View Full Version : Closure of Pulteneytown Post Office

02-Feb-08, 12:55
Just remind people if we have any chance of persuading Post Office Ltd to change their mind and keep our Post Office open we need a full hall on Monday night.

We are also for two or three people to ask questions on the night. Anyone up for it pm me.

Anyone artistic who has a spare hour to make up a couple of banners?

cheers :Razz

02-Feb-08, 13:01
Just remind people if we have any chance of persuading Post Office Ltd to change their mind and keep our Post Office open we need a full hall on Monday night.

We are also for two or three people to ask questions on the night. Anyone up for it pm me.

Anyone artistic who has a spare hour to make up a couple of banners?

cheers :Razz
My other half will be there with bells on, i'm going to go into my work and let my boss off as he wants to attend as well. This meeting is crucial to our community, so i reiterate what Pepsix says. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ATTEND.:eek:

02-Feb-08, 19:56
it saddens me to hear this after all it has served the people of pulteney for years.........:~(

02-Feb-08, 20:01
Can two post offices in a small town really be justified?

02-Feb-08, 20:13
Can two post offices in a small town really be justified?

It is not just the post office - older people who live in Pulteneytown are able to walk to the post office get their pension, pop in two the chemist, butchers and bakers and go home. Nearly 180 pensioners pick up their pension there each week. If they cant get their pension they are relying on buses (few and far between) or someone to run them down the street. They lose their independence. If they have to go down the street they are likely to buy their necessities down the street. This will have an impact on the other shops (there is over 25 people employed around MacArthur Street) it is not just the closure of a Post Office but this closure will have a negative impact on the whole community. :roll:

02-Feb-08, 20:19
Can two post offices in a small town really be justified?pultneytown and wick are two towns

02-Feb-08, 20:34
Just remind people if we have any chance of persuading Post Office Ltd to change their mind and keep our Post Office open we need a full hall on Monday night.......

I've made this a "sticky" to keep it at the top of the board for a few days

Meeting is in the South School, Roxburgh Road, Wick - Monday 4th February 6.00pm

Details on front page of Caithness.org :- http://www.caithness.org/

footie chick
02-Feb-08, 21:37
Can two post offices in a small town really be justified?

Out of the two post offices in Wick this is they only one I use.

02-Feb-08, 23:23
I strongly agree with pepsix the poltneytown post office is a place for all e ould critters meeting on a pension day, a lot o them are no fit to go doon e street to get there bits n bobs when they can get mostly everything fae macarthur street, the staff are so friendly & its no fair to put them outta job when there is plenty room in week for 2 post offices.
For a lot o e ould folk it's e highlite o thur week goin there, they meet up we all there thur cronies & get a good natter, it wud be a hell o a shame to put Marian & Jen outta a job coz thur luvely people & all e ould folk wud really miss them as sum o them that is the only people that they get to spreak to week in week out.
Whoever wants to close down this lovely post office is just mental


03-Feb-08, 00:39
why Don't People Meet @ The P/o Earlier And Then Protest March Up To The School For The Meeting Together To Show Solidarity ?

lady penelope
03-Feb-08, 09:53
The shopping area in Pultneytown is the lifeblood of the community. Everyone who uses the post office knows the size of queues a lot of the time are coming out the door!
Unfortunately the Government has to close 2500 (correct me if I'm wrong) post offices due to lack of funding so some post offices are going.
I am lucky, I have a choice as I drive, but a lot don't so the public meeting is very important if we want our say.See you there on Monday. ;)

03-Feb-08, 13:50
i wonder??
does anyone know for how many years or even generations that post office
has served the back side. its a long haul from the top of kennedy to
high street

Bill Fernie
03-Feb-08, 17:30
i wonder??
does anyone know for how many years or even generations that post office
has served the back side. its a long haul from the top of kennedy to
high street

Wick had a Post Office by 1715 and Pultneytown was laid out as per Thomas Telford's designs in 1808 as a planned suburb with the British Fisheries Society being heavily involved in its development along with the harbour area. It is likely that as there were many other shops and businesses in Pultneytown that it would not have been too long after it was built that a Post Office would have appeared - both for private and possibly more parituclarly for sending business letters. I understand from speaking to local historians at the library a couple of years ago that Pultneytown at one time had as many as 70 small shops. So a PO is likely to have been a good business at time when the town was expanding.

Andrew C
03-Feb-08, 17:32
I can't make the meeting on Monday, but I support calls to keep the post office open.

03-Feb-08, 18:16
Just for information - I think someone mentioned people not being able to walk to the PO to pick up their pensions............I thought that all benefits were paid into bank acounts now - is that not the case?

03-Feb-08, 18:23
Just for information - I think someone mentioned people not being able to walk to the PO to pick up their pensions............I thought that all benefits were paid into bank acounts now - is that not the case?
Yes that's right scotsboy, but the post office is a lot closer than the bank. I can't imagine many pensioners willing or for that matter, able to walk to their bank. That is one of the reasons the post office in Pultneytown is so vital.:~(

03-Feb-08, 18:54
Yes that's right scotsboy, but the post office is a lot closer than the bank. I can't imagine many pensioners willing or for that matter, able to walk to their bank. That is one of the reasons the post office in Pultneytown is so vital.:~(

You can have a Post Office Account instead of a bank account. You can also withdraw money from the post office if you have an Alliance and Leicester, Bank of Scotland or TSB account. They do not charge for this. The alternatives is the Mountain Dew (which charges about £1.50) or go down to the main street. A good service that will be missed by anyone who does not drive. I spoke to a single working mum who says she can take her money out of the bank there and get food dinner from the butchers or Malcolms. If it was not there she would have to take a taxi or walk down the street with two toddlers to get money [mad]

03-Feb-08, 20:48
You can have a Post Office Account instead of a bank account. You can also withdraw money from the post office if you have an Alliance and Leicester, Bank of Scotland or TSB account. They do not charge for this. The alternatives is the Mountain Dew (which charges about £1.50) or go down to the main street. A good service that will be missed by anyone who does not drive. I spoke to a single working mum who says she can take her money out of the bank there and get food dinner from the butchers or Malcolms. If it was not there she would have to take a taxi or walk down the street with two toddlers to get money [mad]
that means the fare for two taxis out of your allowance before you begin

03-Feb-08, 21:15
cannot make the meeting but def has my support an excellent service with friendly staff an necessity for the elderly of pulteney!!!


04-Feb-08, 23:42
Just wondering how the meeting went tonight? Was there a good turnout, were you listened to? I wish I could of been but I was minding the baby.

04-Feb-08, 23:55
Find 6pm a very bad time for the meeting. Too many people just ariving home from work etc. However, I use the Pulteney Post Office all the time, it would be very inconvenient for many people, including myself, if it were to close.

What was discussed at the meeting tonight? You have my support as well as my families.

05-Feb-08, 13:14
Find 6pm a very bad time for the meeting. Too many people just ariving home from work etc. However, I use the Pulteney Post Office all the time, it would be very inconvenient for many people, including myself, if it were to close.

What was discussed at the meeting tonight? You have my support as well as my families.

I knew that the time would not suit everyone Whitewater but we wanted at a time where people who worked could manage and not too late for pensioners coming out. Many 'fit' pensioners would be walking and we wanted it early enought that they would come along. Also there was a concert at Pulteneytown Acadamy which started at 7 so people could attend both.

It went well, we put accorss our views - Post Office Ltd said they would still have liked more letters or notes from individuals about how the closure would affect them. Even two sentences on the back of a post card handed in to Pulteneytown Post Office who will send theme off - so spread the word we have one week to put in as many letters as possible. :D

05-Feb-08, 13:58
at least that that is not entirely negative then. but time would seem
to be of the essence then. need to do a lot of canvassing in a week
still theres hope eh??? tony

06-Feb-08, 10:42
not too late for pensioners coming out. Many 'fit' pensioners would be walking and we wanted it early enough that they would come along. :DPrecisely one of the reasons that it is a disgrace that they would even consider closing it. Not all pensioners have access to cars nor are they all fit to make the trip to the wick side. Women with children may find it difficult to get into the wick side as well having to traipse there kids with them on the bus or in a taxi. I am sure their are lots of other valid reasons why it is not feasible to close Pultneytown P.O.

07-Feb-08, 05:27
i still think its a disgrace that they want to close the post office and for people to lose there jobs. its not a though it dosnt get used!!!!!!!

11-Feb-08, 19:53
I was in the post office today and they have an information sheet on the counter, basically there is an address you can write to specifying why you don't want the Pultenytown Post Office to close, the closing date is Feb 18th.

The details are as follows...

The Council is urging those communities affected to respond directly to consultation to Post Office Ltd. Representatives from Post Office Ltd will be attending events across those areas affected in the coming weeks and the Council is encouraging people to attend these events and let their views be heard.
People can also respond by either writing or emailing:

Sally Buchanan
Network Development Manager
c/o National Consultation Team
Freepost Consultation Team

[email protected]

The Council has set up a discussion forum on its website and will forward the comments received to Post Office Ltd.


18-Feb-08, 08:06
well i for one will be getting the address next time im in this post office has served the pepole well and lets hope it will do for many more years to come..........;)

19-Feb-08, 23:36
The public consultation closed on monday so i'm afraid your 2 late for your views to be accounted for! Lets hope enough people sent there responses, i sent mine on friday, lets hope they keep it open!!

26-Feb-08, 02:06
As Macwull has pointed out, the period of public consultation is now over, so I'm going to "unsticky" the thread here.

The thread is still open for anyone to post their opinions.

26-Feb-08, 13:07
I knew that the time would not suit everyone Whitewater but we wanted at a time where people who worked could manage and not too late for pensioners coming out. Many 'fit' pensioners would be walking and we wanted it early enought that they would come along. Also there was a concert at Pulteneytown Acadamy which started at 7 so people could attend both.

It went well, we put accorss our views - Post Office Ltd said they would still have liked more letters or notes from individuals about how the closure would affect them. Even two sentences on the back of a post card handed in to Pulteneytown Post Office who will send theme off - so spread the word we have one week to put in as many letters as possible. :D

Does the postcard need a stamp!

26-Feb-08, 13:31
The consultaion closed on the 18th Feb so any feedback after that won't be reviewed im afraid!!