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21-Feb-08, 21:40
How legible is yours?

My Oh has got terrible hand writing,its so bad I've asked him to print words instead of write them for me.He's in his late forty's and reckons its too late to correct bad habits.He remembers alwas being in trouble for his writing at school and was forever getting the ruler over his nuckels.

I think its compromising his job applications that are not filled in on line.:(

Highland Laddie
21-Feb-08, 21:48
My oh always says i must be coming back in my next life as a doctor, as my writing looks like a long line of scribbles:roll:

21-Feb-08, 21:52
My oh always says i must be coming back in my next life as a doctor, as my writing looks like a long line of scribbles:roll:
I wonder then if its a man thing as my sons writting is terrible and so was my x.s....:eek:

Highland Laddie
21-Feb-08, 21:56
I think it was from way back when i was at school,
i never really went to school to often, and my spelling was quite bad, so i wrote in scribbles so the spelling mistakes were never to apparent.

21-Feb-08, 22:00
I think it was from way back when i was at school,
i never really went to school to often, and my spelling was quite bad, so i wrote in scribbles so the spelling mistakes were never to apparent.
So Oh cant spell either he just pretends he can.;)

21-Feb-08, 22:06
I wonder then if its a man thing as my sons writting is terrible and so was my x.s....:eek:I reckon it must be cuddlepop. My OH writing is like a hen scratching in the coop and come to think of it i have 3 brothers and their writing is nothing to write home about either (please pardon the pun) te he.:lol:

21-Feb-08, 22:34
I have been told that i have clear neat writing, but that all depends on what i am writing and to whom....But i cant remember the last time i ahd to write, everything is done on the pc and gets printed. lazy or what.......

21-Feb-08, 22:42
Mine is only legible by me and a small selection of others who are used to it. I always got pulled up by teachers for it. I can write neatly when I want to but it takes me ages then.

It's like a hen walked over the page. Seriously, you could throw the pen at the paper and write neater than me. :lol:

21-Feb-08, 22:43
I have neat writing..... If i can be bthrd!!!!

Alice in Blunderland
21-Feb-08, 22:47
My writing is fine on the other hand my husbands is terrible :eek: He admits that its so bad on accasion he has difficulty reading it.

Im sure its part of his job description to have awfull handwriting. :lol:

21-Feb-08, 22:49
I think because of all the Pc work people do now and texting on the phone,we dont have the same practice.
I cant remember the last time I wrote a letter:eek:

21-Feb-08, 22:51
I think because of all the Pc work people do now and texting on the phone,we dont have the same practice.
I cant remember the last time I wrote a letter:eek:

The amount of texting done i hardly ever type out full words.. an when i go to write a letter i see myself sticking in the odd number 2 every now and then [lol]

21-Feb-08, 22:51
[quote=Alice in Blunderland;343683]My writing is fine on the other hand my husbands is terrible :eek: He admits that its so bad on accasion he has difficulty reading it.

Im sure its part of his job description to have awfull handwriting. quote]
Alice he's allowed to have bad writing it goes with the job.;)

Alice in Blunderland
21-Feb-08, 22:57
Im sure its part of his job description to have awfull handwriting. quote]
Alice he's allowed to have bad writing it goes with the job.;)

Yes thats true but what if you end up with indigestion medication instead of constipation ???????????? or maybe we shouldnt go there:lol:

Highland Laddie
21-Feb-08, 22:59
The amount of texting done i hardly ever type out full words.. an when i go to write a letter i see myself sticking in the odd number 2 every now and then [lol]

That's a bit over the top Gemma89, sticking number 2s in your letter :eek:

21-Feb-08, 23:02
eh yeh.. iv seen myself go to do it... i obviously dnt send the letter lyk tht!! dnt need to write letters much so its mostly slang i use.

21-Feb-08, 23:02
Mine is ok i usually write in caps if writing quickly but if i take my time it is fine.

My OH's everyday writing is a scrawl sometimes i can't make it out - he is in IT so uses pc for 90% (who am i kidding :roll:) of his life but he dose calligraphy & it is really good.

21-Feb-08, 23:14
mine isnt too bad if i take my time,,a scrawl if i hurry:Razz

lady penelope
21-Feb-08, 23:16
My OH's writing is bad. He writes in capitals and his letters are tiny!

My writing depends on my mood, I can never write in straight lines and my handwriting tends to be a swirly scrawl with squiggly bits.

I can do caligraphy though!:)

22-Feb-08, 01:49
My writing has, on many occasions, been described as girly. In fact, I write almost exactly the same as a female work mate of mine. She does her L's different to me and that's about it.

22-Feb-08, 10:08
Gawd, mine's terrible. I can't understand my own reports if i go back to them a few weeks later. Strange really, as at school it wasn't too bad. I tend to scrawl if I've got a lot of info buzzing in my head that I want to get down quickly.I've noticed that I 'scrawl' on the keyboard as well, If i'm on a roll I will type that fast (index fingers only!) that the roder of letters a nd iuse of cAps is all tocock.

22-Feb-08, 12:00
In the UK (or England at least) we teach handwriting in a way that makes the transition from printing to cursive script unnecessarily complicated for children, or anyone born after the second half of the 20th century, in fact.

If you look at your granny's handwriting, or say modern French children's handwriting, it's usually flowing, with well-formed letters of the same size. Not like most children's writing here!:confused

For 50 years or so children have been taught to print in lower case before they learn cursive. Usually this is ball-and-stick script. With this method, to write a letter d for example, they draw a circle and then put a stick on it. All letters start either in the middle of the line (a) or at the top (t).

In 'joined-up writing' however, letters are usually joined at the base of the letter on the line (except for letters o r v and w). The child therefore has to learn a new way of forming letters so they can be connected. They also have to learn to hold the pencil differently. For ball-and-stick printing the pencil is held upright, with pressure downwards and using a 3 or 4 fingered grip. They need a different muscular grip for fluid cursive writing - a pincer grip between the thumb and inex finger, with the pencil resting on the third finger, and held at a slant for fluid, relaxed writing.

Having to unlearn their habits can create resentment and many difficulties for some children. If they learnt from the start to make each letter with an entry stroke (i.e. starting on the line) and then with an exit stroke (finishing on the line) the letters could be easily joined as the connecting elements are already in place. By the time children get to this stage in the UK, the demands of the curriculum often mean teachers have little time to supervise handwriting.

Interesting little video about how they do it France! (If it works;).)
http://www.teachers.tv/video/24021 (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.teachers.tv/video/24021)

22-Feb-08, 12:22
My writing is legible only to me (usually) and people who're used to it (sometimes!). I tend to put the blame on a change of schools at primary 6 stage when I had to un-learn the cursive handwriting I'd done at my old school and learn Italic script. :confused

Recently I've had to do lot of form filling. To make the completed forms look neat and, maybe more to the point, be legible, I wrote everything in block caps with a fine point black gel pen. It did look vastly better than my usual scrawl.

Maybe that would be an idea for your OH, cuddlepop. :)

22-Feb-08, 12:28
my handwriting is awfull usualy, when im in college im trying to keep up with tutors so my handwriting is awfull, sometimes i cant read it!, if i can take my time it can be just ledable, and for it to be extremly neat it can take a looooonnnnggggg time!

i much prefer typing things up on the computer as its quicker and it also has spell checker

kazzii xxxx

22-Feb-08, 12:32
For 50 years or so children have been taught to print in lower case before they learn cursive. Usually this is ball-and-stick script. With this method, to write a letter d for example, they draw a circle and then put a stick on it. All letters start either in the middle of the line (a) or at the top (t).

In 'joined-up writing' however, letters are usually joined at the base of the letter on the line (except for letters o r v and w). The child therefore has to learn a new way of forming letters so they can be connected. They also have to learn to hold the pencil differently. For ball-and-stick printing the pencil is held upright, with pressure downwards and using a 3 or 4 fingered grip. They need a different muscular grip for fluid cursive writing - a pincer grip between the thumb and inex finger, with the pencil resting on the third finger, and held at a slant for fluid, relaxed writing.........

Interesting, Helen.

I've just done a bit of self-analysis on my style of handwriting (joined up), I've realised I'm gripping the pen too tightly and the pen is too upright.

There's hope for me yet!


22-Feb-08, 13:10
There's hope for me yet!


Sure is Northener.

A bit of therapy and fine motor control exercise should see you right;)!

22-Feb-08, 13:51
I barely see the point in handwriting. I can type at twice the speed and with no spelling or grammer mistakes[lol]

22-Feb-08, 14:17
I barely see the point in handwriting. I can type at twice the speed and with no spelling or grammer mistakes[lol]

Only deliberate spelling mistakes, of course! ;)

22-Feb-08, 14:50
Thats very interesting Helen.
I think Oh is a lazy writer and doesn't hold his pen properly,even capitals at times are illegible.
pass on your tip Angela,see if that helps.

22-Feb-08, 16:20
I have to write all the time at work and my handwriting is legible but it used to be a lot neater but my hubbys handwriting is pretty illegible.
We had trouble at christmas when I helped Lauren open her pressies he wrote down who got her what and when it came to writing the thankyou letters (my job!)even he couldnt decipher some of it. When it comes to her birthday I guess it will be me keeping tabs on who got her what!

22-Feb-08, 20:23
my writing is terrible and i no it its and to tell u the truth i aint bothered about it either lol

22-Feb-08, 22:21
I've read somewhere that some companys are insisting that you hand write your job application just so they can get your hand writing analyzed.

22-Feb-08, 23:05
My oh always says i must be coming back in my next life as a doctor, as my writing looks like a long line of scribbles:roll:

Don't we know it! [lol] Mind you, mine's not any better. But we all know who is the worst....

Big G
22-Feb-08, 23:23
my handwriting is awfull usualy, when im in college im trying to keep up with tutors so my handwriting is awfull, sometimes i cant read it!, if i can take my time it can be just ledable, and for it to be extremly neat it can take a looooonnnnggggg time!

i much prefer typing things up on the computer as its quicker and it also has spell checker

kazzii xxxx

Think you need to use the spell checker on that piece you posted! ^ :eek::eek:

Children are now taught Nelson Font Handwriting at school and i think it is very neat. My own writing is very neat - i would say it's not far off the Nelson Font. Ask to see you kids handwriting book and you'll know what it is!