View Full Version : Charity Motorbike Ride heading our way!

24-Jan-08, 19:44
Now that the holidays are past and things are settling down, I thought I would let everyone...and particular those here on the Org who are motorbike riders...know of an event coming up that is being arranged by some people that I know.

Inspired by the recently aired Long Way Down...the chronicles of Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman on their motorcycle journey from John O' Groats to Cape Town..and its predecessor Long Way Round, three bikers have been setting up an undertaking that they are calling Another Way Around, which is essentially going to be a 5-day, 2500-mile circuit of the mainland UK, using the 'four corners' of Dover, Lands End, Cape Wrath, and John O' Groats as their main waymarks.

The organisers, and the charities they are riding for are: Jim Mitchell (from near Linlithgow) riding for UNICEF, Sean Jones (from the W. Midlands) riding for CHAS - the Childrens Hospice Assn. Scotland, and Ian Mitchell (from near Motherwell) riding for Cancer research. As a little side note, last March, Ian was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, for which he spent a good part of last year undergoing treatment including both chemotherapy and radiotherapy...and he is really looking forward to doing this ride to raise funds on behalf of those 'worse off' than himself.

The event will start in the grounds of Edinburgh Castle at 8am on Monday, 28 April, and they will ride through all four corners of the UK, finishing back at Edinburgh Castle on Friday, 2 May. Besides Jim, Sean, and Ian, at the moment there are six others doing the entire trip, and then so far around 40 or so meeting up with them at various points along the way and riding shorter sections, as they are able.

The plan is that they will be camping at Durness on the night of May 1st, and then travelling along the north coast to John O' Groats, and south from there on May 2nd. They would be thrilled to be met/cheered/supported/joined for a bit of a ride anywhere along the way (or the Entire way, if anybody is able), and also for sponsorship or single donations. There is also a dinner and auction being held in about a fortnights time in aid of their chosen charities, as well as a raffle with some amazing prizes that have been donated!

More info can be found at:

The Another Way Around main page http://www.anotherwayaround.com/ (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.anotherwayaround.com/)
Sean Jones' blog page http://www.anotherwayaround.co.uk/ (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.anotherwayaround.co.uk/)
And Ian's fundraising page http://www.justgiving.com/anotherwayaround (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.justgiving.com/anotherwayaround)

I think that covers everything, but if I've left something out, I'll be happy to answer any questions that I can. :D

04-Feb-08, 11:45
Hello Elenna, I have the Snack bar at John O' Groats and am also a biker.

We're not normally open that early in the season, but I was thinking of offering free hot drinks for the riders to set them up for the day if they are staying over at JOG.

There is a campsite at JOG, you will need to contact them separately to see if they are open.

Just let me know and I'll be there,


04-Feb-08, 12:51
Thanks for the heads-up. I've cross posted it to some national forums I use in the hope others will be able to contribute / get involved / ride with them. I'd certainly hope to be able to get across and ride the north coast with them.

04-Feb-08, 13:31
That is brilliant Jabberwock...thanks! Like everything else, the more the publicity, the better, and I know the guys would welcome you (and anyone else, too) joining them.

And what a nice offer, Geoff. From the itinerary they have posted ( http://www.anotherwayaround.com/route.htm (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.anotherwayaround.com/route.htm) ), it looks like the plan is to camp at Durness the last night (I DID send them all sorts of info about places to stay/camp in Caithness, including JoG, when the planning was going on ;) but I know that where they have decided on staying is dependent on the roads and daily riding distances, etc) Anyway, that would mean them arriving in JoG sometime mid-morning, I would think, and an offer of 'refreshment' would be quite welcome, I'm sure!

I'll likely be seeing Jim in a few weeks time, and will definitely pass on any offers and info then...though if either of you two want to PM me your email addresses, or even a phone number, I'll be happy to send them on right away. Alternatively, send a note yourself to either [email protected] ([email protected]) or [email protected] ([email protected])

(These emails are listed on the Another Way Around Main Page (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.anotherwayaround.com/)) And anyone else interested in helping out in some way, or participating in the ride, is welcome to contact me, or the guys direct, too. I know they are getting a Huge lot of support from several bike clubs down Whitby way on their first day, so it would be really nice if Caithness could also show them a warm welcome and a helping hand with their effort to encourage them on their final day and see them successfully off on the road south to Edinburgh!

04-Feb-08, 22:02
That's all fine by me, maybe I could join in somewhere on the journey, but then we will have to wait at JOG for the kettle to boil if we are all arriving together ...lol

28-Apr-08, 14:16
Just letting everyone know that the guys were off from Edinburgh Castle at 8am this morning, and they are hoping to be in Dover tonight. All going smoothly, they will be camping overnight in Durness on Thurs and riding through Caithness on Fri (with a short stop in JOG to celebrate turning the fourth 'corner' :) ).

Once again, the organisers, and the charities they and their companions are riding for are: Jim Mitchell (from near Linlithgow) riding for UNICEF, Sean Jones (from the W. Midlands) riding for CHAS - the Childrens Hospice Assn. Scotland, and Ian Mitchell (from near Motherwell) riding for the Cancer Research Assn. In a bit of very good news, Ian had his final checkup last week and was given the all-clear, so he is officially cancer free...and likely riding on air this morning knowing that!

Anyway, if anyone happens to spot the guys this week...I know there are Orgers all over the country...give them a wave! Also messages of support would be most welcome (links and email addresses are above), as would any contributions or sponsorship, should anybody wish to send them.

Ride easy and safe, Sean, Jim, Ian, and Co...its a great effort you're making. Be sure to have a wonderful time along the way, as well!

28-Apr-08, 15:19
nice to see people working together like this :-)
good stuff!

01-May-08, 20:47
Its great of you to say so, Jings! I think so, too. :) This isn't the first fund-raising ride that Jim and Sean have organised, either. They are a pair of really wonderful fellas.

Everyone keep your eyes and ears open for the guys riding through Caithness tomorrow morning, and if you see them, give them a wave!

Kevin Milkins
01-May-08, 21:38
What time are they due in Groat tommorow Elena? I would like to take a ride up and meet them.

01-May-08, 23:06
I'm not completely certain myself, Kevin. My best guess would be around 9.30-10.00, though Jim is supposed to phone me a little bit ahead, to let me know. If I'm able, I'll do a quick post soon as I hear.