View Full Version : views on government considering policing internet usage

12-Feb-08, 15:35
so what you folks think ?

i laughed when i saw it on bbc news site, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7240234.stm

thought that hit me first was

how on earth will isp's be able to tell what is and isnt illegal
what is to stop them issuing a warning to me for example by transferring an album of my own music or a video of when i was on holiday to a friend over p2p or torrent ? looking at the ammount of traffic going back and forth over the internet it would be a huge task for isp's to be able to pinpoint what is and is not allowed.

speaking fairly i hold my hand up ill download latest eps of prison break 24 heroes weeds etc, but i still go out and buy the dvd box sets as i like to have a collection. Also same applys to music i download if i like it i buy the album if i dont *hits delete key*

how long before uk ends up having an internet policy like China ?

anyway open forum on this one