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13-Feb-08, 22:33
While driving in the the mist earlier I was surprised by how many drivers either didn't have their lights on or just had sidelights on, which were ineffective. It was like pea soup in places but there were loads of cars with no lights on.

13-Feb-08, 22:38
While driving in the the mist earlier I was surprised by how many drivers either didn't have their lights on or just had sidelights on, which were ineffective. It was like pea soup in places but there were loads of cars with no lights on.
I tried shouting at them Geo ( friendly like :eek: ) but they obviously could n't hear me.......[lol]

13-Feb-08, 23:27
While driving in the the mist earlier I was surprised by how many drivers either didn't have their lights on or just had sidelights on, which were ineffective. It was like pea soup in places but there were loads of cars with no lights on.

Even more annoying are those berks who just dont know how to use fog lights. For pitys sake, switch them off when the fog clears, and theres someone behind you. And while I'm at, whats with all those people who insist on driving with their front fog lights on constantly? [disgust]

13-Feb-08, 23:32
Well anyone I encountered today without their lights on got a good dose of photons from me.

They all then turned their lights on... strange that [lol]

13-Feb-08, 23:36
I agree, the amount of people driving through halkirk today without lights on while the kids were comming out of school was unreal!:eek:
as for the front fog light thing> why are they intent on blinding other road users, is there eyesight that bad that they need the raod lighting up so much?
Maybe they ought not to be driving!!:confused

14-Feb-08, 00:07
I drove up from Golspie tonight and it was horrendous!!!!!! Yes and some ppl didn't have fog lights on. And the ones that have defective lights>>>> well enough said.

14-Feb-08, 00:14
Anyone who drives on 'side lights' is a very inexperienced / amateur driver, side lights are 'PARKING LIGHTS' and only an idiot would use them when moving

Cinderella's Shoe
14-Feb-08, 17:44
Like all of you I couldn't believe the number of drivers without lights - or with side lights - in the fog yesterday.

If you have lights - please use them! They are not just to see with - they allow you to be seen by others.