View Full Version : e-mail nuisance

30-Jan-08, 02:57
Is anyone else getting annoying "question" e-mails from a site called Fan box.com. They keep popping up from different people asking stupid questions.
one per email. i have tried to get them to remove my name but there is no address to do so and my requests come back as no such web site. i think it is scam mail and i just wish they would stop pestering me and some of my friends.

30-Jan-08, 03:13
They're just 'normal' spam emails.

Delete them, and don't bother requesting to be removed from their mailing list as all that does is let them know that your email address is valid and active, so they can send you more spam.

Depending on your email provider, there may be options to enable a spam filter which would tag these mails as spam and move them straight to your 'Deleted Items' folder.

30-Jan-08, 03:30
If you can delete them without opening them, it's all the better. That way spammers think yours is an inactive email addy, and will eventually stop sending spam.

30-Jan-08, 03:54
Sorry, not true. If your inbound mail server passes the spam on to your mailbox, and doesn't reject it as 'mail recipient unknown' (or something similar) then the spammers know your email account is valid.

In other words, by time the spam has arrived in your inbox, they know they have a valid target.

That's why it's best to have a spam filter, as they can send as much as they want at you, yet you're safe in the knowledge that their efforts are ultimately wasted.

30-Jan-08, 03:57
huh everyday's a school day, thanks for that tidbit

30-Jan-08, 09:18
for ages i've got a few waiting for me to delete sitting in my bulk mail.I dont open just delete.

They get the message eventually and stop,at least for a wee while.:(

30-Jan-08, 19:18
Is anyone else getting annoying "question" e-mails from a site called Fan box.com. They keep popping up from different people asking stupid questions.
one per email. i have tried to get them to remove my name but there is no address to do so and my requests come back as no such web site. i think it is scam mail and i just wish they would stop pestering me and some of my friends.

They tell me 'its a question from Fran' Your're ears must be ringing.

30-Jan-08, 19:21
Sorry, not true. If your inbound mail server passes the spam on to your mailbox, and doesn't reject it as 'mail recipient unknown' (or something similar) then the spammers know your email account is valid.

In other words, by time the spam has arrived in your inbox, they know they have a valid target.

That's why it's best to have a spam filter, as they can send as much as they want at you, yet you're safe in the knowledge that their efforts are ultimately wasted.

That's interesting - must admit I thought if you deleted without opening that was enough not to confirm the address valid. Very discouraging. I used to use spamfighter but after a few upgrades it started making OE unstable so eventually I gave up and changed my address. However doesn't any spam filter put spam in a spam folder so you can still check it before deleting? If it's in your spam folder, does that not confirm your address is valid? I've started getting spam again on my personal address - it's a pain.

30-Jan-08, 19:39
I used to just delete my spam, but started reporting it to http://www.spamcop.net/ (http://www.spamcop.net/) and
http://www.castlecops.com/sirt (http://www.castlecops.com/sirt) (by sending message source details etc), and now I'm getting results, such as: "Hello This is to inform you that action has been taken against the user referenced in your complaint, in accordance with our zero tolerance Acceptable Use Policy"..

Takes a little time to do but worth it..

30-Jan-08, 19:44
Spambully is good, you get a free 30-day trial - so you can bin it if it causes problems with your OS.


30-Jan-08, 20:00
That's interesting - must admit I thought if you deleted without opening that was enough not to confirm the address valid. Very discouraging. I used to use spamfighter but after a few upgrades it started making OE unstable so eventually I gave up and changed my address. However doesn't any spam filter put spam in a spam folder so you can still check it before deleting? If it's in your spam folder, does that not confirm your address is valid? I've started getting spam again on my personal address - it's a pain.

The basic spam filter in email clients etc. will do exactly as you say. A server-side spam filter wouldn't, although the spammers would likely still know that it had been rejected or accepted for rejection.

But what real difference does it make if your spam filter puts it into a different folder? The spammer may know that the mailbox is active, or at least available, but you are safe in knowing that the spam you are sent is treated as such.

If you consider the spammer is trying to get you to click on their links or buy their wares, thus earning money, then the best thing to do is to make sure that you treat their messages appropriately.

What is unfortunately impossible, is stopping them from sending the damnable stuff.

30-Jan-08, 20:51
I used to just delete my spam, but started reporting it to http://www.spamcop.net/ (http://www.spamcop.net/) and
http://www.castlecops.com/sirt (http://www.castlecops.com/sirt) (by sending message source details etc), and now I'm getting results, such as: "Hello This is to inform you that action has been taken against the user referenced in your complaint, in accordance with our zero tolerance Acceptable Use Policy"..

Takes a little time to do but worth it..

Only problem with that is spoofed email and IP addresses can get blacklisted by SpamCop. I'd be pretty miffed is my address was blacklisted simply because some spammer had spoofed it.

30-Jan-08, 22:15
If you don,t have a spam filter you could download a programme called "Mail Washer" and this rejects and returns the mail and the spammer thinks it's inactive.

30-Jan-08, 22:49
If you don,t have a spam filter you could download a programme called "Mail Washer" and this rejects and returns the mail and the spammer thinks it's inactive.

Mail Washer is good when used simply as a spam filter. But the option to 'bounce back' selected mail is a waste of time for two reasons:

1: The spammer doesn't really care whether your email account is inactive or not. It costs the same to send 1 spam email as it does to send 1 million. He won't care either way, he'll just send more. Or rather, his automated spam program will send more.

2: If the spammer receives a 'bounced' email, he knows for certain that the email address is actively used, and he'll only try to circumnavigate the Mail Washer checks. Of course, that's if he doesn't follow point 1 above.

30-Jan-08, 23:29
Hoooray!!! I have at last received an email from Fanbox promising to remove my name and details from their postings. thank god for that. If any of you have this problem you can contact [email protected]
This is the person who sent me the email.
Thank you all for your helpful advise.

31-Jan-08, 00:16
I found this very helpful in working out origination:

http://email.about.com/cs/spamgeneral/a/spam_headers.htm (http://email.about.com/cs/spamgeneral/a/spam_headers.htm)