View Full Version : Missing Cats

19-Oct-05, 12:36
HELP!! Both my youngest cats have gone missing. Boots dissappeared 2.5 weeks ago and his sister, Wellie disappeared last Thursday. Both went during daylight hours in the afternoon!! They do not wander. I live in on Primrose Avenue on the Heathfield Estate in Thurso. Both are black and white cats, are both chipped and are only 2 years old. Can u check ur garages, sheds and out buildings please. I am very worried for their safety as they never go wandering off. If u do find either or both of them please contact me on my email [email protected]. If u want pix please click on the links below.



Thank u

Kaz x

20-Oct-05, 19:52
Sorry to hear about the wee cats, I don't live in Thurso but I'll definately tell everyone I know. I really hope you find them, I know what it's like to lose a pet, and to have two go!

Fingers crossed!

20-Oct-05, 20:46
Hi there, Sorry to hear about the cats, have you tried cats protection league. balmore etc.
Did Heather tell you we lost our 9yr old cat Salem to a mad car driver a couple of weeks ago, right next to our house, it takes a bit of getting over.
Hopefully boots & wellie have just wandered off and someone is feeding them for you, one of our other cats did that, he came back after a month , maybe decided he prefered my cat food!lol.
Well keep your chin up, i'llkeep my eyes and ears open for them, sometimes word of mouth is the best advert!

Best Wishes


20-Oct-05, 22:40
I'm so sorry to hear about your cats going missing. One is bad enough but two!!!

I know you probably have already but it's worth checking neighbours sheds etc in case they have been shut in somewhere.
Also put up posters and call Caithness FM and ask them to broadcast an appeal. It's basically trying to reach as many people as you can.

I am a volunteer with Cats Protection and will let you know if anyone phones us to say they've seen them.

Really, really hope they turn up safe and well soon.

20-Oct-05, 23:35
It's bad enough having one missing cat - but two! Would you like me to put the details (and picture) on the Dounreay bulletin boards for you? It would be a good way of reaching a lot of people.

20-Oct-05, 23:58

Thank u to everyone

Luskintyre - yes please if u can put a notice on the Dounreay bullitin board that would be great.

Lydia, thanks, Hazel told me about Salem, i was very sad.

Liz, thanks, done Balmore, Vets etc ... will try Caithness fm next too. I have put picture fliers through everyone's doors around here, so all i can do now is sit and wait. I am very worried about them I just don't understand it, they both went missing in Daylight too!!

If anyone sees them, leave me a message here or email me

Thank u once again for ur kind messages.


Bill Fernie
21-Oct-05, 11:02
I have added your cats to the newly set up missing pets gallery in the Pets Corner
http://www.caithness.org/petscorner/index.htm I have noticed an increase in missing pets particularly cats and thought it woulod be helpful to grop them al together so that anyone finding a missing pet could check if if it was on th web site. Otherwise the messages tend to be scattered over the weeks and in different places.

I think we have to be suspicious that two cats disappear at once and everyone might watch for anyone lifting a cat in the street and note where and when etc.

I hope your cats turn up. We had one missing a few years back and he turned up about week later having been hiding because he was ill. Fortunately we found him just in time and he survived. He hid in a barn near our house. Let me know if they turn up to add something to the Pets Corner. I intend to remove the photos in the Missing Gallery after a certain time. I have not decided how long. Possibly a year might be a reasonable time.

21-Oct-05, 12:18
great idea Bill, we get quite a lot of lost pet notices at Caithness FM and are always happy to oblige, we even had a lost flock of pigeons once! being able to log onto the website and see a photo will make it a lot easier for people to identify animals.

p.s. If anyone does phone CFM to say they've lost their pet - please phone back to let us know if it's been found - sometimes we are broadcasting these notices for ages and don't know if the animal is still missing

21-Oct-05, 19:14
Re missing cats, if anyone is missing a cat from the Wick/Reiss area sad to say yesterday I saw the body of what appeared to be a light brown or ginger cat half buried in the sand just below the stones where you go down to Reiss beach from beside the golf course. The tide appeared to be going out so maybe it had been washed up. Don't know if its still there but maybe for anyone missing a cat of that description it could be worthwhile taking a look?

23-Oct-05, 17:23
Thank u Bill for doing that. As yet no response and no sign of either of our beloved pets. My kids are really upset as they were their pets from when they were kittens.

I will keep u informed if and when we find them.

In the mean time if folks can keep their eyes and ears open i'd be eternally grateful.



28-Oct-05, 14:49
Was wondering if you'd heard anything? I put a notice on the Dounreay boards early this week so hopefully that'll raise a bit of awareness as well.

Fingers crossed...

28-Oct-05, 19:27
Thanks for that, as yet nothing, but plenty of people asking if i'd got them back. :(

I will let u all know if and when they turn up.

Thanks again
