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View Full Version : what a mess

17-Feb-08, 15:28
This is what my labradoodle did with a bag of flour when he was a puppy http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/1654/messcr0.jpg

17-Feb-08, 17:34
He did the "shake and vac, to put the freshness back" lol

17-Feb-08, 17:40
Ah, if only he could have got to the eggs and milk.he was trying to make you breakfast in bed.So thoughtfull of him.........

17-Feb-08, 19:06
look its so you can see santas footprints from the chimney!

17-Feb-08, 19:17
I'm sure you could sell that as modern art!:lol:

18-Feb-08, 14:26
I'm sure you could sell that as modern art!:lol:

:lol: Thats a good possiblilty, would make a few bob I wouldn't doubt!

18-Feb-08, 15:50
Look on the bright side, he could have done the same with those tasty looking pressies under the tree! :eek:

18-Feb-08, 20:48
oh yes !! :)

my lab did that also as a pup !!! along with sugar ! tipped over water dish and food colouring , a little bit of desicated coconut for good measure. Not what you want to find coming off shift.

20-Feb-08, 19:51
lol.....merry xmas he's trying to say!