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View Full Version : speeding/overtaking on the Ord

08-Feb-08, 14:11
I see in e Groat today, that the powers that be are going to crack down on the speeding and not wearing of Seatbelts. One thing I reckon is needed is a speed camera on e Org on the section that bypassed the second big bend. Yesterday was the 3rd time some idiot has overtaken me on the double white lines and exceeding 60 mph. I always slow down on that first sharp bend and then get some nutter overtake me on the DWL's. The lines are there because of the overtaking line on the other side of the road, but these drivers seem to think they can overtake there too.[disgust] Mind, e mannie that overtook me at speed yesterday, was old and grey - maybe he's just tired of waiting for god!http://www.british-genealogy.com/forums/images/smilies/rant.gif

08-Feb-08, 14:31
I see in e Groat today, that the powers that be are going to crack down on the speeding and not wearing of Seatbelts. One thing I reckon is needed is a speed camera on e Org on the section that bypassed the second big bend. Yesterday was the 3rd time some idiot has overtaken me on the double white lines and exceeding 60 mph. I always slow down on that first sharp bend and then get some nutter overtake me on the DWL's. The lines are there because of the overtaking line on the other side of the road, but these drivers seem to think they can overtake there too.[disgust] Mind, e mannie that overtook me at speed yesterday, was old and grey - maybe he's just tired of waiting for god!http://www.british-genealogy.com/forums/images/smilies/rant.gif
I agree with you whole heartily but couldn't stop laughing at the antics of your wee irrate grey man.

Who needs words.lol

footie chick
08-Feb-08, 14:36
One thing I reckon is needed is a speed camera on e Org

Think that's a bit excessive you have to wait long enough between posts as it is :p[lol]

Penelope Pitstop
08-Feb-08, 16:22
Mind, e mannie that overtook me at speed yesterday, was old and grey - maybe he's just tired of waiting for god!http://www.british-genealogy.com/forums/images/smilies/rant.gif

Maybe he was in a rush to get to the PO to get his pension before they shut it down!! lol:lol:

08-Feb-08, 17:26
I travel from Berriedale to Golspie every day and there are so many maniac's on the road ranging from car's to lorries and even the buses. I am usually stuck behind a bus or lorry in the morning going down when some maniac behind me get's fed up and decides to overtake on a corner or on the double whites, don't they know how to drive and that a double white is there for a reason and you are not supposed to overtake on a double white. Also, people need to remember that this road is notorious for dear etc running out, I have nearly hit one or two no end of time on this stretch of road, especially at night, I am a pretty cautious driver, lets face it, the Berriedale to Golspie road is not the best and can be pretty dangerous but I just wish people would learn to drive and not be so impatient and wait until there is a clear point to overtake instead of cutting people up and nearly causing accidents, I tend to drive at 50 - 55 on this stretch of road and I know this road quite well and would never dream of driving at some speads I have seen people driving on it.

08-Feb-08, 22:09
And there lies the start of part of the problem - there are very few overtaking opportunities on the Wick to Brora section and when you do come to one there is usually something coming the other way.
Consider common scenario: driver A cruising along 55-60, catches up with B doing 50-55, the 2 of them catch up with C 45-50, catch up with D 40-45, catch up with E who is looking at the state of the neeps, sheep, coos, hay, hills, wild life ,birds etc.
We now have a 30-40mph convoy with very little opportunity to clear the bunching.

E is either oblivious, or doesn't care a hoot about all the frustration building up behind and never in a 100 years will he/she think of pulling into a layby to relieve the congestion behind.

C & D often have not got the confidence/skill level to overtake E where it safely can be done but will not leave enough space to allow those behind who can overtake to do so 1 vehicle at a time. There is usually not enough distance in the safe overtake area to pass more than 1 car at a time.

A & B frequently get so frustrated that they overtake in appropriately.

What is required in the absence of massive road improvements is for drivers to be more aware of not only traffic, road and weather conditions but of how their actions, progress, level of skill, vehicle cabability etc are impacting on other roadusers, that includes pedestrians, cyclists, powered 2 wheelers, agricultural, commercial, LGV/HGV and the occasional wildlife.

Although speed increases the probability and severity of collisions (90% are not accidents they could be prevented) it is not the root cause, the root cause of is bad driving.

I feel better of that now

George Brims
08-Feb-08, 22:20
One solution to driver E is to honk at him, one long single beep, the first time E passes a layby. Second time, two beeps, etc etc. I have never got as far as 5.

08-Feb-08, 22:26
One solution to driver E is to honk at him, one long single beep, the first time E passes a layby. Second time, two beeps, etc etc. I have never got as far as 5.

Then you dont drive the A9 nearly enough. And as in the scenario mentioned above, you wont get near to driver E because of the incompetent drivers tailgating him.

08-Feb-08, 22:53
Driver E must be the farmer that Colin Campbell was singing about a few years ago. I remember he had an hilarious song released about a Caithness farmer driving along inspecting his sheep, oblivious to the traffic behind, the more they honked the slower he got ,and made sure he was always in the middle of the road. Pity I can't remember the title.

08-Feb-08, 23:32
Whitewater - do you mean the Road Rage Cowboy?

More info on Colin Campbell here :-

08-Feb-08, 23:50
I would like to quote what is said on the famous black boards -
Also to Ber219 are we talking about old dears or wild deers, please check your tenses before posting as this is causing confusion!

08-Feb-08, 23:53
I would like to quote what is said on the famous black boards -
Also to Ber219 are we talking about old dears or wild deers, please check your tenses before posting as this is causing confusion!

Dont they both get in the way?;) x

09-Feb-08, 00:17
Whitewater - do you mean the Road Rage Cowboy?

More info on Colin Campbell here :-

Thats the very one Moira, absolutely brilliant. Can't help laughing whenever I hear it.

09-Feb-08, 00:23
Then you dont drive the A9 nearly enough. And as in the scenario mentioned above, you wont get near to driver E because of the incompetent drivers tailgating him.

I can't believe how close some folk get to the car in front, it's sheer lunacy, when cars are invented with a huge forcefield around them I am having one! :cool:

George Brims
09-Feb-08, 00:35
Then you dont drive the A9 nearly enough. And as in the scenario mentioned above, you wont get near to driver E because of the incompetent drivers tailgating him.

Well I rarely drive it these days (the I405 and Interstate 101 are more my usual drive), but I used to a lot and I always found that worked quite well. I was assuming in the above that I was driver D, the poor bloke immediately behind E.

Last time I drove up to Caithness I got stuck behind a right driver E just after the Kessock Bridge. Not only was he maintaining a minus 10mph cushion to whatever the speed limit was, but every time we passed a sign saying there were speed cameras in the area, he would brake really hard, to the point he had to drop a gear to keep going, then gradually speed up again.

09-Feb-08, 02:16
I would like to quote what is said on the famous black boards -
Also to Ber219 are we talking about old dears or wild deers, please check your tenses before posting as this is causing confusion!
its not the overtaking I object to, its when and where some peeps overtake. I am not a farmer Campbell driver, I do a lot of travelling as part of my job, but boy, what ive seen. What about the clever driver who can see around bends? there was me cruising along at 60 on the straights and slowe for the bends. This chap sits close behind me all along the straight bits, then all of a sudden decides to overtake just before a bend, and thats not the first time its happened, if they have to overtake, then do it sensibly. My hubby says, "no matter how fast you go, someone always wants to go faster" As for deers, its usually both, deers in the forest areas etc that jump out in front of you and old dears in villages that walk out into the road without looking first. I hope the speeders slow down when they get to e villages :eek:

09-Feb-08, 03:12
I travel out and in the A9 every day to halkirk and my wee car will go from 0-60 in 10 second or so, but it goes from 60-0 in less some mornings and evenings. Usually the other drivers have on HI-VIS clothing, so wonder where they are going. But saying that Thursdays are always quiet.

Moi x
09-Feb-08, 03:28
Well I rarely drive it these days (the I405 and Interstate 101 are more my usual drive), Since when has Route 101 been an interstate? ;)

It's a horrible highway until you get west of Ventura then it's heaven.

09-Feb-08, 21:38
And there lies the start of part of the problem - there are very few overtaking opportunities on the Wick to Brora section and when you do come to one there is usually something coming the other way.
Consider common scenario: driver A cruising along 55-60, catches up with B doing 50-55, the 2 of them catch up with C 45-50, catch up with D 40-45, catch up with E who is looking at the state of the neeps, sheep, coos, hay, hills, wild life ,birds etc.
We now have a 30-40mph convoy with very little opportunity to clear the bunching.

E is either oblivious, or doesn't care a hoot about all the frustration building up behind and never in a 100 years will he/she think of pulling into a layby to relieve the congestion behind.

C & D often have not got the confidence/skill level to overtake E where it safely can be done but will not leave enough space to allow those behind who can overtake to do so 1 vehicle at a time. There is usually not enough distance in the safe overtake area to pass more than 1 car at a time.

A & B frequently get so frustrated that they overtake in appropriately.

What is required in the absence of massive road improvements is for drivers to be more aware of not only traffic, road and weather conditions but of how their actions, progress, level of skill, vehicle cabability etc are impacting on other roadusers, that includes pedestrians, cyclists, powered 2 wheelers, agricultural, commercial, LGV/HGV and the occasional wildlife.

Although speed increases the probability and severity of collisions (90% are not accidents they could be prevented) it is not the root cause, the root cause of is bad driving.

I feel better of that now

Very well put, I couldn't add anything to that at all.


09-Feb-08, 22:07
All good amusing stuff, what a wonderful sense of humour our posters have. Yes Colin C's roadrage cowboy is a hoot. Hopefully I wasn't quite that bad when carting peats from Smerlie to Papigoe on an M-F 135 with a flat out speed in top gear of 14mph.
To go back to the northbound crawler/overtaking lane on the Ord and the southbound double solid whites I have to confess that I have overtaken (usually a type D or E driver) by crossing the double whites. Yes I know its against the law before you all jump down my throat but the purpose of the double whites there is to prevent conflict between stupid southbound overtakers and people using the crawler/overtaking lane going North. Now if I can see all the way down this pretty long section with great line of sight due to the gentle right hand curve and it is absolutely empty of northbound traffic then I believe I am doing no one any harm or alarm.
Infact on many of the similiar sections on the A96 Aberdeen road there originally used to be dashed whites instead of solids so that when the opposing crawler/overtaking was completly empty then you could legally overtake. However due to a combination of hooligans and incompetents ignoring or misunderstanding the priorities, that you only went out onto the opposite direction overtaking lane if it was completely clear, led Grampian to change them all to double solid whites. Unfortunately I sometimes now find myself on these sections, like the Ord, with a long completely empty line of sight but can't overtake legally because of the double solid whites.
Hence we are being restricted from completing safe manoevres because the authorities are making it simpler for drivers of questionable ability rather than directing enforcement towards people who drive badly.
I hope I am not sounding like a right obnoxious tosser or a Victor Meldrew but I do feel strongly about good and bad driving.
Looking forward to your responses.
Stay happy and safe

09-Feb-08, 22:21
Oh and by the way I am old and grey, infact there is very little grey left, and I do a fair few 000's a year in various cars/vans, 7.5 tonners and motorbikes. In general I find that bus, lorry and works drivers are very good with the odd glaringly bad exception which then tars all the rest of their breed with the same brush.

09-Feb-08, 22:59
Oh and by the way I am old and grey, infact there is very little grey left, and I do a fair few 000's a year in various cars/vans, 7.5 tonners and motorbikes. In general I find that bus, lorry and works drivers are very good with the odd glaringly bad exception which then tars all the rest of their breed with the same brush.

well it wasnae you then beelag2000, this one had plenty of hair, mad professor style. [lol]


09-Feb-08, 23:24
no me Bluelady - its been a long time since I had that amount of hair, used to be down past my shoulders in the late 60's complete with the orange crimpolene bell bottoms and the big lapel orange and white flowery shirt - lord how we thought we were the beesknees of fashion.
Take care n might see u on the road somewhere

10-Feb-08, 12:35
I remember those happy day's of the 60's beelag2000, mind but I was but a nipper running wild and barefoot through the fields with flowers in my hair.

Then they went and built a huge housing estate on it [disgust]. Now look you diversed me, LOL,Thankyou, you take care too.