost spirits that don't go purely because they refuse to believe they are dead and absolutely refuse to acknowledge the light when they do pass over due to the fears that they've harboured in this life.

If the best it does is get me through this life then i'm ok with that!

05-Nov-05, 18:31
I have a question

I myself and deeply religious but that is neither here nor there as it is a very personal thing and i do not expect any one else to belive as i do.. i will teach my children my faith and when they are old enough to make their own choices i will support them even if i do not agree with them. and just as i do every night i will pray for them.

Hmm, by the time they are old enough to make their own minds up they will already have been indocterinated by your so called idea of reality. Its a fearful thing to escape from the clutches of a God who will let us burn in hell for eternity if we dont believe in him. Easier to believe I suppose.

Supposing you saw very quickly, a person you know to be dead. What would you tell yourself? That you're hallucinating? Minds playing tricks on you? Or that it was something else? Even though for those few seconds you know what you saw! Thats why some people can't see, it's not that they don't see it's that they can't allow themselves to believe what they have seen!

I would consider whether what I saw was really "out there" or "in here" Once again its a frightening prospect to consider that all the angels and demons people "see" are actually reflections of our own evolution from beast to beauty.

05-Nov-05, 18:43
For what its worth I believe that "spirit" is behind this thread............Its porshiepoo that started it of.... thankyou for that porshiepoo! Ive already "seen" lots of hidden messages and words, numbers etc throughout all of these posts that I find very comforting, .........some may say its just a coincidence............I dont believe in coincidences. I just believe! Its simple. Today for instance I have felt my mother around me, supporting, helping and guiding me along with others out there and some who have come onto these boards...........awesome!

05-Nov-05, 19:28
Yes these things really do move in mysterious ways. Of all the times I could have chosen to start a topic such as this, I have just found out that my Uncle died yesterday!

05-Nov-05, 19:55
Sorry to hear your sad news pooie .... thinking of you !

05-Nov-05, 20:32
So sorry porshiepoo................

06-Nov-05, 12:20
Anyone see the film The Gift last night? These psychics/clairvoyants really have a hard time doing what comes "naturally" to "them", why cant people accept that there are people out there who are "gifted" and can "see" and "feel" things that others cant, theres nothing weird about it its all perfectly "natural".......doesnt mean to say theres anything wrong with them...........good job they dont burn at the stake anymore............

06-Nov-05, 18:05
No I missed it, but I would love to have that 'gift'. Still, I suppose it wasn't something I needed to experience this time round. I just made sure I gave myself the knowledge that 'home' is waiting and what a comforting thought it is!

10-Nov-05, 13:16
All this Science versus Religion and psychic stuff is tedious. Why not try to combine the two? INGENEZA (http://www.ingeneza.com/e_ingeneza.html)is an attempt. I'm not saying it's the end of the story but I think it's an interesting approach to take.

Thoughts anyone? I would especially like to hear from anyone who's expressed a strong opinion above.

10-Nov-05, 13:38
Yes! Very interesting Crayola!

LOL No, seriously, you lost me on the second paragraph of the INGENZA report.
I'd like to be able to say it make complete and utter sense to me but alas, I'm none the wiser as to what it's actually going on about. Is there no laymans terms site that explains it with stick men and such and colour coded arrows and such? lol

10-Nov-05, 13:54
Look at his home site (http://www.ingeneza.com/index.html). Note that there are English and Polish versions. I didn't know he was Polish! How very apt. It must be a sign lol.

Let me quote from him:

Ingeneza is a factor organizing arrangements of energy and matter in a purposeful manner. Due to Ingeneza, the universe develops as an integral organism. Due to Ingeneza our mind functions, so we can explore the Universe. If Einstein knew the internal construction of the atomic nucleus, and its quantum chromodynamics which encode Ingeneza, he would have been able to cross the barrier he encountered in his research, but this information was not available to him. If Ingeneza had been discovered earlier, we would not have walked into the dead end of Darwinism, which states that everything, including our mind, happened as an evolutionary accident.

I'm not saying this is correct or even sensible, but it's an attempt to combine Science with Spirit. Here's more:

Repetitiveness of development schemes is the proof of the workings of Ingeneza. Plants, flowers and seeds, similarly as galaxies, stars, and atoms are repeated. We have proof that in the whole universe there exist repeating schemes of development subject to Ingeneza program. Because in the beginning the hydrogen atoms existed, we can conclude that they contained primordial genetic information - the imperative of development. They were able to create attractive forces (attractors) around which developed fluctuations of symmetrical force fields which began the birth of protogalaxies.

Is this where we should start to try to construct a scientific model of Life After Death, or of regeneration of life? There are parallels with Eastern Mysticism here if you like that sort of thing but I don't want to go there for fear of being ridiculed.

It's not a blueprint, but an idea, a suggestion of where to start to look for Spirit in the inanimate world.

It doesn't tell us much about maggots or angels though. Is Ingeneza supposed to be God? You tell me!

10-Nov-05, 14:13
Thanks for that crayola, it kinda made a little bit more sense :confused:

For me personally I don't think we should try to hard to find out the practicalities of life after death. I don't see a point to it!
If we were supposed to all 'know' it exists then why do we prevent ourselves from remembering it in this life?
Maybe it's because life would take on less meaning to a lot of people! Perhaps they'd think 'Ah well, if I get it wrong this time never mind, I'll try again next time', or 'oh well, joe bloggs will know I never meant any harm when they pass over'/
Perhaps people would be less outgoing, find less of a need to make the most of this life and validate and cherish everyone in this life?
Maybe it's even too much for the human brain to take in. I mean I 'know' theres a life after death and although I feel that ' I know' what is there, I have no physical memories of it. If I did allow myself those memories in this life, would it mean I would also bring memories of past lives with me? Good grief that could be almost too much to bear!

And then theres the thought that if we all knew and remembered, this life would not be the school that it's supposed to be. We wouldn't learn anything because we would 'know' what we're supposed to learn in this life and maybe wouldn't actually get around to experiencing it and learning from it at all because we'd avoid the very pain that we know we'd have to endure.

Does that make any sense? :confused:

10-Nov-05, 14:18
None whatsoever! :confused:

Sounds like you're constructing the very model you don't want.

10-Nov-05, 20:45
Boy boy! This thread is evidence that life after death is real. DrSzin buried the whole o ye. Stone dead ye were with talk o spooks and afterlife and gifts and theoretical Polish magicians and yet ye still babble and look for respectability amongst the legions of the living.
Your Polish magician like the rest of you is not really interested in whether his warped theories are right or wrong. What he wants along with the rest of you is to be taken seriously.
Richard Dawkins along with many of his scientific colleagues had the right idea for handling adult fantasies like the ones put forward in this thread. Ignore them. Dont give them any credibility by debating them.
Creationists were relegated to the dustbin of fantasies when Darwin discovered the mechanism that guides all organic life in the universe. Natural selection.
Science asks questions and arrives at answers by observation.
Porshiepoo and her gang come up with answers before they even ask a question.

10-Nov-05, 21:14
Boy boy! This thread is evidence that life after death is real. DrSzin buried the whole o ye. Stone dead ye were with talk o spooks and afterlife and gifts and theoretical Polish magicians and yet ye still babble and look for respectability amongst the legions of the living.
Your Polish magician like the rest of you is not really interested in whether his warped theories are right or wrong. What he wants along with the rest of you is to be taken seriously.
Richard Dawkins along with many of his scientific colleagues had the right idea for handling adult fantasies like the ones put forward in this thread. Ignore them. Dont give them any credibility by debating them.
Creationists were relegated to the dustbin of fantasies when Darwin discovered the mechanism that guides all organic life in the universe. Natural selection.
Science asks questions and arrives at answers by observation.
Porshiepoo and her gang come up with answers before they even ask a question.

O paleeaaase Gleeber! Are you not cabale of having a conversation based on your own thoughts and beliefs rather than someone elses?
What proof do you or Richard Dawkind have exactly that proves without a shadow of a doubt that these are adult fantasies that we indulge in?
Please don't be afraid to step up and wow us with your own opinion for once!! :D

10-Nov-05, 21:33
I've already had this arguement with Dr szin. He rubbished my personal experience then and would now. there are phonies out there, ripping the gullable off, but there are genuine articles too. I dare you dr szin, go to see a medium, a good one, in fact go on a fact finding mission and visit a few - all in the interest of science of course. Write a report on it explaining away how they know the things they do.
Go on - I'll look forward to it it immensely.

10-Nov-05, 21:44
DrSzin appears to have a habit of rubbishing people of........he hasnt killed me off yet, hes tried and failed! Step into the magic Dr Szin its a brilliant world much better than the one some of you appear to live in.........theres no scientific logical explanations for anything no worries no fears ..............The spirit world is pure magic, its simple and uncomplicated!

10-Nov-05, 21:58
Hear hear!

But perhaps we should remember that everyone is entitled to their opinion. some may have naff ways of putting it across - I can be accused of that :rolleyes:

Some people rubbish these ideas because they are afraid of what they mean.
I've said before I actually don't think everyone should necessarily believe in it, I don't think it would make us a better society at all. There would be no recriminations for our actions cos we'll just say 'I'll do better next time'.
Having said that, my belief still doesn't necessarily make me a better person. I can be extremely intolerant, inpatient and very very opinionated. Maybe these are the very things I have chosen to experience and learn by in this life, not that I'm doing very well with it at the moment ;)

Perhaps some of these non- believers should all go to a medium as suggested!
And not to any old crank just so they can reinforce their negative opinions either.
Penny to a pound though, not one of them would agree to do it! They'd all claim to not want to waste their money, but what it boils down to really is fear. Fear that they'll be proven wrong and fear that they actually will believe!

10-Nov-05, 22:03
Adult fantasies? That's not quite what I had in mind here. :( :mad:

It seems to me that science can't exactly explain spirit. Certainly not free kindred spirits like porshiepoo, katarina and phoenix. how is it that we girlies have no problems with spirits but all at mannies is scared stiff o em? Maybe all at testosterone kills em stone deidie. Maybe all at mannies needs a dose o oestrogen til get their wee brainies working right . and til stop em thinkin wi their other wee bits.

I am a practicing medium (need the practice lol) and I know a wee bittie o science. I'll give at szin and at gleeber a shot.

Does ne1 else no any practicing mediums? Gd 1s I mean? I need 2 learn quicker lek.

10-Nov-05, 22:51
Yes Porshiepoo............I can be a bit of a pain also, arent we all at times :} {treads carefully}..... Its the higher self that sets us up I think for whatever it is we have to learn or to do......not easy at times :}

With regards to the mannies crayola I agree that they think with their dangly bits..........whereas us females use that 6th sense we were blessed with, men have it too.......but their heads get in the way of using it.........I could do with a bit of that oestregen at the minute............too much of the other stuff around! Its the Goddess energy thats amiss around here I think............soon be coming up full moon :}

Saw a lovely rainbow today:}

10-Nov-05, 23:03
Has anyone seen those Derren Brown shows where he pretends to be a medium - the results were very impressive.
As a matter of fact I am a medium as well.....
Only when it comes to condoms tho - everything else is a large......

10-Nov-05, 23:49
Cullbucket, if the likes of Darren Brown are so ridiculous to you why do you bother watching them? And if this subject is so ridiculous to you why do you keep watching the posts and adding to it? could it be that you ARE interested in it after all? It doesn't make you a girly you know!
Have you seen John Edwards on crossing over or Sylvia browne? They're another couple of very good mediums who have a gift that can't be denied.

Are there many mediums around up here. Me and a friend are very much into this and couldn't find any up here. Are there the likes of open circles up here? or spiritulist churches that have visiting mediums?

11-Nov-05, 00:28
Dont believe everything you see on TV, These guys are all con artists praying on weak minded souls, But if you must believe in all this medium nonsense I think we have one in the county if you have the cash to waste for a reading try the link below. I hope you hear what you want because this is what these people try to do(con you out of your cash).


11-Nov-05, 00:54
Maria at 6th sense is very good! Why cant you see that she does a job, and that is her vocation, she expects to get paid for it the same as a tailor, a plumber, or a hairdresser, they dont give their services for free, why should she........she has to make a living also! Your entitled to your opinion, sad that you see these people as con artists preying on weak minded souls though..........

11-Nov-05, 00:55

quote=Naefearjustbeer]Dont believe everything you see on TV, These guys are all con artists praying on weak minded souls, But if you must believe in all this medium nonsense I think we have one in the county if you have the cash to waste for a reading try the link below. I hope you hear what you want because this is what these people try to do(con you out of your cash).


Obviously there are some that have found a niche for conning people but don't tar everyone with the same brush. Have you ever sat in on one of these readings? or attended a sitting where theres a medium at work?

It's your perogative to believe what you want to believe, I have no right to change that or tell you your belief is wrong, I'm simply saying open your mind up to the possibility.
Why is it so hard to believe? What proof do we have that it doesn't exist?

11-Nov-05, 01:00
£15 for 30 minutes? That's cheap. How does she make a living from that? It sounds a lot but you only get clients some of the time so it's not as much as it sounds. I only do it part-time but I charge £25 for 30 mins and I have no shortage of customers. Mostly women in fact although a few mannies have been known to cross my palm with silver in anysession. I think the technique I use is almost hypnosis. You have to get the guest to relax and trust you. It doesn't work if they won't relax or if they feed you lies to try to prove you're a fraud. I think lies and nervous energy interfere with the energy force that gets me over to the other side. Women tend to relax and believe more and it's much better. Mannies sit there and tighten up and are scared mostly, their testosterone-driven behaviour is usually not evident cos they're scared as porshiepoo says. Even when I get it right they usually dismiss it as concidence.

I don't know how it works, whether its the fifth dimension or just human spirit living on after death. Some people have had previous lives. I get strong feelings over this from phoenix (not surprising eh lol?) and porshiepoo even though I haven't met them.

Dunno whats with gleeber and szin. I could do them for free next im up if you like but there's no vibes from either of them here. Maybe they just don't get it.

11-Nov-05, 01:23
Dunno whats with gleeber and szin. I could do them for free next im up if you like but there's no vibes from either of them here. Maybe they just don't get it.

WOW thats really clever crayola. Maybe theres something in this second sight stuff after all. Scary stuff. lol

11-Nov-05, 01:25
I'm interested to know whether I can do it over the internet. I'd save a lot of hassle and rent that way.

Gleeber, I knew you'd just posted, so maybe it does work.

11-Nov-05, 01:27
There's nothing from szin though. Maybe his brain's dead. In both places lol.

(Whoops, meant to edit last post, sorry)

11-Nov-05, 01:27
I'm interested to know whether I can do it over the internet. I'd save a lot of hassle and rent that way.

Gleeber, I knew you'd just posted, so maybe it does work.

For GAWD sake go to yur bed wummin.

11-Nov-05, 01:31
Quoting God eh gleeber? You're on the road to salvation already. There's too much spiritual energy going on here for me to sleep. Things are coming through for you. Do you want me to private message them to you?

11-Nov-05, 01:37
Spot on Crayola Ive been here before........many times or so Im led to believe, I hope this is the last time {I was going to go to bed} I cant with all this going on!

11-Nov-05, 01:38
I am happy with my lot and have no need to communicate with the "other side" as they call it. I believe everything happens for a reason in this life and have no need to question who why where or why me? I accept the things in my life i cant change. So i don't need a medium, psychic or anyone else to read me and tell me things that I already know.
I have spoken to people who have had readings and they have been amazed at what has been revealed to them so much so that they go back again and get another reading, this is when it has clicked and they realise all that they have had is somebody who can read someone with leading questions etc.
I have seen a Documentary about the subject where a medium revealed the secrets of the trade. Apparently there are a set of questions that 80% of the population will answer in a certain way and from this a lot can be read without any special powers other than good observation skills. After that the medium relies on the victim to unwittingly reveal info because they are so keen to get a good reading.

ps what are next saturdays lottery numbers please?

11-Nov-05, 01:44
What a load of Psychobabble!!!
Gleeber!!! I am shocked, as I was led to believe, you are or were an educated and sensible mannie, what the hades has happened till get you till spout this nonsense?
This theme is a load of piffle!!!!!

twee dledum
11-Nov-05, 01:46
:rolleyes: Its just a load o old pooh!!!!!

11-Nov-05, 01:47
i had a reading done and have never been asked so much questions, it ended up like i had been to agony aunt,

11-Nov-05, 01:52
Yes, there's an element of that in the job, Naefearjustbeer, but that's how you get people to relax and to get their confidence. If they're nervous or they lie then it doesn't work. I think it has to do with quantum entanglement or something like that, or so I'm told lol. Once they are relaxed you can start moving through the barrier to the other side. As I said, I don't know how it works, but I think there's a reason for that. It's called the uncertainty principle. If you know how it works then you don't get through. But if you get through then you don't know how it works. There's a sort of warm fuzzy feeling when you get through and your body and everything kinda spreads out. It's like absorbing knowledge through your skin. It's hard to describe and people mostly just laugh and think you're crazy when you explain how it works. Mediums are usually women and I think it's because women's brains work differently from men's. Women's brain activity is more more spread out and we use a much more diverse set of neurons for even mundane everyday activity than you men do. You'll probably think I'm mad but i think phoenix and maybe porshiepoo know what I'm getting at.

I think I'm getting something for you, Naefearjustbeer, but it's negative so I can't read it. Sorry.

Golach, for you too, but you are resisting it. I think it's the moon influencing your male hormonal cycle.

Nothing for the two young chiels tho. Sorry.

11-Nov-05, 05:46
Hey all,

What about the Brahan Seer, how do you explain him seeing into the future?

Especially his predictions about the end of the line for the Seaforths.

deaf and dumb, outlived is four sons, at the time of four great lairds, one with a hair lip, one with buck teeth, one no wise, and one something else. The estate passed to a woman in a white hood and she was killed by her sister. All true and all happened within a hundred years of his predicting it.

How do you figure that then? Mind you Lady Seaforth executed him just after he made his prediction for "seeing" that her husband was in France cavorting with a dolly bird.

I suppose really he should have seen that coming and stayed at home that day.

11-Nov-05, 08:32
Spot on Crayola Ive been here before........many times or so Im led to believe, I hope this is the last time {I was going to go to bed} I cant with all this going on!

Now, heres an interesting statement for anyone with a genuine interest in what is really going on. Who led you to believe?
Were you forced to believe or were you too young to question whether what you were believing should be believed? Has the idea grown up in your mind along with gernuine ideas like how to cross the road or how to be a responsible citizen?
Someone said science couldnt explain spirit. Well, these are the type of questions science may ask. Answers in less than 3000 words please girlies.
Good luck.

11-Nov-05, 10:43
You ask who led me to believe that I have lived many lives gleeber! I added that statement a bit tongue in cheek I think youd call it...........as I "knew" if I didnt add that Id be rubbished by you lot. I know Ive been here before because of the life Ive lived the things I have experienced which led me to being regressed which resulted in one problem that I had being resolved, allbeit I didnt realise I had a "problem" ........problem is not really the right word! For instance say you have a problem with being in enclosed spaces the "problem" may be that youve been immprisoned in another life, once you understand that and it is "removed" from your subconscious .......problems gone. Another thing it could be is there is the human psyche which has something deeply embedded in it thich "they are not really aware of or why". ie fear of clairvoyants and the like.........its been instilled in them from away back that it is bad. Once that "thought" is removed from the psyche............the "problem" is gone! Somethings just are gleeber........its as simple as that! You ask too many questions!

I know exactly what your saying crayola, we are open and receptive to that pool of consciousness unlike our male counterparts who cant see past the remote control:}

11-Nov-05, 10:55
Read in a paper sometime ago that tests were done on alot of dead people who were weighed before and after death and after death they all had one thing in common which was they all lost approximately 3lbs,so what goes when you die............your soul.................????????????????.Makes you think.

11-Nov-05, 11:07
This is my personal view on things (God,life the universe and everything in it).

God is energy, he requires no belief or worship though it did create the universe and everything in it.

Life after death? Definitely, all the maggots will have a great feast on me and all that chemical energy in my remains will go on to create worms and maggots that will feed the birds and fish which may be caught by someone for his dinner.

Have a nice life!

11-Nov-05, 12:26
This is my personal view on things (God,life the universe and everything in it).

God is energy, he requires no belief or worship though it did create the universe and everything in it.

Life after death? Definitely, all the maggots will have a great feast on me and all that chemical energy in my remains will go on to create worms and maggots that will feed the birds and fish which may be caught by someone for his dinner.

Have a nice life!

So if 'god' is an energy that creates evrything and we can't see it and you believe in it, why do you find it so hard to believe that our energies (when we pass over) exist also, but can't be seen?

Couple of fraudient slips there Rheghead, you refer to God as a he before an it! If 'it' is simply energy and nothing more, would it be a 'he'?
Yes, your body will go on to feed the maggots if you're buried, but you'll not care about that cos once you've passed over you'll see your body for the cumbersome vessel that it is and be glad to be rid of it. (yes, I;m sure your vessel is very fit rather than cumbersome :eek: )

11-Nov-05, 12:27
The business of bodies losing weight when the soul leaves is a myth. The soul isn't made of matter, it's purely spirit and therefore doesn't weigh anything. It's an urban myth, sorry greeneyes.

Similarly for the Brahan Seer. His predictions were mostly wooly and research has proven with out a shadow of a doubt that he might have just got lucky.

Phoenix, a name is coming through for you but I can't read it yet. All I can say is it's quite a long name.

I'm still getting negative vibes from golach. They are incomprehensible.

One problem I have with some life after death proponents is that they all believe different things, things that are mutually inconsistent. They think they know but they don't, they are only hoping. I experience the spirits of the deceased (I think lol) so I learn by experience. It's rather like a new kind of science rather than the old fashioned "just knowing" religion-like beliefs being bandied about in gay abandon on here.

So what do people think about the sort of analysis presented in the INGENEZA (http://www.ingeneza.com/index.html)hypothesis? I'm not talking about the details of the ideas, more the idea of trying to extract spirit from the smallest objects we know about like atoms and their component parts. I'm not sure it works like that. I think spirit and collective consciousness are macroscopic entities and they might even exist independent of ordinary matter. Perhaps we dip into them to find out about our past lives, to predict the future, and to communicate with the spirits of those that once walked this earth, Perhaps their bodies really have died and the maggots have eaten their chemical energy as rheghead says, but their spirit lives on in the collective conscienciousness. Well, that's one of my ideas. Any comments or any other ideas out there?

This is what scientists should be doing, connecting what they already know with what we already know, not piddling around with ever smaller things that no-one cares about and won't be of any use to technology for hundreds of years at least.

11-Nov-05, 13:08
Crayola was the 'just knowing' bit aimed at me?
I'm not claiming to know everything about life after death, I'm just saying I've always 'known' that it does exist.

11-Nov-05, 13:19
It wasn't really aimed at anyone in particular, I was just expressing my preferences on where we should go with our knowledge. If you know then you know, and what I know doesn't impinge on what you know because we both know what we know, whether the other likes it or not. Get my drift?

The ones I complain about are the ones who say I don't know what I know simply because they don't know or understand, and so can't understand what I (or you) know. They think it's rubbish so they rubbish it in public without a thought for our feelings.

11-Nov-05, 14:00
you know that i know that you know that i know ...........................................

what exactly????

It appears you dont seem to KNOW quite as much as you would suggest to us - after all you say

I experience the spirits of the deceased (I think lol)

And as for this!!!!

So what do people think about the sort of analysis presented in the INGENEZA (http://www.ingeneza.com/index.html)hypothesis?

its a lot of long words strung together in a hugley impressive way. However i have usually found that people who string long words together in an impressive but almost incomprehensible way do so simply to disguise the fact that they have actually nothing of substance to say.

They just dont want you to know that

11-Nov-05, 14:24
Cant wait for that name to come through crayola...........I agree with most of what you said makes a lot of sense to me.......not sure about Igeneza though!

I agree that everything is energy only thing thats wrong though is there appears to be more negative around than there is positive at the minute! All is energy, we are all sparks in that collective consciousness.........a bit like droplets of water in a big pool.........some make little ripples that dont hurt anyone, some make big ripples that hits on to others and there are those that make great big splashes that create big waves.........and we all get walloped by it.........we are all one we are all connected.................

11-Nov-05, 14:36
Just a thought........... maybe some peoples past lives or even this life is coming to the fore............now I know why they rubbish us its because "we know" it unnerves them!:} Spirit knows who speaks the truth!:}

11-Nov-05, 15:23
If theres one thing i've learnt on this forum Crayola, it's to not take ignorance personally. Everyone has an opinion and yes there are certain ways of putting that opinion across that shouldn't need to involve nastiness. However I myself am guilty of that crime in other threads, it's not meant at the time to make people upset, it's just that people can feel so strongly about certain things that it comes out all wrong and by the time they realise that they've overstepped the mark a little, it's too late.

You're secure in your belief and knowledge and I in mine. We don't need to justify it to anyone, and personally I don't think it's a good idea that everyone believes anyway.
I think one of the problems is that alot of those that don't believe are under the impression that belief in life after death is equivalent to joining up with some god squad. The two are completely seperate and while I believe in some aspects of god, it's not as the 'god' that is portrayed in church.

11-Nov-05, 15:43
Fact, scientific fact, you are born, you live your life, you die!
Everything else is bo$%&#ks, sorry but it's true!!

11-Nov-05, 15:52
As a friend of mine told me recently ''There were no athiests in the foxholes during the last war.

11-Nov-05, 17:10
So what do people think about the sort of analysis presented in the INGENEZA (http://www.ingeneza.com/index.html)hypothesis? The English version starts with unmitigated garbage. After that it's just silly.

The Polish version is much better -- but only if you don't know any Polish. :cool:

11-Nov-05, 17:18
Couple of fraudient slips there

Sorry but I can't see 'fraudient' in the dictionary so I can't understand, sorry.

11-Nov-05, 17:26
Rheghed, your sarcasm is a bit tedious now. But as I can well believe that you are unaware what fraudient means, it basically means your unconscious mind was writing your true feelings! Still none the wiser? You refer to 'God' as a he which means you probably think of him as a he, which means he must be real to you despite what you say. Therefore, if you believe in 'God', it's not unlikely that you believe 'a' life after death.

11-Nov-05, 17:30
I do not necessarily believe in god.

I believe in Jesus, but not as is portrayed in the bible.

You appear to be either an atheist or a heretic, which is it?

Either way you would have been burned as a witch at a less tolerant time than ours.

11-Nov-05, 17:36
Rheghed, your sarcasm is a bit tedious now. But as I can well believe that you are unaware what fraudient means, it basically means your unconscious mind was writing your true feelings! Still none the wiser? You refer to 'God' as a he which means you probably think of him as a he, which means he must be real to you despite what you say. Therefore, if you believe in 'God', it's not unlikely that you believe 'a' life after death.

Since I haven't seen God with sex appendiges then I don't know whether he/it/she deserves a pronoun but if you are trying to be clever then I will return the compliment.

11-Nov-05, 17:44
If theres one thing i've learnt on this forum Crayola, it's to not take ignorance personally.

Porshiepoo - has it ever occurred to you that some people may consider you to be ignorant?. Not agreeing with your opinion does not constitute ignorance, it constitutes a different opinion. Your arrogance continues to impress me...
....and is Fraudient a made up word?

11-Nov-05, 17:52
Porshiepoo - has it ever occurred to you that some people may consider you to be ignorant?. Not agreeing with your opinion does not constitute ignorance, it constitutes a different opinion. Your arrogance continues to impress me...
....and is Fraudient a made up word?

Proof of your ignorance only Cullbucket!

11-Nov-05, 17:53
As a friend of mine told me recently ''There were no athiests in the foxholes during the last war.

There have been no atheists that have been suicide bombers who have believed in the promise of an unlimited source of virgins on the other side.

11-Nov-05, 17:54
You appear to be either an atheist or a heretic, which is it?

Neither! If I had to give it a label at this point in time I'd say I'm a 'theist'!

11-Nov-05, 17:56
Since I haven't seen God with sex appendiges then I don't know whether he/it/she deserves a pronoun but if you are trying to be clever then I will return the compliment.

But your no denying there is a 'god'. Hmmmm, interesting!

11-Nov-05, 18:03
But your no denying there is a 'god'. Hmmmm, interesting!

As I said before, there is a God, he/it/she is called energy, no concious belief or worship required.

11-Nov-05, 18:08
Neither! If I had to give it a label at this point in time I'd say I'm a 'theist'!

I am sure you wrote before that you don't necessarily believe in God, if I am not mistaken then that makes you an atheist.

Anyway, since the rules of this forum include that threads should not end in a pointless arguement then I see no future in this one.

11-Nov-05, 18:17
....and is Fraudient a made up word?

come on you and Rheghead know pefectly well she means


For goodness sake that whole exchange of messages was simply picky and added nothing to an interesting thread


11-Nov-05, 18:19
come on you and Rheghead know pefectly well she means


For goodness sake that whole exchange of messages was simply picky and added nothing to an interesting thread


I quite agree, but that's the whole point with porshiepoo when she stamps the jackboot on reason.

11-Nov-05, 18:28
I am sure you wrote before that you don't necessarily believe in God, if I am not mistaken then that makes you an atheist.

Anyway, since the rules of this forum include that threads should not end in a pointless arguement then I see no future in this one.

Who's argueing? You asked me a question I gave you an answer.
Is it more like you can't handle the truth?
FYI, a THEIST is someone who has some belief in a deity.
I actually said that I don't necessarily believe in the god that is depicted, I have some belief in god.

11-Nov-05, 18:35
I quite agree, but that's the whole point with porshiepoo when she stamps the jackboot on reason.

Crikey Rheghead, why do you get so uppity about everything I put?

I haven't insulted you on here. I agree you're well entitled to your opinions. The 'reason' you talk of is your reason, I blieve different to you, I don't have a problem with that.
I've actually just answered questions that you've asked me, I don't expect it to change your mind whatsoever.
I thought the whole point of this forum was to put across intelligent argument (for want of a better word) but yet again you've turned it into a he said / she said debate.

Lighten up and try to keep to the topic in hand! IF you can :)

11-Nov-05, 18:46
ok lets see where this rabbit hole leads

Who's argueing? You asked me a question I gave you an answer.
I am sure you posed the original post on this thread, and I am sure you posed it with the intention of ruffling feathers.

Is it more like you can't handle the truth?

Truth has its roots in belief yet you don't necessarily believe in God or Jesus as in the Bible then I fail to see your reasoning.

FYI, a THEIST is someone who has some belief in a deity.
We have you on record that you don't necessarily believe in God

I actually said that I don't necessarily believe in the god that is depicted, I have some belief in god.
I am afraid that some belief is not good enough for entrance into the afterlife, God demands all of your belief. I have every knowledge that energy (aka God)created the Universe so my entrance is guaranteed.

btw please give God a capital G, he/it/she deserves that much...

11-Nov-05, 19:01
Rheghead, I am sure you're a very intelligent person so why do you insist on carrying on with such absolute tosh? Does it really matter so much to you what I believe? Ah bless!

look, to put the record straight! I believe in a kind of a god, but he doesn't take the form that is portrayed by so many. My god doesn't control all life, doesn't pay back etc etc. So yes, I have some belief in a god, that makes me a 'theist'.

When I started this thread, it wasn't as you suggest, to start people argueing, I could have gone anywhere else and done that. It's because I have a real belief in the after life and am really interested to hear other peoples opinions on it.

If truth has it's roots in belief, then you must be the biggest liar around as you believe in nothing.

Complete belief or not, the afterlife is there, you don't miss out just because you don't believe exactly as is written in the bible.
And if your certain that there is no afterlife how can you say that it takes complete belief to be allowed entrance?

Why do you not tell us Rheghead exactly what you know that determines your belief that there is no afterlife? And not just 'science'. Do you have any evidence to substantiate it? I only ask because you feel our beliefs are based on nonsense as we have no proof, so surely you at least have proof to substantiate your beliefs. Beliefs that you appear to be less offended by than my own!

11-Nov-05, 19:28
Oh dear........... things are getting a bit heavy here...........Have you no spirit in your souls? All we are discussing here is the belief in the afterlife, ghosts, spirits etc. No big deal...........What they didnt tell you when you moved up here porshiepoo is that the church and other "bodies" have had a firm grip on the people up here for eons, just like a lot of other places I suppose ie they dont like you to think for yourself..........and if you mention stuff like this youre guaranteed a witch hunt will transpire...............why dont all you non-believers go away and discuss the rights and wrongs of nuclear power and windmills and leave us witches to discuss more meaningful things:}

Definition of a witch............a wise person:}

Where does one find smilies? My psychic powers arent working at the minute :{

I feel a premonition coming on!:}

11-Nov-05, 19:30
I'm still getting negative vibes from golach. They are incomprehensible.

Im impressed crayola. How do you do that?

11-Nov-05, 19:44
Good grief Phoenix, I see what you mean.
What is their problem? I mean I understand them being fwightened, they are men (I think) after all ;) but can't the big wusses see the bigger picture? Are their own lives so sad, pathetic and unfulfilling that they feel the need to try and make everyone else feel the same? Perhaps they should go on over to Caveats thread about bullies, they'd be more at home there!

11-Nov-05, 19:51
Ahem, could we have a slightly less feisty discussion here please? Coming from me, that sounds like a call that's ridden with hypocrisy. However, like gleeber, I am fascinated by the ideas, beliefs and thoughts of those that believe in life-after-death, reincarnation etc. I'm trying to learn to think a bit like a bohemian or a poet. ;)

Ok, so I might have started posting on this thread in a somewhat provocative fashion, but that's often a good way to get people discussing the subject openly. I do believe what I wrote, but I do want to hear the thoughts and beliefs of others, and I also want to know why they believe what they do.

As for God being energy, I think the Old Man might be a bit offended by being reduced to a single component of the energy-momentum tensor. Ok, one glib remark is indeed one too many...

What I really wanted to say is that the idea that the Universe has zero total energy (http://www.punictreachery.com/2004/06/zero_energy_uni.html) kinda puts Rheghead's God in his place. (Sorry for the naff link, but I couldn't find a better one and it kinda gives you the basic idea.) I'm not sure how the recent "discovery" of Dark Energy affects the idea of the zero-energy Universe, but I suspect the author of that article doesn't really know either. What fun this is. :D

11-Nov-05, 19:55
Thats an idea porshiepoo...............maybe we should nip over there to see if we can sort out this bullying problem thats going on here:}

11-Nov-05, 20:01
Alot of discusion about the sex of angels. What one believes is one's personal business. Whether diety, energy or soul, each to his own. Why try to "convince" another to your own way of thought on a INTERNET MESSAGE BOARD and take it personally when people DON'T AGREE????

It's your way of looking at life, so look at it which ever way you do, and rejoice!!!!!!

11-Nov-05, 20:02
What is their problem? I mean I understand them being fwightened, they are men

Fear of death? absolutely not!

Fear of living in pain, misery or in slavery? Absolutely

11-Nov-05, 20:07
I am sure you wrote before that you don't necessarily believe in God, if I am not mistaken then that makes you an atheist.

No, an atheist is someone who believes there is not a God which is just as much a belief as believing there is a God.

Someone who just doesn't believe there is a God is an agnostic.

If an atheist marries an agnostic it must be hell deciding which religion to not bring their children up in.

11-Nov-05, 20:10
Poor Caveat is all I can say. lol :D

DrSzin, I felt I should take a peek at that link of yours. One word! Huh?
The bit that goes 'blah blah entire universe may be a large scale quantum mecahnical vacuum fluctuation where positive mass energy is balanced by negative gravitational potential energy??????' Oh yes I agree completely ??

Well I took it upon myself to check out a dictionary to find the laymans terms for these words, thereby helping the less scientific minded, such as myself, to understand the concept.
I have translated it as so ' blah blah entire universe may be a large scale smallest quantity of energy, machine operated space ( or hoover) empty of
matter and changes or varies where positive mass energy is balanced by negative force which attracts objects towards one another, potential energy'

Make any sense? No, not a bit! I tried, I really did. :confused:

11-Nov-05, 20:17
Fear of death? absolutely not!

Fear of living in pain, misery or in slavery? Absolutely

Rheghead, no one wants to have to experience those things but maybe if you did believe in life after death those things wouldn't hold the same amount of fear!
Not that I'm saying those things are right or any the less traumatic, but believing as I do certainly helps me to get throught many many many things!

Ju, I know we've had disagreements in the past so I don't want this to be taken as me being antagonistic but I don't think we are trying to make people believe in our own opinions.
I think we've all said at some point that these ar simply our opinions, I for one don't have a problem with people disagreeing, it doesn't alter my beliefs at all and I certainly don't take it personally.

What I do take personally is people that submit reputations and can think of nothing more adult than just 'coo' as their remarks.

11-Nov-05, 20:50
Rheghead, no one wants to have to experience those things but maybe if you did believe in life after death those things wouldn't hold the same amount of fear!

What are you talking about? I am sure that I said I believed in life after death when I said that the worms will feed on my body.

Even if I get cremated, the carbon dioxide will make excellent plant food.

I will live on.

11-Nov-05, 20:56
No, an atheist is someone who believes there is not a God which is just as much a belief as believing there is a God.

putting the semantics to one side, it is just a non-event for me.

11-Nov-05, 21:01
Talking of worms..........I read that link that DrSzin sent in with great difficulty........I liked the bit about the wormholes though............I must live in one or on the edge of one Ive seen them spaceships:}Time I moved house!

11-Nov-05, 21:23
Just had a thought..........its about that zero energy stuff of DrSzins........if there is zero energy then wed all be dead ...yes..........maybe we are and we dont know it:{ Maybe were all an illusion and we only think we exist when we dont really.......see what happens when you start reading that kind of stuff:{ Ill stick with Spirit I think much simpler and less complicated!

11-Nov-05, 22:01
You could be right there Phoenix! maybe we are all actually dead and when we die on this side we'll be convinced on the other side that there actually is no life on this side! :confused:

Rheghead, please don't even attempt that one! It was a joke!!!!! :D

11-Nov-05, 22:23
This is getting worse by the minute.........I cant get my head around that one porshiepoo...........Need to call on DrSzin to work it out..........never mind laughter is good for the soul.........do you get the feeling were all alone here? I feel a premonition coming on.........deja vu!

11-Nov-05, 23:11
Yes it would appear we're the last men (ladies actually) standing!

twee dledum
11-Nov-05, 23:14
HIP HIP HOOORAY.........:rolleyes:

11-Nov-05, 23:16
HIP HIP HOOORAY.........:rolleyes:

Seriously, you need to get a life tweedledum and stop being so pathetic! Is this all you're capable of, following me around and posting ignorant comments?
Wait a minute, what am i saying? Course it is!!

12-Nov-05, 00:51
Is there anybody there??????????????????

12-Nov-05, 01:17
Fact, scientific fact, you are born, you live your life, you die!
Everything else is bo$%&#ks, sorry but it's true!!

How do you know it`s true?

12-Nov-05, 01:41
Hmmmmm, I think phoenix has a thing for this DrSzin. But, I ask you my fellow lassagies, what use is a man with zero energy? ;)

Phoenix, all I am seeing for you now is bright lights in the sky over Dunnet Head. Fireworks perchance?

For golach I see water. I see smokers and Kevin Costner. Mmmm, he's a bit tidy.

For gleeber all I see is cement and CO2. Am I on the wrong thread lol?

For twee dledum, I see a young man with serious worries. Dinna worry t wee, they say size disna matter. Who "they" are I dinna ken, but I'm sure ye'll find a wee wummin til take ye in her wee hand. Well, eventually maybe. ;)

For _Ju_, nothing, absolutely nothing. May be a medic of some sort, it never works with them for some reason. Something to do with overexposure to uric acid I think.

And porshie? Hmm, no, nothing coming through yet. I think we are competing for channels. Bandwidth is always a problem on Friday nights. I think it's to do with alcohol stimulating the imagination of the masses and we can't get through at the same time. What a waste of bandwidth.

Rheghead? Hmmmm, interesting. A feeling of desperation. He's seeking something out there. Something somewhere over the barrier, but he's holding back something awful. I think he wanted to go to the School Disco but his missus wouldn't let him.

Lasher? Looks like self-imposed delusion or RSI to me. The poor wee soul.

12-Nov-05, 02:04
Whoops I forgot about fred. It's not easily done but I digress.

Now, there's a figure of a man to scare the bejeezus oota a wee lassagie. Nope. nothing coming through at all. Sorry fred, there's nothin at all out there for you. I'm sorry for you, I truly am. Maybe next time eh?

12-Nov-05, 02:48
I don't see why I have been a target of derision from the believers, because I am a believer, I believe in God, I believe in life after death, I even believe that Jesus lived and breathed amongst us, so why the big anti rheghead thing?

12-Nov-05, 05:07
I'm trying to learn to think a bit like a bohemian or a poet. ;)

And about time too, doc! :p ;)

12-Nov-05, 10:20
Don't worry Rheghead - I still love you even if you are a believer!!

OK - after some thought, I have decided to embrace the mumbo jumbo.
In the style of Crayola I have done a profile of one of the posters on the board. Let me know if you can guess if you are the one this refers to....

Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic. At times you are extroverted, affable, sociable, while at other times you are introverted, wary and reserved. You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others. You pride yourself on being an independent thinker and do not accept others' opinions without satisfactory proof. You prefer a certain amount of change and variety, and become dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations. At times you have serious doubts as to whether you have made the right decision or done the right thing. Disciplined and controlled on the outside, you tend to be worrisome and insecure on the inside.

Your sexual adjustment has presented some problems for you. While you have some personality weaknesses, you are generally able to compensate for them. You have a great deal of unused capacity which you have not turned to your advantage. You have a tendency to be critical of yourself. You have a strong need for other people to like you and for them to admire you.

12-Nov-05, 10:25
Crayolas at it. She gets her power from gullible fillies like porshie and the risen Phoenix.
Crayolas last post (if only) had a few accuricies in it but there were as many inaccuricies. The accuricies can easily be explained by crayola having picked up the information in a normal manner through these message boards. Ive mentioned Im a builder and Golach has often admitted to being an owld sea dog so it doesnt take a genuis to see that other dynamics may be at work when witchy orientated weemin get all hot and flustered with revelations which have kept the human mind in bondage to fantasy since we crawled out of the water millions of years ago.
Just like scientific investigation discovered that e=mc squared, scientific investigation has also discovered some strange but fascinating workings of the human mind. Most of us dont want to know about it and this is the source of Porshies defence that us men are frightened what we may find. The opposite is the truth! Porshie and her gang create an invisible world "out there" to combat the angels and demons whizzing around "in here". Its a common human trait that can be studied more closely in what we might call primitive societies. Superstition is much more accepted, without question, in these societies than can be accepted on caithness.org without challenge
Ive been fascinated by what ive found lurking like little germs in the darkest corners of my mind. Seeing how we work as humans makes parapsychology as obselete as the flat earth society.
Mind you all the evidence from this thread would suggest that the psychological equivelant of the flat earth society is alive and well and flourishing on caithness.org.
This thread is dead for me now.

12-Nov-05, 10:32
This thread is dead for me now.

Well it was but I want to know what cullbucket means by sexual adjustment?
Now Im beginning to worry.

twee dledum
12-Nov-05, 12:45
Seriously, you need to get a life tweedledum and stop being so pathetic! Is this all you're capable of, following me around and posting ignorant comments?
Wait a minute, what am i saying? Course it is!!
Pathetic....... not really. What I call pathetic is someone who tries to belittle someone else just because they think they are more inteligent!!
I actually do have better things to do with my time than follow you!!!!!!
Things like going to work all day to support my family!!!!!!
And yes I do work actually. In fact I have quite a good job. And the reason I have a good job is not because I use big words or think that I am better than anyone else. It is because coming from Caithness, and im quite sure like most born and bred Caithness people I am hard working and treat all others as equals.
Please may I ask, what do you do all day other than sitting at your computer
posting insults to other people?

twee dledum
12-Nov-05, 13:08
For twee dledum, I see a young man with serious worries. Dinna worry t wee, they say size disna matter. Who "they" are I dinna ken, but I'm sure ye'll find a wee wummin til take ye in her wee hand. Well, eventually maybe. ;)

thats enough proof for me then that you have absolutely no idea what you are thlking about. And to think some poor souls would pay to be told such nonsense. Your nothing but a fraud!!!!!!!

12-Nov-05, 13:44
Seems as if Crayola is playing games eh! You must have an awful lot of "stuff" stored in that subconscious of yours crayola ........never mind Id much prefer to be the victim of such rubbish rather than the perpretrator. My 6th sense had warned me of this or was it my guardian angel.:}

True twee dledum there are an awful lot of frauds out there.......... who prey on vulnerable people, and theyre laughing all the way to the bank. The true ones are few and far between they were/are born with the gift and they are needed...........theyre not self professed charlatans who jump on the bandwagon and make out theyre something that they are not. They are clever though Ill give them that much, theyre more into power and control erring more to the dark side.

12-Nov-05, 15:45
Phoenix, when I close my eyes and concentrate I see lights in the sky over Dunnet Head. I don't know why. You tell me!

Gleeber, pray tell me what was inaccurate about what I said?

What came over about Twee dledum may be accurate. He has a sense of humour which he uses freely and very effectively, but it seems to be limited to one-liners and could be described as small. He can lay it down thickly on others but he gets upset when similar humour is pointed in his direction. Now I'm starting to sound like cullbucket, who is way beyond my talents btw lol.

Lasher, do you suffer from RSI?

I'll admit to a little mischief with Rheghead, but the others were what I see.

12-Nov-05, 16:02
Pathetic....... not really. What I call pathetic is someone who tries to belittle someone else just because they think they are more inteligent!!
I actually do have better things to do with my time than follow you!!!!!!
Things like going to work all day to support my family!!!!!!
And yes I do work actually. In fact I have quite a good job. And the reason I have a good job is not because I use big words or think that I am better than anyone else. It is because coming from Caithness, and im quite sure like most born and bred Caithness people I am hard working and treat all others as equals.
Please may I ask, what do you do all day other than sitting at your computer
posting insults to other people?

Twee dledum, from that pathetic outcry I can only assume you're trying to hide behind the fact that you call yourself 'hardworking'. Hardworking or no it doesn't make you any the less pathetic!
Your tone also seems to suggest that you think I don't have a job myself. If that is what you're saying then I suggest you get your facts straight before intimating that again, and I'm sorry if I use big words that you don't understand, I'll try to make them more .... twee?;)

So anyway, why don't you tell us exactly what you believe about life after death Twee? And perhaps tell us why you believe what you do! Using small words of course!

12-Nov-05, 16:20
i may be wrong but i dont think so,iv seen a few of your postings on here in the short time iv been registered,it seems to me you get a kick out of trying to belittle people,twee was only making an observation about your attitude towards other users of the forum,and to be honest i totally agree,you have a very high opinion of yourself and believe to be intelectually superior to everyone else,unfortunately for you,this is not true.would it be possible for you to just post for posting sake instead of taking the rise out of "normal" people.thankyou.

Actually go back to the start of thread and you will see exactly the tone I meant when I started this topic! I started it as a perfectly interesting topic but no, there are the likes of some people that have to come on and take the mickey out of other peoples beliefs. Then when someone defends themselves that person can't handle it and has to belittle everyone.
Twee dledum knows exactly what i mean, try asking where the name came from! ;) I know, even if you lot don't!

Tell me exactly where I have claimed to be superior in anyway on this entire forum let alone on this thread ( which I started).

Now I have no problems with anyone disagreeing with any of my beliefs or opinions, thats what makes a good debate, but please do not feel the need to defend Twee dledum as twee dledum has issues with me that don't even relate to this thread!

And incidentally Twee, it makes you no less insulting just because you go back and edit your replies just to make them look less insulting than they originally were.

I'd still love to hear what you feel about life after death though!

12-Nov-05, 16:27
It really is of no interest to me who you are with on 'this one'.
Thats not what this thread is all about.

All I wanted to know was what people believed about life after death - or not as the case may be - can we please (me included I admit) stop turning this into a playground quarrel. It gets us nowhere and is not good for the soul!

We are all entitled to be ignorant and arogant at times but it would be a great shame if we couldn't agree to disagree at times as well and just get on with it!

12-Nov-05, 16:33
and i say her/him cause i aint sure which

Mickey monk, I am now going to ask you nicely to please not attempt to turn this thread into the fiasco you have turned one of the other very serious and sad threads.

If you're that bored, please start your own and we'll all go and join in if we feel the need.
You may think that I am deliberately arrogant but that is only when I feel strongly about my beliefs or my opinions, it is NEVER ever meant to be at the expense of someone elses feelings. you, on the other hand just seem to be going from thread to thread (again ;) ) enticing everyone to cause arguments which you find 'entertaining'.
Please stop it and get a 'real' life.

And of course you don't know whether Twee dledum is a he or a she!! ;)

12-Nov-05, 16:35
:eek: ' twee' i wonder where that came from???

12-Nov-05, 16:38
Phoenix, when I close my eyes and concentrate I see lights in the sky over Dunnet Head. I don't know why. You tell me!

Maybe Phoenix was Johnny Fats in a previous life.....Northern Lights anyone??

12-Nov-05, 16:39
:D I don't even think they know what it means lol, I think they think it means 'small'. Ooops!

twee dledum
12-Nov-05, 16:41
Twee dledum, from that pathetic outcry I can only assume you're trying to hide behind the fact that you call yourself 'hardworking'. Hardworking or no it doesn't make you any the less pathetic!
Your tone also seems to suggest that you think I don't have a job myself. If that is what you're saying then I suggest you get your facts straight before intimating that again, and I'm sorry if I use big words that you don't understand, I'll try to make them more .... twee?;)

So anyway, why don't you tell us exactly what you believe about life after death Twee? And perhaps tell us why you believe what you do! Using small words of course!
Porshi as i only have the attention span of a gnat im sorry to say your posts are wasted on me. Please try someone who cares cos i certainly do not

12-Nov-05, 16:46
Porshi as i only have the attention span of a gnat im sorry to say your posts are wasted on me. Please try someone who cares cos i certainly do not

If the contents of this thread do not interest you then please go away and bother someone else, gnats are so tiresome ;)

12-Nov-05, 16:49
your previos thread was nice and sincere,why the sudden change of heart,now you are personally attacking me.i was beginning to think i had you tagged wrong.but ater reading this one im afraid i was right.i do think tho that twee and the others,i included should just give you a wide berth from now on.best all round eh.

Mickey monk ????;) Both of those threads were sincere. I am not attacking you personally, I myself can be and have been accused of what I said to you.
If all you want is people to be nice to you then do the same in return and I will try to listen to that advice as well.

Why don't you try adding your comments on life after death?

twee dledum
12-Nov-05, 16:56
If the contents of this thread do not interest you then please go away and bother someone else, gnats are so tiresome ;)
MMmmm I may have a small mind but I can see exactly whats going on here porshie.

12-Nov-05, 17:59
Maybe Phoenix was Johnny Fats in a previous life.....Northern Lights anyone??

Well I never.... who'd have believed it {yawn} I must be pyschic or something been waiting for something like this! What fun eh! Johnny Fats and me have nothing at all in common.........never met him not in this life or a previous life, at least not that I know of. Some of you lot appear as if you would know him though! This is fun!:} I do hear though that hes a very spiritual person............maybe I have met him and I dont know it though:}.............Has anyone any idea where we are at the minute seems like theres no gravity around here.............everyone gone to the moon?

12-Nov-05, 18:40
[quote=phoenix]Well I never.... who'd have believed it {yawn} I must be pyschic or something been waiting for something like this! What fun eh! Johnny Fats and me have nothing at all in common.........never met him not in this life or a previous life, at least not that I know of. Some of you lot appear as if you would know him though! This is fun!:} I do hear though that hes a very spiritual person............maybe I have met him and I dont know it though:}.............Has anyone any idea where we are at the minute seems like theres no gravity around here.............everyone gone to the moon?[quote]

I really don`t know what`s happening here.I`ve only just joined the forum
and been on a few threads that I thought would be interesting and found
myself in computer wars.I don`t think my blood pressure will stand it.

12-Nov-05, 18:50
What do you all think?
Is it a case of birth, death and re-birth?
Is there 'life' after death or are we just maggot food?
Do you believe in ghosts, psychic abilities or had any near death experiences?

I'd be very interested to find out what the individual thought is on this topic.

I personally believe our spirits go 'home' and that 'life' is a school whereby we aim to learn certain things in order to transcend to higher beings on the other side.
I also believe that we pre-determine the major events in our life before we get here e.g. parents, siblings, children etc and that feeling of dejavu that most of us get every now an then is actually a memory link back to those blueprints and lets us know that our life's on track and taking the path that we intended.

So what do you lot think?
hi yes i have had a near death.
It all happened feb 05, I had a really bad asthma attack and it was just lucky the doctors and nurses would not leave my side

12-Nov-05, 19:08
Do you mind telling us a bit more about it Sandie? I don't know how bad it was for you but did you experience 'near death?'
If you'd rather not talk about it I completely understand.

It would be great if we could now get this thread back to it's original intention, so I for one would love for anyone to join in again. Forget about anything that has been said, whether you agree with this theory or not, maybe we could all get back to having a serious discussion on the subject?
If you'd rather not, thats ok too, but please rather than diss the subject, just stay away.

What I'd really like to understand is for all the non believers - what is it that has you so convinced it's not there?

12-Nov-05, 19:12
OK – here is one… lets try this on for size.

What is the mind? The mind is consciousness (mind as opposed to the brain which is a physical thing). So the mind is consciousness. Pure consciousness is God. The mind is collective consciousness – ie all that is , is already. If the mind is “present” in the present and all that is already is then the mind is also “present” in the past and in the future. The mind transcends time (consciousness transcends time, God transcends time).

So, the past does not create the future. The future creates the past. Everything exists all the time, including all possibilities of what may happen, what makes them real is stepping into those possibilities. The possibilities appear to you when they are ready to appear. Everything that will happen already exists, but it does not appear until you are ready to step into your future.

In the quantum world, everything is here and not here at the same time. Things don’t become real until you choose them, same for possibilities. Future remains a mystery until you step into it.

When you look out at the universe through your eyes etc what is actually doing the looking? Physically light comes in gets translated into images in your brain etc. But what about your mind? What does your mind do? What role does it play? Its not you, it’s the universe. Universe is not Mind. Mind is Universe.

We are a story telling people, it is what moves us forward, the stories are from the collective conscious which is God. We are the universe looking out, not us separate looking out at the universe.

So mind = universe = god = transcends time.

Of course this assumes that you can handle the fact that god is not a bloke.
Jesus however was a bloke. Did live, was enlightened, had a handle on all this and explains his relationship with God – it depends on how you define God. For an enlightened bloke (who was a master storyteller) like him it all made perfect sense.

Life after death? There is no life or death only “Big Mind” so it’s a moot point.

I thank you.

12-Nov-05, 19:36
It was really horrible i was ok the first night i went in hospital.
The second night i was fast asleep in a room off my own then all off a sudden i woke up in the hydependinsy room ( sorry cant spell it)
I look around to see were i was and thats when i seen my mum coming in the door.
She said i got called in my little brothers were out in the car worrying as well.
My mum then said she needed the tiolet and her boyfriend said that he was going to check on my little brothers and i believed them until my mum came back in crying.
I asked what was wrong and she said sandie you are ill and the doctors are sending you down to inverness hospital.
I knew something was wrong thats when i was sick and the doctors came running in and i asked my mum what mu oxygen levels were and she said 89% then i knew i was she ill.
I couldnt help it but i kept saying to my mum that i was going to die.
The doctors would'nt take me off the oxygen and nebuliser, I was be'in sick even more and i was trying to pull the mask off but the doctors kept putting it back on, i felt like i was dyhighdrating and then i finally got told that the doctors and my mum only said they were putting my down to inverness as a lie, they were really putting me to edinburgh in an incubater but it never happened as i was to ill to fly.

12-Nov-05, 22:22
OK – here is one… lets try this on for size.
Pure consciousness is God
I tried it. It doesnt fit my big head. Your not Polish are you?

13-Nov-05, 01:48
Well thats a start cheeky sod but why do you believe that?
I didn't have it drummed into me either way as a child what happens to you but I still feel as though I have always 'known' that it is there.
I can't substantiate it with proof obviously but I still just 'know'.

Have you always believed in the maggots as opposed to the after life? I don't know why but I've found that alot more women than men believe in the after life, perhaps men aren't as open to it (and that isn't meant as an insult to anyone).

13-Nov-05, 01:55
i believe in 'life after death' i just hope on the other side i can still go on caithness.org.

13-Nov-05, 02:00
I'm sure you'll be more interested in your spiritual life by that time. You'll be glad to be rid of all encumbrences of this life and glad for the familiarity of life back home.

incidentally what do you all think of life after death for animals? Do you believe it's one and the same?

13-Nov-05, 06:52
I tried it. It doesnt fit my big head. Your not Polish are you?

Polish as in Krakow or Polish as in - ra Strathclyde Police?

13-Nov-05, 14:42
mind=universe=god=Ive forgotten already:{...........whatever!

13-Nov-05, 14:46
OK – here is one… lets try this on for size.

What is the mind? The mind is consciousness (mind as opposed to the brain which is a physical thing). So the mind is consciousness. Pure consciousness is God. The mind is collective consciousness – ie all that is , is already. If the mind is “present” in the present and all that is already is then the mind is also “present” in the past and in the future. The mind transcends time (consciousness transcends time, God transcends time).

So, the past does not create the future. The future creates the past. Everything exists all the time, including all possibilities of what may happen, what makes them real is stepping into those possibilities. The possibilities appear to you when they are ready to appear. Everything that will happen already exists, but it does not appear until you are ready to step into your future.

In the quantum world, everything is here and not here at the same time. Things don’t become real until you choose them, same for possibilities. Future remains a mystery until you step into it.

When you look out at the universe through your eyes etc what is actually doing the looking? Physically light comes in gets translated into images in your brain etc. But what about your mind? What does your mind do? What role does it play? Its not you, it’s the universe. Universe is not Mind. Mind is Universe.

We are a story telling people, it is what moves us forward, the stories are from the collective conscious which is God. We are the universe looking out, not us separate looking out at the universe.

So mind = universe = god = transcends time.

Of course this assumes that you can handle the fact that god is not a bloke.
Jesus however was a bloke. Did live, was enlightened, had a handle on all this and explains his relationship with God – it depends on how you define God. For an enlightened bloke (who was a master storyteller) like him it all made perfect sense.

Life after death? There is no life or death only “Big Mind” so it’s a moot point.

I thank you.
This is what I was suggesting! Did you read my mind or my post hereboy?

Maybe consciousness is the real universe and we just dip in and out of it. Maybe consciousness is 'Home' and we're working hard in this life to become enlightened enough to get there for good. So, yes, animals can experience life after death and we can maybe come and go as animals in former and future lives. Ok, so I can't prove it, but no-one can prove me wrong either. See, I'm learning from porshiepoo.

I pity all those narrow minded souls who just can't accept that there's more to life than drink, drugs, love and maggots.

Maybe gleeber is finding bits of other people's minds in corners of his own. Maybe the cement is for the mental edifices he is building in order to shut out the spirit world. Maybe I'm finding thoughts that others have had in my mind and that's how mediumship works. Maybe there is no 'other side' or fifth dimension. Maybe consciousness pervades empty space and is omnipresent. Hey, would that mean consciousness is local to Earth or does it reach out into space? If so, how far? Everywhere? To the very edge of the Universe? Do we share our consciousness field with Aliens? Wow, what a thought! Or does each planet's life have its own consciousness field? Maybe angels are ripples in the cosmic consciousness field. Maybe we are too!

What is the speed of consciousness? Is it the same as the speed of light or is it instantaneous as hereboy's hypothesis suggests?

How are the lights Phoenix? Is there light at the end of the tunnel yet? Hope it's not SandTiger's train lol. If it is, it's probably late anyway lol lol lol.

Who is Johnny Fats? and what does he have to do with the northern lights?

Anyway, it's a special day for me today, even if I did lie about the year in my profile.

13-Nov-05, 15:51
Many Happy returns Crayola!:} You dont happen to have long red curly hair do you? You remind me of someone I know! Or do you "know" her I wonder?

Seems like were all connected in that vast cosmic consciousness eh! lol

13-Nov-05, 16:14

No I don't have long red curly hair. Do you think I would suit it?

I don't think I know anyone with long red curly hair. Unless you're thinking of gleeber or even szin? Don't know what colour hereboy is. It's not golach I don't think.

All I see is those lights when I try to get your hair colour. You must be hiding it or holding it back.

I like this cosmic consciousness idea. Signals that come over could be fluctuations in the consciousness field. Just like the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background. Maybe they're gravitational waves like those guys from Glasgow Uni are trying to find. It was on the local news the other night. Maybe szin could comment.

13-Nov-05, 16:25
Gleeber, Rheghead, DrSzin watch oot, methinks Porshiepoo, Crayola & Phoenix are in fact reincarnations of the three witches from Macbeth, the spells and "Second Sight" ravings that are being spouted against us three make me quiver and shake in my boots........with laughter.
Ladies and I say that very loosely, do you actually believe all the nosense you are spouting? You sound about as real as a Scottish Socialist Party First Minister.
As my old mate Gleeber mentioned earlier Crayola is good at gleaning the boards, she sees me and water..... but Kevin Costner!!!! hey come on does she think I dance with wolves or something!
Ladies, girls what ever you call yourselves keep trying, because you are very trying. But I wont be joining your gang.
p.s. I have just noticed its Crayolas birthday and her age, NOW that explains it all....its a hormonal thinggy, women get like 'at when they become 'at age

13-Nov-05, 16:30
Are the three witches from Macbeth actually real then?I thought it was a play by Shakespeare.

13-Nov-05, 16:38
When shall we three meet again?
In thunder, lightning and in rain?

Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble.

Or something like that. (Yeah, I know what it should be!)

And Hubble is indeed the satellite that looked deep into the murky depths of the universe. Maybe you have the gift after all my learned friend?

Tee hee Golach, I lied about my age. ;)

13-Nov-05, 16:48
Are the three witches from Macbeth actually real then?I thought it was a play by Shakespeare.
You better believe it.

On a serious note, how does witchcraft fit into this picture? My maternal grandmother was a Dublin witch and she used to talk about "the other side" all the time. I think my grandfather had the gift too but he never mentioned it publicly. Guess that's where I got my talents from, but I think it skipped a generation. My MIL is def a witch. She gave me that knowing look when I first confronted her about it. She won't admit it but I just KNOW by that look in her eyes.

Are there any covens in Caithness? I've heard that my local community action shop has a secret coven, but it's a closed group and by invitation only.

13-Nov-05, 17:08
Just seen the light at the end of that tunnel Crayola!:} It isnt a train either and its Bang on time! Me hiding or holding back my hair.......nope!

Heh golach didnt you know there are 3 stages of the feminine...........the child, the woman and the crone. That hormonal thingy you refer to is the crone stage, ........the wise old woman.........the witch! Theres nothing wrong with us hormonal ladies at all .........its only us getting on our broomsticks and having a wee fly around to see whats going on and what needs sorting out! You havent got long red hair have you Golach I see kind of gingery but not red? Cant imagine its DrSzin either I see him a bit like Einstein with a mop of unruly black/grey hair and Rheghead I see him with a more slicked back hairstyle more cauffeured {is that how you spell it} Gleeber Im not getting anything with him maybe hes bald, hereboy mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhh maybe brown curly!

Oh and Johnny Fats he stays up at Dunnett head I believe.......hes a bit of an earth magician so Im told............could be him youre picking up on crayola!

13-Nov-05, 18:11
Look what I've just found:

At the same time, Caithness had a more relaxed attitude towards, and acted as a haven for, groups that suffered persecution elsewhere in Scotland and England, such as gypsies and witches. (Caithness escaped the witch-hunting mania of the Middle Ages. Only one alleged witch is recorded as having died in the county, while in prison - and the jailer was severely reprimanded for this!). See the Archive Section for more information.

So Caithness was a haven for witches in the Middle Ages. That explains a few things.

This comes from An Island on the Mainland - a History of Caithness (http://www.maknap.com/MysteryTV/places/caithness/articles/ssca_01_island_on_the_mainland.htm)

I see szin as bald & kinda uggy with really thick black-rimmed glasses and bulging eyes. He'd fit in well in Little Britain. Only kidding, lol.

Rheghead seems to be very young looking for his age.

Who is this Johnny Fats guy? What's an earth magician? If I'm picking him up somehow I want to know who he is.

And here's nothing wrong with my hormones thank you very much golach.

13-Nov-05, 18:40
This is what I was suggesting! Did you read my mind or my post hereboy?

Maybe consciousness pervades empty space and is omnipresent.

If what I said was true- there is no "your mind" its "our mind" so I didn't have to read anything...it was there all the time.

Then again, maybe its all mince and there is nowt else - you can try that on for size too. As fred says maybe life is just natures way of keeping meat fresh. There is a clean logic to that one as well.

13-Nov-05, 18:40
Eureka! I feel better now! Thanks crayola! Ive bookmarked that link Ill have a read later on. Not all that long ago I had a conversation with a someone who informed me that Caithness was a safe haven for witches............I thought whats he telling me that for.......... I dont buy that! There was one I knew it!

Johnny Fats Ive never met Ive heard of him {am I allowed to speak of him on here} Hes famous in these parts for his music, and his love of growing exotic plants, he stays at the House of The Northern Gate at Dunnett as far as I know!

13-Nov-05, 19:04
If what I said was true- there is no "your mind" its "our mind" so I didn't have to read anything...it was there all the time.

Then again, maybe its all mince and there is nowt else - you can try that on for size too. As fred says maybe life is just natures way of keeping meat fresh. There is a clean logic to that one as well.
Hah hah, yes never thought of that. But, no, that can't be the whole story. We each control our own mind and only ever dip into the cosmic consciousness every now and then when we need something. Also we would put what we've learned into it at the end of one life, then take stuff out at the beginning of the next one. There must be some sort of locking mechanism to control access otherwise we'd all get really mixed up all the time lol. It would be like a computer operating system, a sort of cosmic consciousness version of Windows XP, XP = Xtra Perception lol

If its mince I hope it comes with garlic and pasta lol.

I am still getting nothing at all for fred.

13-Nov-05, 20:28
Eureka! I feel better now! Thanks crayola! Ive bookmarked that link Ill have a read later on. Not all that long ago I had a conversation with a someone who informed me that Caithness was a safe haven for witches............I thought whats he telling me that for.......... I dont buy that! There was one I knew it!
The history on that website is ok, but the rest of it is a bit off the wall and speculative for my liking. I know of one genuine link between Dirlot Castle, Rosslyn Chapel and Dirleton Castle but there's little evidence for the other claims made there. I prefer more down to earth history.

Thanks for enlightening me over Johnny Fats.

13-Nov-05, 21:40
Johnny Fats real name is John Sutherland........ring any bells crayola?

13-Nov-05, 22:30
I think I've seen his name somewhere or other. Sutherland is not exactly a rare name in Caithness.

Btw golach you had the wrong costner movie.

13-Nov-05, 22:56
The person that told me that Caithness was/is a safe haven for witches is a friend/associate of Johnny Fats.........small world! Coincidence!

14-Nov-05, 00:06
I have now been enlightened (by two of my fellow contributors) about Mr Fats and Northen Lights. Some medium I am!

I've been trying to find out whether I'm a which or not. It seems that witches don't believe in life after death (http://www.cog.org/wicca/faq.html#DEATH) so maybe I'm not one after all. But I do like the sound of witchcraft. I quite fancy casting spells.

14-Nov-05, 00:10
what a lot of slagging off going on in here!!:mad:

14-Nov-05, 00:32
I think I've seen his name somewhere or other. Sutherland is not exactly a rare name in Caithness.

Btw golach you had the wrong costner movie.

Och no Waterworld a disaster of a movie !!!!

14-Nov-05, 01:15
what a lot of slagging off going on in here!!:mad:

i will second that .

14-Nov-05, 06:13
Hah hah, yes never thought of that. But, no, that can't be the whole story. We each control our own mind and only ever dip into the cosmic consciousness every now and then when we need something. Also we would put what we've learned into it at the end of one life, then take stuff out at the beginning of the next one.

If its mince I hope it comes with garlic and pasta lol.

Exactly, consciousness is like a pan of mince that keeps evolving. If I take a spoon out, and taste it, it may need salt, so I add some. Then I put the spoon of mince back in - now the whole pan of mince has some salt. So when you take your spoon out, your mince has a hint of salt but it may need garlic. So you add garlic. Then you put your spoon back in and now the whole mince has a hint of garlic. Now when I dip into the mince again - I taste garlic, but there was none last time- how is that possible? Its the evolution of consciousness- although I did not put the garlic in, I can still taste it.

Everyone adds to the mince and when they dip their spoon in, they get a lot more than just what they added. They get a taste of what everyone added. Thats why people get experiences or flashbacks to lives and events that can't possibly all have happened to themselves in their own lifetimes. Consciousness, like this pan of mince transcends time - its all times, past present and future.

Of course that explains why some people reject mince completely - they tasted it once and don't like garlic - so it put them off - for life.

The beauty of this theory is that if someone agrees with me, thats fine -if they say its mince - then even better :)

14-Nov-05, 08:16
Just discovered this thread, I'm with neither the angels or the maggot food - I'm with Prot on this one (from the movie K-Pax):

I wanna tell you something Mark, something you do not yet know, that we K-PAXians have been around long enough to have discovered. The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, then will expand again. It will repeat this process forever. What you don't you know is that when the universe expands again, everything will be as it is now. Whatever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through on your next pass. Every mistake you make, you will live through again, & again, forever. So my advice to you is to get it right this time around. Because this time is all you have.

The Pepsi Challenge
14-Nov-05, 16:42
Therein lies one of life's great mysteries. Personally I think there's no meaning to life - we just fill it with relationships, careers, etc., to give it some 'kind' of meaning. For me, though, I anticapte Death as: a totally unconscious void in which you float through eternity with no particular consciousness of anything. I think once around is enough. I don't want to start it all over again.

14-Nov-05, 19:19
So, now we're all clear on that one :confused: what do you all think to Fairies? Vampires? and hobgoblins???? :)

14-Nov-05, 20:08
:o Will admit to troll but hobgoblin never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you seen then on harry potter yuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14-Nov-05, 20:09
God its nice and peaceful and quiet in here at the minute, some of these other threads Ive been reading give me headaches .........Fairies yes! Vampires definitely! Hobgoblins for sure!:}

14-Nov-05, 20:20
I have photos of a fairy bridge if only I knew how to post it on here. Its tucked away in a forest up a hillside in a place of the road somewhere between Onich and Oban, cant quite remember the name of the place at the minute. Its quite something, makes you wonder who built it and why!

14-Nov-05, 20:56

15-Nov-05, 22:59
Everyone adds to the mince and when they dip their spoon in, they get a lot more than just what they added. They get a taste of what everyone added. Thats why people get experiences or flashbacks to lives and events that can't possibly all have happened to themselves in their own lifetimes. Consciousness, like this pan of mince transcends time - its all times, past present and future.
Exactly. Problem is, some people stir the mince without washing their hands and what comes out is sometimes unsavoury. Is that how good people develop bad traits? Golly gosh, this is ever so interesting. Whoever said science was boring lol?

I like the fairy bridge. I've seen signs to it but I've never been there. Why build it though? Don't fairies have wings? :confused:

Do you think we can come back as fairies? Maybe we can, if the chef adds a drop or two of fairy liquid to the mix. Lol lol lol

Not sure about vampires. Do they have life after death or just a living death after death lol?

15-Nov-05, 23:13
I would love to know the coordinates of that fairy bridge so that I could go and see it for myself but I suspect no one will be forthcoming.

Anyway, I have seen a fairy with a semi independent witness (my girlfriend now wife) I am sure I did a post before on this...

As a scientist, I appreciate there exists a long way from seeing a fairy and proving that one existed on that night via the peer-review process. Just like there exists a long way from doing the same that Moses spoke to God via the burning bush. The only difference is that with my experience, Faith doesn't play a part, but if it did then I say this 'yes, I believe I saw a fairy on that night and I have witnesses!!!' Just like there are witnesses to the miracles in the Bible...

16-Nov-05, 14:29
I believe pooh pooh may have been right.........an awful lot of slagging of, and taking the mick going on here!

Rheghead the bridge is past Appin along by Loch Creran cant quite remember if its on the main road or if you come of the main road and go along Glen Creran, we found out about it at Portappin! The bridge itself is approx 1 metre wide by 2 metres long thats a rough guess if my memory serves me well. I cant quite believe fairies would have built it, then again you never know, there are some weird and wonderful things out there that defies a logical explanation!

Appears to be a few fairies and hobgoblins or is it gremlins around here making mischief and playing tricks on the unsuspecting not forgetting the vampires as well!

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Nov-05, 14:37
I would love to know the coordinates of that fairy bridge so that I could go and see it for myself but I suspect no one will be forthcoming.

Anyway, I have seen a fairy with a semi independent witness (my girlfriend now wife) I am sure I did a post before on this...

As a scientist, I appreciate there exists a long way from seeing a fairy and proving that one existed on that night via the peer-review process. Just like there exists a long way from doing the same that Moses spoke to God via the burning bush. The only difference is that with my experience, Faith doesn't play a part, but if it did then I say this 'yes, I believe I saw a fairy on that night and I have witnesses!!!' Just like there are witnesses to the miracles in the Bible...

I wrote a children's novella once about a tale based on giants and fairies. It was inspired by Alan Temberly's Tales of the North Coast, which, should you read it, documents that a lot of myth and lore in Caithness and Sutherland is based on giants and fairies. (I've heard it before) and I believe that fairies were perfectly-proportioned people - up to about 12 inches in length - and they retreated to brochs and caves (like the giants did) because they were shunned by society. (Apparently around the time of the Highland Clearances.) The image of fairies having wings probably comes from their reputation as being shadowy, mysterious figures. For anyone interested in the novella, by the way, you'll have to wait until 2007 when it's released with three other short pieces of writing.

16-Nov-05, 15:29
That sounds interesting Pepsi Challenge! Wouldnt mind getting a read of that Tales of the North Coast by Alan Temberly.........is it easily available ie from the library?

Rheghead if my memory serves me well its along the road into Glen Creran around about Invercreran House Hotel, park in a lay-by nearby and walk up the hillside a bit! God I hope it was there and that its not a figment of my imagination............cant be we were told about it and we have photos of it!

What did the fairy you saw look like? Im not taking the mick by the way! What was she wearing, what was her hair like? That must have been quite something to really see one. I do believe that some people, not everyone, has the ability to see such things, infact it must have been quite an honour and a privilige to be allowed to see one. She must have had a very good reason for showing herself to you! I was in a car with some people once going up Loch Ness side, all of a sudden one of them said look theres the monster..........she was really seeing it.......you could tell she was, no-one else in the car saw it........ Explain that one!

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Nov-05, 16:05
Phoenix, I think the book is no longer in print, but you should be able to find a copy at the local library. (Try amazon?) Alan now lives in Central Scotland and still writing children's stories according to his agent. I'd send over some chapters to you from my own novella but the beaks at my publishers wouldn't be too chuffed. Still, hope you get a read of Alan's book - it's thoroughly enjoyable and all the locations are still traceable. Enjoy!

Murdina Bug
16-Nov-05, 16:18
If you're searching for the book it's Alan Temperley (not Temberley)you need to look for. Try looking here (hope this link works!)http://www.luath.co.uk/acatalog/Tales_of_the_North_Coast.html

16-Nov-05, 16:19
Thanks for that Pepsi Challenge....Ill look forward to tracking down a copy.:}

16-Nov-05, 16:21
Cheers Murdina Bug...........I need look no further:}

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Nov-05, 16:53
I did see a copy in Bews last time I was back in Thurso (September). If you can't be bothered waiting for an order to arrive, you could always see if it's there next time you're "doon 'e street."

16-Nov-05, 17:06
Thats even better ........thanks Pepsi Challenge.............must learn to be more patient........is it that obvious:}

Ive never been the same since I visited that fairy bridge.............

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Nov-05, 17:12
Anyone remember the book based on Robert Dick's life? Admittedly it's hard reading and a very big book to get through, however, for those interested in fairy's, I wonder if any of you can find one particular section that mentions the fairies in Dick's book? A friend of Dick's, up from London came to visit him once, and the two made their way out to Holborn Head. Dick's friend - who was documenting the piece for the book - made a comment about Dick who had tripped over, what Dick himself called, (and I'm paraphrasing) "those damn fairies, who keep tugging at the hem of my trousers." It's a short piece, but hinted at the fact fairies could be found on Holborn Head, and that not only did Dick believe in them, he hated them and found them a nuisance. Fairy hunters, you might want to take a wander up Holborn Head some time.

16-Nov-05, 19:31
Awwhhh poor fairies...........wonder why he thought they were a nuisance, maybe they were trying to get his attention to let them know they were there and to respect them..........Ive known things to go a missing if you upset them:} Im not taking the mick Im being serious .........liked that story Pepsi Challenge!

16-Nov-05, 20:34
So I take it alot of you do believe in fairies then!
Personally, I haven't a clue. I know nothing about them so i can't even say what I think they are - other than cuties with wings! :D
As for hobgoblins - I definately believe in them! How can you not? They're all on this site! :D

16-Nov-05, 21:22
OMG a subject porshie says she knows nothing about! Surely my eyes are deceiving me! I'm sure rheghead will be delighted to tell you everything he knows.

I didn't contribute to rheghead's last fairy thread, but I've been corrupted since then. I'll ask rheghead the same questions phoenix asked. What did the fairy look like? What was she wearing? How did you know it was a fairy and not a child's doll? Was she glowing? I'm not taking the mickey either, I really want to know why you thought you saw a fairy.

I thought I saw one a few months ago but it had a perfectly rational explanation -- unfortunately. I'll explain later...

16-Nov-05, 22:05
The fairy that I saw was fairly bog-standard. Glowing, about 3 inches tall, hovering, female human body shape, long hair etc etc.

I don't know whether I believe in their existence, it is just that I saw one.

16-Nov-05, 22:08
Tinkerbells come home! Yay!!!!!! ;)

16-Nov-05, 22:45
That must have been amazing Rheghead......... Pure dead brilliant! Imagine having seen a fairy........

PS Im not taking the mickey, I think its brilliant!

16-Nov-05, 23:17
I really don't know whether I'm taking the mickey or not! I never actually thought for one minute that someone would say that they have seen one, I'm kinda flummoxed!

Think I'll have to do a bit of research on the order of the fairies and see what I come up with.

So what exactly are fairies? Thats not a mick take either, I really would like to know!

16-Nov-05, 23:25
Hey Porshie, what's with the change of heart? You're beginning to sound like me! Heaven (whoops) forbid.

Rheghead's seen a fairy, but Porshie is sceptical. Eek! :confused:

16-Nov-05, 23:31
Well comeon... little girlies with wings!

I actually hope they are real but I've never really considered whether I believe in them. I certainly wasn't expect any one to say they had seen them! Like I said before .. I .. am ...fa.lum.muxed!

Strangely enough though, today I purchased The encyclopedia of fairies for my daughter for xmas. Or was it secretly for me?????!!!! I got that Lady Cottinghams book of fairies today too, I'm sending it back to Amazon though because it's just plain...Nasty!
They ain't the pretty, girlie, smily, impish things you imagine. No seree, these were .. well... nasty! Yuk!!!

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Nov-05, 23:36

Little Owen plonked himself down on Sinclair Hill. A big mound of grassy earth, it marked the spot where two Norse Earl’s, both called Harald, fought a bloody battle back in the 12th century. It was also the best spot in the county to watch the sun set. At this time of year it never got dark in Caithness, so Owen decided to rest and watch the big red sun sink below the Orkney island of Hoy and under the freezing Pentland Firth waters. Just as Owen was getting comfortable though, he began to hear a faint, mewing cry coming from the foot of the hill. At first Owen thought it was the balmy, north-westerly breeze whispering to him. Owen often thought that the wind in Caithness was the voices of angles breathing. However, a few seconds later the faint voice floated through the summery air again. Owen looked down the mossy hill and what he saw made him gaup in amazement - it was one of the fairy folk! The little creature smiled at him and, pointing to a small door under the hill, motioned for him to go through it. Strangely, and without fear, Owen did so.

The next day, Owen got out of bed and made his way downstairs to the breakfast table. His mother, standing by the stove boiling a cup of tea, stared at him though he were a ghost. She screamed in amazement, almost spilling scalding-hot tea over her. She picked up her son and hugged him tightly. Apparently Owen had been missing for exactly a year and a day. Puzzled and alarmed, Owen told his mother about where he had been, or where he supposed he had been the night before. He explained that underneath Sinclair Hill lay a colourful fairy palace, where everyone ate, drank, danced and was merry. A world, he said, where he felt safe, untroubled; at peace. Owen also spoke of a fairy who pulled out what appeared to be a brightly-coloured, bizarrely-shaped flute that, when played, produced wonderfully strange music he had never heard the like of before. It seemed to put a spell on him and he fell asleep. When he awoke, he said, he was back at home in bed.

A week later, Owen’s grandpa Jack came round to visit him. Not only had grandpa Jack believed Owen’s story about the fairy, he recognised similarites between it and a story his own great-grandfather once told him. Fairies, his great-grandfather used to say, were perfectly proportioned people about 12 inches in height, shunned by society and forced to hide in small brochs out past Thurso East. However, Grandpa Jack told Owen, should he ever accept a second invitation from the fairies, he would never be allowed to return.

So, later that evening, Owen sneaked out of the house and went back to Sinclair Hill. That night the Northern Lights appeared. The sky looked like it was on fire, as blues, reds, yellows and greens splattered themselves across the sky as if God was throwing paint across his own heavenly canvas. Owen was never seen again.

16-Nov-05, 23:41
Well comeon... little girlies with wings! I could say similar things about angels. :confused:

16-Nov-05, 23:45
I really don't know whether I'm taking the mickey or not! I never actually thought for one minute that someone would say that they have seen one, I'm kinda flummoxed!

I have no explanation for what I saw only that I saw one. However, if I was going to search for an explanation then I would say that the glowing effect was caused by an erroneous shaft of light that managed to penetrate through the dense hedgerow onto a dragonfly of some sort that just and so happened to be hovering in the right place. As for me seeing the wings well that may be the dragonfly but the human features then that takes some explaining. Maybe the brain just triggers off something from memory under certain circumstances and puts it into the visual portion of the brain, I am just guessing about that, I am not a psychologist. I was in a car at the time and I did slow down to take a closer look but didn't stop. My wife saw what I saw so the chances of two of us being subjected to the same mental trick must be fairly remote. But it happened...

16-Nov-05, 23:46
Fairies, his great-grandfather used to say, were perfectly proportioned people about 12 inches in height, shunned by society and forced to hide in small brochs out past Thurso East. 12 inches in height? So Rheghead's 3-inch fairy must have been a young lassagie then. I hope he didn't scare her. :(

17-Nov-05, 00:20
Dr Szin - Rheghead has already said "The fairy that I saw was fairly bog-standard" so that might explain the difference in size :)

I've been following this thread with interest - though I would not pretend to understand half of it. I enjoyed Pepsi's story tonight. I've never seen a fairy myself but then again I've never witnessed the "Northern Lights" for real either. I was going to ask Tugmistress to let us know when to expect them (the Northern Lights that is - not the fairies) - don't know I'll bother now - Pepsi's story was kinda making the hairs quiver at the back of my neck.

By the way, I did see a ghost here on the Board tonight - the ghost of Mickey Monk - he came back to frighten Golach - but Niall must have zapped him. Thank goodness for that - it's getting kinda creepy round here with all these angels, maggots, vampires, fairies etc. But keep on posting, folks - I love it!

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Nov-05, 00:32
The hill in my story is real by the way. I took some artistic license - the spot where the two Harald's fought is where Harald's Tower is today - but the hill can be found at the back of Thurso Castle. It was formed, from what I can gather, after they dug up Thurso Castle gardens to make way for the fountain. Still, if you ever get to it, why not take a seat on it and watch the sun set next summer. Who knows, a fairy might just invite you in for a party.

17-Nov-05, 00:44
I'm Mrs Rheghead and I want to verify my husbands story. The thing that is important is that just after we saw the fairy we had not said anything and then we both turned to each other at the same time and said 'Did you see that. It was some months later that I was looking in a book called 'Good Fairies Bad Fairies' by Brian Froud ( because of our experience) that I saw an image of the fairy that I believe we saw, its called an evening spirit fairy and we did see it at sunset, incidently I found out that we saw it near a place called Flan Hill but originally this hill was called Fairy Hill. Anyway if it was a joint delusion it was a very nice one

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Nov-05, 00:48
I'm Mrs Rheghead and I want to verify my husbands story. The thing that is important is that just after we saw the fairy we had not said anything and then we both turned to each other at the same time and said 'Did you see that. It was some months later that I was looking in a book called 'Good Fairies Bad Fairies' by Brian Froud ( because of our experience) that I saw an image of the fairy that I believe we saw, its called an evening spirit fairy and we did see it at sunset, incidently I found out that we saw it near a place called Flan Hill but originally this hill was called Fairy Hill. Anyway if it was a joint delusion it was a very nice one

How weird is that, eh? Start a campaign and get my story etched in bronze and placed upon a plynth at this Fairy Hill you speak of. With haste.

17-Nov-05, 01:52
OK - Raonaid & Pepsi - now you have me intrigued - I am not disbelieving of Rheghead's story at all. I might just make a point of making my way to Thurso Castle at sunset some day - probably next spring/summer. BTW Raonaid, where is this Flan Hill you mention? We have a "Fairies Hill" up Wick River & now I will have to go research why it is called this. I often walk my dog in this direction - though not at sunset - but you never know - maybe I could be writing some interesting material for Pepsi's book shortly :)

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Nov-05, 02:10
OK - Raonaid & Pepsi - now you have me intrigued - I am not disbelieving of Rheghead's story at all. I might just make a point of making my way to Thurso Castle at sunset some day - probably next spring/summer. BTW Raonaid, where is this Flan Hill you mention? We have a "Fairies Hill" up Wick River & now I will have to go research why it is called this. I often walk my dog in this direction - though not at sunset - but you never know - maybe I could be writing some interesting material for Pepsi's book shortly :)

All contributions welcome, Moira :-)

And did you know, there's a spot where, when a double rainbow forms over Thurso Bay - from Holborn Head to Dunnet Head at least, and it's been known to happen (I've seen it) - you can look right into Heaven. I'm not going to reveal where it is just yet, but you might want to take a look around Victoria Walk sometime. It's based on a loose tale I read up on in Edinburgh library dating back to the 17th century. I've added arms and legs to the story, but this portal into Paradise does exist. And it's right underneath our noses. Happy hunting!

17-Nov-05, 03:09
Pepsi - you are winding me up now. I've seen double rainbows over Berriedale - spectacular I must say. Couldn't look too close - I was driving at 60 mph at the time - well maybe 65 - but I have good brakes. I've also seen double rainbows on Reiss Beach to wherever & Dunnet Beach to Holborn Head but have never looked right into heaven. Don't know where Victoria Walk is - you'll have to give me directions. And, forgive me for asking, BUT if you have seen all of this & know this portal into Paradise really does exist, then why are you still in Ecosse & posting on Caithness.org ??

I've just had another thought - your signature is spooking me now - after your "fairy story" earlier. :)

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Nov-05, 03:19
Ah, Moira, there's little slices of Heaven around us all the time. They just don't always have to be images of fluffy clouds and the Big Man stroking his beard as St Peter guards the guestlist at the top of the golden elevator.

I liked the French word for Scotland - Ecosse - as it seemed a very aesthetically pleasing (to me anyway) word.

And I think you'll find Victoria Walk on the coast of Thurso Bay - it stretches from the top of Thurso Beach right along to Burnside by the Weigh Inn. That's as much as a clue I'm giving you, though.

As for Thomas Wolfe's quote, he was right: returning to your home town can never be the same. I actually stumbled across it reading a Charlie Brown book. In it, Charlie's sister Sally has come back from vacation at summer camp. Turning up at her home, she discovers Snoopy has now gone from being a humble beagle dog to super-slick Joe Cool. Hence why she says: "Thomas F. Wolfe was right, you know, you can never go home again."

17-Nov-05, 03:32
OK Pepsi - I've got it now - know exactly where're you're coming from - will sleep sound tonight - no spooks around here!

(Still going to research the "fairy" thing when I get the time, though - the rainbows I'll keep to myself)

17-Nov-05, 11:54
As a scientist, I appreciate there exists a long way from seeing a fairy and proving that one existed on that night via the peer-review process. That's not a problem. Write up your observation as a paper, submit it to the International Journal of Fairy Studies, and I'll peer-review it for you when I've finished doing the one that's on my screen right now. Yours will probably be more interesting! ;)

Why is a 3-inch bog-standard fairy much shorter than a standard 12-inch fairy?

Seriously, where did you see it -- in a bog in Caithness, a bog doon sooth or somewhere else? What colour was its dress? And its hair?

I'm still not taking the mick. I'm just flummoxed too. This whole thing is just weird.

17-Nov-05, 13:41
The fairy was wearing a knee length dress that had silvery yellow highlights with silvery blue shadows where the material folded. But I don't think that the dress had a true pigment, rather, it was more irridescent. The same with the hair, but the blonde effect was dominant.

I once watched a programme on the TV about a Loch Ness hoax experiment. Basically, the hoaxers strapped a piece of wood planking to a floatation device. The wood was just square ended. But when some overseas visitors were stood by a picnic area they saw this hoax on cue for a few seconds before it sank into the water. A tv presenter then asked each tourist to draw what he had seen and surprise, surprise, most drew a creature with a head and neck like a plesiosaur. That to me shows that the brain is capable of doing conjuring tricks. But if they hadn't of heard of the LNM then would they have drawn the head and neck?

I could say that that happened to me, but there was no tv presenter to put me right. I can only describe what I saw.

Similarly, I could also say that any religious visual experience could have been caused by the same processes in the brain. Was Moses' brain causing him to see a bush on fire? We know he was a devout man, so he must have been a prime candidate for such a hallucination?

One simple experiment that we all can do to demonstrate this point is to take a good look around a familiar room then ask someone to walk into our field of view in the corner of our eye. You will find that although we cannot 'see' the person coming in detail, our brain is making an image from what we know of the surroundings. Now try doing the same experiment in surrounding that we are unfamiliar and with a stranger, then we will find that the person is almost undetectable until he/she is standing closer. It goes to show that the brain is capable of making us see things without the aid of chemical stimuli!!LOL

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Nov-05, 14:31
Y'all want to meet my good friend Drew McAdam. (www.drewmcadam.co.uk)

17-Nov-05, 16:50
All contributions welcome, Moira :-)

And did you know, there's a spot where, when a double rainbow forms over Thurso Bay - from Holborn Head to Dunnet Head at least, and it's been known to happen (I've seen it) - you can look right into Heaven. I'm not going to reveal where it is just yet, but you might want to take a look around Victoria Walk sometime. It's based on a loose tale I read up on in Edinburgh library dating back to the 17th century. I've added arms and legs to the story, but this portal into Paradise does exist. And it's right underneath our noses. Happy hunting! I've seen double rainbows over Thurso Bay. I can't remember where I was when I saw them, or whether they stretched from Holborn Head to Dunnet Head, but they are indeed truly awesome.

For once, I'll spare y'all the detailed explanation of how rainbows form, why the secondary one is upside-down, and why the sky is dark between them. :rolleyes:

The Pepsi Challenge
17-Nov-05, 17:00
Go on, you know you want to.

17-Nov-05, 17:22
Luckily, I don't need to explain it because others have already done so. Lookee here (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/atmos/rbowpri.html) or here (http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter4/rainbow_intro.html) for example.

17-Nov-05, 20:07
A rainbow will never quite be the same again............cant wait for the next double whammy between Dunnett Head and Holborn Head ...........hope Im in the right place at the right time! Wheres "The Spot" TCP?

17-Nov-05, 20:08
I've only just spotted this:

I've never witnessed the "Northern Lights" for real either.
You're kidding? Caithness born & bred and you've never seen the Northern Lights? Is it all that pollution you're getting up there these days, or do you never look skywards at night?

The night sky is a remarkable thing. It makes me realise how insignificant humanity is on a galactic scale, never mind on a cosmological scale. Well, for now at least. Who knows, one day humanity may control the Universe and all who sail in her. But we'll all be long-forgotten maggot food by then...

Sorry about spoiling the rainbow dream phoenix. Blame the Pepsi man. ;)

17-Nov-05, 20:24
Nope - I kid you not - never been in the right place at the right time. Get really miffed too when folk enthuse about "the fantastic Aurora last night" - Grrrr! One of days I may get lucky - maybe Tugmistress will post a warning here if she sees them.

As for the pollution - it's not bad - Tescos haven't arrived yet :) Will be worse though next March when all the smokers are chased outside -maybe I'll never get to see them then :(

17-Nov-05, 23:02
Never seen the lights either myself! Have they been seen this autumn by anyone yet?

Don't worry about the smokers Moira, with any luck they'll realise smoking aint worth freezing their brass doo dars off and give up.

18-Nov-05, 15:05
Moira & Porshiepoo, I think you two need to get out more -- literally. Look upwards & northwards. :)

TPC: Like phoenix, I've been trying to figure out where "the spot" is. I've been taking "virtual strolls" along Victoria walk in my mind, but nothing has jumped out at me yet: not an angel, a maggot, nor even a fairy. Is the spot close to the Thurso Beach end, the Burnside end, or somewhere in the middle? Give us a clue -- please...

The Pepsi Challenge
18-Nov-05, 15:11
A clue? OK, erm... lemme see... an old story goes that the spot is marked by a giant's stone. It has since changed into something else but can help you measure afar. Keep huntin'!

18-Nov-05, 17:16
You sure there wasnt a double whammy rainbow up here last night TCP..........that "spot" you spoke of must have been activated.............its sheer bliss here today! No ghosts no fairies...........all gone..........only heaven, someone was even doodling in the sky............pure magic!

The "spot" TCP is it at the Bishops Palace? It is the Bishops Palace thats just above the shore at Burnside isnt it?

Was that you I bumped into last night DrSzin taking that "virtual stroll" in the wee small hours? Were you the one with an old brown coat and a walking stick or was that someone else "out" for stroll? I saw another guy there too he had this big black cloak, big black hat and his teeth.... OMG!

The Pepsi Challenge
18-Nov-05, 17:27
There was a story I read re: the double rainbow/ heaven thang that hinted at the Bishops Palace. However the version I read, which had more to it, suggested this point is where the "look-out" point is now. You know, beside the bench next to the playpark; It tells you how far you are away from Holborn Head, Hoy, Dunney Head etc. I guess whoever came up with the story wasn't suggesting you'd see through a portal to a bunch of dead relatives sitting on fluffy clouds speaking to St Peter, but that the image itself is a little slice of heaven... In other words, you have to believe if you want to see it.

18-Nov-05, 19:30
Was that you I bumped into last night DrSzin taking that "virtual stroll" in the wee small hours? Were you the one with an old brown coat and a walking stick [...] No chance, I am much too ethereal to be seen during my virtual strolls. Besides, I could have hidden by taking a shortcut around the sweet spot, which is an orbifold btw.

18-Nov-05, 20:15
Havent a scooby what youre talking about DrSzin sounds like something out of the Matrix............ethereal? I thought that meant heavenly.........sweet spots?........orbifold?.......... an orb is one of these spirit thingies that float around ........were not back to the ghosty stuff are we........thought theyd all gone!

19-Nov-05, 15:28
And did you know, there's a spot where, when a double rainbow forms over Thurso Bay - from Holborn Head to Dunnet Head at least, and it's been known to happen (I've seen it) - you can look right into Heaven. I'm not going to reveal where it is just yet, but you might want to take a look around Victoria Walk sometime. It's based on a loose tale I read up on in Edinburgh library dating back to the 17th century. I've added arms and legs to the story, but this portal into Paradise does exist. And it's right underneath our noses. Happy hunting!
So this is what I saw in my vision last week! Now I understand why I couldn't interpret the lights over Dunnet Head. It was a double rainbow and it stretched right over to Holborn Head.

I've just re-read the first post on this thread, and we've missed something. No-one has mentioned ghosts. Who believes in them? If so, are they the same as spirits or are they something entirely different? Do they walk amongst us? Was it a ghost that phoenix saw on her Victoria Walk a couple of nights ago? (I don't believe she really went for a virtual walk (whatever that may be) but I'm using my artistic licence here to start the discussion.)

19-Nov-05, 17:31
The Lights over Dunnett Head you "saw" in your "vision" crayola........you couldnt make out a double rainbow?............You needing your "vision" checked?

A few ghosts appeared on this thread .........didnt you "see" them? Seems they may have come back!

No I didnt go on a "virtual stroll"...... I wouldnt know how to. Ive better things to do in the wee small hours, like sleeping, plus a bit of astral travelling!:}

24-Nov-05, 20:55
I didnt particulary want to resurect this thread from the dead nor do I want to give the fairy believers another chance to hijack reality and create a haven for fruit cakes on caithness.org but i heard something recently that made my blood boil.
A wee lassie had just been to her mothers funeral. She was 8. Her mother had died from cancer. Someone was talking to her after the funeral when the child suddenly said her mother was in hell. Apparently the minister had been to school a few weeks previously and given a talk and this was the understanding the wee lassie had been left with.
Theres a responsibility comes with the freedom to believe in things that only exist for ourselves. Its that responsibilty that szientists and broken down builders are aware of when they use their powers of observation to say, yep for sure the earth goes round the sun.
Who needs life after death or fairies at the bottom of the garden when we live in a universe like that?

24-Nov-05, 21:17
It's strange, most people know that the earth goes around the sun but lots don't know why.

Even the guys at NASA get things horribly wrong sometimes (http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/en/kids/phonedrmarc/2002_july.shtml). Both diagrams in that article contain serious errors. The "sideways force at every instant" in the first one, and the "Centripetal Acceleration Vector" in the second, are pointing in the wrong direction. They should both point towards the sun. Most of the words in the text are ok, but the caption of the bottom pic is rubbish.

I agree with everything gleeber says. That poor wee lassie...