View Full Version : 70's & 80's School Disco on 5th Nov - Who's up fer it

24-Oct-05, 12:46
It feels like it's been ages since the last one so I'm looking forward to this one, and the Royal's better 'cos it's nearer the centre of town. Plus it's my BD on the 6th so I'm gonna be partying - anyone there who knows me then mine's a Morgans!

Now, just in case RG's reading, I wanna hear some good Cyndi Lauper tracks please!

24-Oct-05, 13:18
RG's not reading just now but I am.

I will give you Cyndi Lauper since its ur birthday...

See you there and everyone else on Bonfire Night.


The Pepsi Challenge
24-Oct-05, 17:45
This is quality. Thurso must be the only place where Will Powers records still get played and where the women still wear white, high-heel stilettos. Tell Joe Jackson I'll be Steppin' Out if you see 'im. :)

25-Oct-05, 01:46
70s & 80s School Disco Revival
on Saturday 5th of November in the Royal Hotel Thurso :lol:

Its being held to try and raise funds towards the
Dunbar Hospital Day Room Refurbishment Fund

It will be the usual mix of 70s and 80s music with fancy dress as always optional
eg School Uniform or 70s & 80s Popstars :eyes

There will be a raffle on the night for a DVD Player and an MP3 Player with all profits going towards the fund

Admission is only £3 and its all pay at the door. Everyone 18 years and over is welcome and we anticipate a good crowd :eek:

We have moved to a new venue at the Royal Hotel as its more conveiniently situated and we hope all our old customers come along and visit us in our new venue

Its an ideal opportunity for work, office or group nights out and as previous experience has taught us is enjoyed by all age groups [lol]

The last one we held was mobbed and helped us contribute a large donation towards the DEC Tsunami Appeal so we are hoping we can raise a good amount for a worthwhile local charity and obviously have loads of fun and a great night out at the same time.

For further details we can be contacted on
[email protected]
or go to our website on

So why not come along, bring some mates, get drunk, and enjoy a night out with a difference from the usual circuit of pubs and nightclub :p

THe SchoolDisco Revival Group recently helped our local BT Global employees raise £1100 at a Bingo night and we intend to put this money with it for presentation towards the fund so we are off to a really good start but think we can help put a bit more towards a cause which may affect us or our families at anytime in the future :roll:


PS Cant garauntee the White Stiletoes [disgust] but MoonBoots musical tastes will definately on display and much appreciated [mad] :cool:

Schooldiscorevival@Christmas also on in Royal Hotel on Boxing Day (26/12/05)

Hope RGs starting to feel a bit better :~(

All feel free to give us some feedback from previous ones or ideas for the next ones they are aimed as something different from the usual with an eye on helping good causes

26-Oct-05, 12:01
Pepsi Challenge wrote:
This is quality. Thurso must be the only place where Will Powers records still get played and where the women still wear white, high-heel stilettos. Tell Joe Jackson I'll be Steppin' Out if you see 'im.

Maybe a wee bit unfair there Pepsi, everywhere has 70s/80s theme nights now and again...even in Edinburgh ;)

Mind you I recall a few weeks back an article on Sky News which was on about Disco making a comeback and thought that would go down well in Caithness as it never seemed to go away :lol:

Joe Jackson as well, I must go and listen to that in a minute, great album.....Is she really going out with him :cool:

The Pepsi Challenge
27-Oct-05, 12:27
At least in Edinburgh Will Powers would be mistaken for a woman. Caithness always seems to get things 10 years too late. To my surprise punk came around in 1976 and not 1983 as I was led to believe. You're right about Joe, though, scotsboy. Can you imagine a Caithness dialect version of Is She Really Going Out With Him?

27-Oct-05, 13:48
Go on then pepsi and scotsboy

Write in in caithness dialect and lets see if we can get a top ten hit with it

27-Oct-05, 14:00
Pepsi Challenge? Out of pure idle curiosity what is it you do or have in the Capital City that us backwater yokels seem to be missing out on !!?? - -apart from pollution, congestion, higher crime, stats and a chip on your shoulder about the place you left behind!!

SchoolDisco has been on go for 3 years raising money for local charities
Importantly - The customers that go seem to enjoy them.

Unfortunately I cant get size 9 in white stilletos without them making my ankles look fat !!

Maybe you could pick me up a pair from the metropolis - - Seeing you have all that diversity!! - -must take weight of 13stone bloke!!!

The Pepsi Challenge
27-Oct-05, 17:35
Gogglebox, man, it was just a bit of light-hearted humour. Chill. If it's any consolation Edinburgh is slowly turning into Sao Paulo.

02-Nov-05, 14:12
OOOOPs Sorry if that sounded severe - didnt mean too - -sounded better in my head than what it reads!! - Pepsi - My apologies

Anyway while im here another reminder that its on this Saturday (5th Nov) at the Royal and all money raised goes to Dunbar Hospital

Its good crack, always busy and an alternative to the usual local Saturday night entertainment so please come along if you can or even just pop in on your way somewhere else

06-Nov-05, 18:13
I wonder how Bobinovich feels today? Happy birthday by the way.

I already met one person who was at that disco in Somerfield this morning and she looked very delicate indeed!!

I do hope it was a success.


07-Nov-05, 15:35
Seemed to go rather well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves
Added into the money that we helped raise at the Charity Bingo in the Royal at the start of October we should have about £1258 to give to Dunbar Day Room Refurbishment Fund, so it certainly seems to have been worth doing
Some pictures will appear on our website in the next day or so

The events were run in conjunction with BT Global, Thurso Royal Hotel and the School Disco Revival Group so a big thanks to all who contributed time effort and cash.

Next School Disco Revival is on Monday 26th December in the Royal Hotel again

and yes the birthday celebrating Bobinovich was looking rather delicate yesterday!!
Old age obviously does not encourage temperance!!! lol

07-Nov-05, 23:27
I wonder how Bobinovich feels today? Happy birthday by the way.

I already met one person who was at that disco in Somerfield this morning and she looked very delicate indeed!!

I do hope it was a success.


Ach it's nice to know ye care LB and thanks for the birthday wishes, but where was ma dram!!!

FYI I was a little tender having downed just one or two too many, but can recall most of my actions. To the best of my knowledge I didn't disgrace myself too much - unlike a few others who's names I won't mention.

All those I've spoken to had a great time. The music and crack was top notch - thanks RG & Co - and I'm already looking forward to the Boxing Day disco.

I'd personally like to thank the management and staff at the Royal for the effort they made - they really got into the spirit with costumes and enthusiasm, and even did the majority of the tidying up - saving us a lot of hassle on the Sunday.

Finally thanks to all who turned up and made it an enjoyable night.


08-Nov-05, 05:36
Pepsi Challenge wrote:

To my surprise punk came around in 1976 and not 1983 as I was led to believe

Well I can remember listening to Anarchy in the UK by the Sex Pistols in the Music shop and buying a copy (on EMI!), punk hit Caithness at the same time as everywhere else. I also seem to recall Kevin Williamson testifying to this in his obituary to Joe Strummer (cant remember if that was in the Herald or the Scotsman).
However I know what you are getting at!

08-Nov-05, 13:26
Aha, so it was indeed Kevin Williamson who wrote the obituary for Joe Strummer in The Herald in December 2002. For me, it was "Christmas with the outlaws" in small-town Perthshire, and it was just like being back in Thurso, but less cosmopolitan -- if you can believe that! I kept that copy of the Herald for ages, but I lost it when we had some major work done on the house some time later. :(

Kevin's article made the front page and there was a photo of Strummer too.

Scotsboy is right, I remember going into the Music Shop in for the first time in ages in '76 or '77 and everything had changed. The old racks of Floyd, Sabbath, Led Zep, etc, LPs, had been replaced by garish singles, and the place was full of noise, so I ran away. It was ages before I realised that punk was actually dead good.

Some mates & I stood in a student election a year or so later and our slogan was "Never Mind the Sex Pistols, Vote for Blah, Blah & Blah". We lost -- miserably. We stood again the following year -- with a sensible slogan -- and we won. How boring is that? I like to think I was the inspiration for daughter-of-a-Weeker Lesley Riddoch's much greater electoral success a couple of years later, but I doubt it somehow. As far as I'm aware, I never met her, but you never know...

I ran the bar -- anyone find that surprising?

The Pepsi Challenge
08-Nov-05, 15:41
Aye, the Strummer obituary was rather well written, but then Kev's a rather good writer. And I guess, at least, he was in Thurso at the time punk "hit" as well. Wherever Kev goes he seems to attract controversey. So it's no surprise that now he's in France - finishing off a book - it burns. And Thirsa fowk who fancy dropping on him should check out his blog: www.kevinwilliamson.blogspot.com

12-Nov-05, 00:28
Just to let you know that some of the photo's from the Bonfire Night Disco are now up on their website at www.schooldiscorevival.co.uk (http://www.schooldiscorevival.co.uk).

See you on Dec 26th for the next one! :cool: