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30-Jan-08, 22:02
Has anyone actually stuck to their new years resolutions then??

If anyone has struggled with stopping smoking may i advise you to see our doctor for Champix tablets!!! This is day 5 now and have sat with smokers and it doesnt bother me at all!!! still not experienced a night out but planning one this saturday so hopefully i will have the will power to say no whilst slightly tipsy!! teehee:lol:

30-Jan-08, 22:24
Good luck!

I stopped 10 years ago this year and am healthier, richer and more popular.

30-Jan-08, 22:35
yep. ive stuck to my new year,s resolution,s easy cos i did,nt make any.
did,nt have to. great Eh. (javascript:add_smilie()

31-Jan-08, 00:29
surprisingly i have as well, mine was to simply try not to stress and to take each day as it comes..
i have been calmer and happier so far than in ages!

31-Jan-08, 05:37
I've been walking 30 minutes a day, wellll, almost every day LOL That was my resolution, to get more exercise.

31-Jan-08, 20:01
surprisingly i have as well, mine was to simply try not to stress and to take each day as it comes..
i have been calmer and happier so far than in ages!
good, good. Some might say treat each day like it your last.