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View Full Version : What Do You Think/Right to Reply/Open Apology

01-Mar-08, 13:58
Jeremy Beadle is still at large in the two of you.

You are both Lloyds 100A1 Windup Merchants.

Take your "personal differences" elsewhere, stop stirring people up and let the Org get on with its normal business of entertaining, educating and informing.

01-Mar-08, 14:03
Jeremy Beadle is still at large in the two of you.

You are both Lloyds 100A1 Windup Merchants.

Take your "personal differences" elsewhere, stop stirring people up and let the Org get on with its normal business of entertaining, educating and informing.The threads are locked so why bother bringing them up again?

01-Mar-08, 14:05
pouring fuel on the fire comes to mind!
you could of done this through pm if you felt so strongly.

01-Mar-08, 14:22
and Dusty gets swept away[lol] ( jokin )

01-Mar-08, 14:24
I must live in my own bubble :eek: no idea what's going on :lol:

percy toboggan
01-Mar-08, 14:27
I must live in my own bubble :eek: no idea what's going on :lol:

Me neither...but am curious to find out. Guiltily, I often assume it's my posts that have upset folk. Not on this occasion I'm sure.
Anybody care to fill me in with a pm or point me in the right drection threadwise? I admit I'm intrigued...and for me that's a first time on any internet forum.

percy toboggan
01-Mar-08, 14:45
I'm fully up to speed now folks - thanks.

01-Mar-08, 14:48
I was told to leave it and thats what i did.I got my infraction and this is overThis apoplogy was for people who i may have annoyed not the person in question..I have mt opinions and a free board to speak them......

01-Mar-08, 14:50
[lol] u got ur knuckles rapped.
:roll:I'v had a couple in past

01-Mar-08, 15:03
Not rapped just a friendly warning..Which i agree with as i did retaliate...Wrong but a rash decision...

But i am not here to get favouritism as put out by some, i am in nature a non combative person and the need to apaologise is in me..xcant help my way of dealing with things...
But this has nothing to do with the person in question more to do with people other than then that may have been offended by anything i did..But all i did was be truthful about what i percieve as a bad way of using a community forum..But i cant win..I appologise and get jumped on for it...I should have left it hanging....:roll:

01-Mar-08, 15:05
Jeremy Beadle is still at large in the two of you.

You are both Lloyds 100A1 Windup Merchants.

Take your "personal differences" elsewhere, stop stirring people up and let the Org get on with its normal business of entertaining, educating and informing.

Rich from the one who stirred this up....:lol:

01-Mar-08, 15:08
Me neither...but am curious to find out. Guiltily, I often assume it's my posts that have upset folk. Not on this occasion I'm sure.
Anybody care to fill me in with a pm or point me in the right drection threadwise? I admit I'm intrigued...and for me that's a first time on any internet forum.

I'm like you - but now i to am intrigued! please tell.

01-Mar-08, 15:10
dont worry justine your not the only one thats been wrapped for doing something they thought was right.