View Full Version : Rabbit Show

29-Jan-08, 15:31
Schedules are now available for The Caithness Rabbit Fanciers' Association show on April 12th Staxigoe Hall, Wick.
We will be holding an open show for British Rabbit Council members and a large pet show, Classification in the pet show will be FANCY, LOP,FUR AND REX. £1.50 to enter pet show per rabbit or Guinea Pig and 20p per exhibit per novelty class thereafter.
Do not worry if you are unsure of your rabbit's breed as I will be onhand and on the phone to help out. We will also be having novelty classes which any rabbit in the pet show can then go on to take part in 20p entry per novelty class these will be

Rabbit most like it’s owner
Rabbit Judge would most like to take home
Rabbit with Cutest Face
Most unusual Rabbit
Best-presented rabbit
Prettiest Doe
Handsomest Buck
Best friend Rabbit
Cheekiest Rabbit
Friendliest Rabbit

We will also have Guinea pig classes
Short Coated Boar
Short Coated Sow
Short Coated Challenge
Long Coated Boar
Long Coated Sow
Long Coated Challenge
BIS Cavy Challenge

and novelty Guinea pig classes again 20p per class

Wheekiest Cavy
Best-presented Cavy
Cutest Cavy
Friendliest Cavy
Cavy Judge would most like to take home

Please email [email protected] for a form.

29-Jan-08, 17:28
Thanks unicorn.I have printed that off so i know exactly when and where. Love the novelty classes..I will hopefully be bringing parsley in, it is pretty sure that parsley has a damaged or even a foot that deformed at birth and we have not noticed it.So the vet has classed him as a special needs bunny.Is there a class for him....:)

29-Jan-08, 17:43
Sounds great! Love to take Comfort and Lenor along. Do I have to be a member? If so, can I join on the day or does it have to be in advance? Comfort will have to get working out. She has gotten awfully fat over the winter.....

29-Jan-08, 17:48
you can join on the day but I need enteries in by the Sunday before as we have to know our numbers for pen hire. If you pm your email addy I can email you a schedule. I was debating a class for special needs bunnies, but I figured there is bound to be someone out there who would find it offensive :lol: I would also like to add that anyone who would like to be more involved and help out with the setting up before hand or even just selling some raffle tickets or putting up a few posters would be greatfully recieved with open arms

29-Jan-08, 18:54
you can join on the day but I need enteries in by the Sunday before as we have to know our numbers for pen hire. If you pm your email addy I can email you a schedule. I was debating a class for special needs bunnies, but I figured there is bound to be someone out there who would find it offensive :lol: I would also like to add that anyone who would like to be more involved and help out with the setting up before hand or even just selling some raffle tickets or putting up a few posters would be greatfully recieved with open arms

How on earth can anyone take exception to a novelty class for special needs bunnies.We use the term for humans so why not our beloved pets.Parsley will always more help than most rabbits so that makes him my special needs bunny....but you are probably right,it would incite a riot amongst rabbitiers...:D

30-Jan-08, 12:44
I must also add that the outbreak of VHD in Edinburgh is currently being closely monitored and so far there have been no other cases but if there are we will not hesitate to cancel the show as we will not risk this disease entering our rabbits.

02-Mar-08, 17:59
So far everything is GO for our show yayyy, so pm me your enteries. :D

23-Mar-08, 17:11
Telephone 01847892236 for information or to enter (before 8pm please).
We look forward to seeing lots of new faces. Any rabbit or guinea pig can be entered. If you are unsure of what classes do not panic the person on the other end of the telephone will be able to help you out.
All visitors very very welcome!!! :D

23-Mar-08, 17:13
This is the link to our new web page http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=5758547314

06-Apr-08, 17:28
Entries close today.

09-Apr-08, 18:42
Well we have an entry of 19 guinea pigs and 82 rabbits so should be a great day :D

11-Apr-08, 15:44
Whoa thats not a bad haul :D Gonna be a pretty busy day then!
Pm'd ya too ;)

14-Apr-08, 00:00
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended the show and made it the massive success that it was. Everyone had an absolutely amazing day. Our shows are only possible with the massive support and help we get from our committee, exhibitors and the members of the public. I would like to add my special thanks to our sponsors The Liam Henderson Memorial Fund, Dounreay and Councillor Macnab I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting us.
Best Junior

14-Apr-08, 00:03
best in show
Best Cavy

14-Apr-08, 00:10
Best pet being Judged

14-Apr-08, 08:24
Great pics, great atmosphere, and brilliant people, made our first BRC show a brilliant success. :D

14-Apr-08, 08:44
We have a lovely article in the Press and Journal today. They phoned me yesterday and were very interested in the clubs success. It is on page 4 and has a lovely picture of Hannah Deverson and her cavies.
Thank you to all who took photo's and contacted the press on our behalf.

16-Apr-08, 00:18
Best pet being Judged

Great pics! This one looks sooo like my Mr Humberfloob!:)

17-Apr-08, 19:51
Great pics! This one looks sooo like my Mr Humberfloob!
:lol: great name for a rabbit! That's Lenor, he's one of my hareem [lol]

Thanks for the great show Unicorn! Had a fab day!

20-Apr-08, 20:21
:lol: great name for a rabbit! That's Lenor, he's one of my hareem [lol]

Thanks for the great show Unicorn! Had a fab day!

Did you get him locally, Phoenix? Seriously, he is the double of my fellow who will be 1yr in June...