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09-Feb-08, 11:01
Do you remember when you were about 7 or 8, you’d find a special shaped stone, maybe with a hole in it and it would be your ‘lucky’ stone?

Well, two months ago aged fifty seven and a half, I found a stone about 2-3 inches long, shaped like a slug, he (I call him Clive) became my ‘lucky’ stone, he lives in my jacket pocket and I usually find him when walking the dogs and some times say, ‘good morning Clive’

I don’t know if he is ‘lucky’ as some bad things have happened to my family in the last few weeks, but could they have been worse if I did not have him?

(I was only joking when I said I’d named it Clive!)

Any one else carried any strange childhood behaviours into adulthood?

09-Feb-08, 11:12
Not me, but my eldest lad many moons ago presented me one day before i went on shift with a lego gun ( ok it was two bits of lego that resembled a L shape ) but in his eyes it was a gun, it was to keep me safe at work. It remained in my jacket for the next 10 years, and its still there.

And no, i never had to use it thankfully !:D

09-Feb-08, 12:23
I've got a little stone that my my son picked up on top of ben nevis and one that my husband picked up somewhere near Luss, both camped out in my handbag. I big love heart shaped rock that my daughter gave me is on the bedroom windowsill. The ones in my handbag are the ones that I tend to think of as lucky, although I don't know why. Maybe if I collect enough of them I can use my handbag to defend me from a mugger. That'd be lucky, eh?

Oh I almost forgot one, when my husband and I were first seeing each other, we got two keyrings, each in the shape of half a heart that fit together (you know the sort of thing) Neither of us will leave the house without them now. Well, obviously something terrible would happen if we did :roll:

09-Feb-08, 13:09

Oh I almost forgot one, when my husband and I were first seeing each other, we got two keyrings, each in the shape of half a heart that fit together (you know the sort of thing) Neither of us will leave the house without them now. Well, obviously something terrible would happen if we did :roll:[/quote]

Yes...You'd be locked out!:lol:

09-Feb-08, 13:16
Yes...You'd be locked out!

That did occur to me after I posted that, I knew someone would notice :lol:

BUT... My front door key isn't attached to that keyring, so....

Ner ner ner ner ner :lol:

09-Feb-08, 13:56
Don't know about lucky stones... but my mums china cabinet has has a shelf full of fossils that I brought back from the west coast many years ago! :lol:

09-Feb-08, 14:06
(I was only joking when I said I’d named it Clive!) I'm not e only one e men in white coats are coming for then bananas


I have 2 lucky stones, 1 in shape of a fish I found on my mum and dads grave and another one thats painted and polished and given to me by a dear departed friend in Orkney. ? Lucky, I dont ken, but precious memories.

09-Feb-08, 16:06
I found a small stone this morning while out walking.It had clearly been halved in two and was sitting side by side.It looks like its has a fossile inside but not sure.:confused
It almost looks rusty but its definatly a stone.

Hopefully it'll bring us some luck as we desperatly need it.:)

Valerie Campbell
09-Feb-08, 17:10
My Mum found a stone in the shape of a loveheart donkeys years ago and gave it to me. I still have it and am so glad I kept it as she died just over 3 years ago, so it's very special.

09-Feb-08, 19:56
iv got one from when i 1st started seein my partner, we were skimming stones up the dunbeath strath and he etched a heart onto it and gave it to me........ah he USED to be mr romance :lol: but i still have it 7yrs on and look at it from time to time as it is in a jewelry box. i wouldna say its lucky more sentimental.

09-Feb-08, 20:16
A small carved wooden elephant..trunk up!

3 Chinese coins my husband gave me and a single grain of rice (supposed to ensure you never starve..and given the space it takes up..it's a good investment!);)

09-Feb-08, 22:09
I have a lucky bag of gravel........


09-Feb-08, 22:28
I have a lucky bag of gravel........


And the worlds most famous lampshade!:eek:

09-Feb-08, 22:41
Ah, you remembered!

I've got lots of odd stones I've collected because they look interesting but none that I'd call lucky.
