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View Full Version : What's been happening with the Org Lately?

21-Jan-08, 23:27
Anyone know what has been up with the Org of late?

It seems every other day I am getting Database errors and not just on the forums but also the main site as well.

Is anybody else having this problem?

21-Jan-08, 23:30
Anyone know what has been up with the Org of late?

It seems every other day I am getting Database errors and not just on the forums but also the main site as well.

Is anybody else having this problem?

Hi Lazytown,

The Org has been 'down' for a few hours..I am sure an explanation will follow.

21-Jan-08, 23:30
You aren't the only one, i have noticed this the last couple of days :( hopefully whatever it is will be sorted out soon if not already :D

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21-Jan-08, 23:30
Tried a wee while ago and couldn't access the messageboard due to a 'database error'.
Also a reply I posted in a thread has disappeared?!

21-Jan-08, 23:32
I think since xmas time it is happening more frequently though

21-Jan-08, 23:34
I've had a "database error" since about 8pm and lost my reply to a private message. I have no idea about the technicalities though.

Having said that, my broadband connection (BT) has been down twice today as well. :(

21-Jan-08, 23:35
havent been able to get on since like 6ish, been happening alot, so glad its not just me

21-Jan-08, 23:37
Tried a wee while ago and couldn't access the messageboard due to a 'database error'.
Also a reply I posted in a thread has disappeared?!

Oops! Just found my reply.
The same post was in two different places and I was looking at the wrong one for my reply!
Slinks away with red face!

21-Jan-08, 23:40
Only happened to me arround 8pm, the message boards went slow, then "Database error" came up, the the front page went down, but came back a few mins later, this is the first time I have experienced this lately.

21-Jan-08, 23:42
I thought they were going to be upgrading the servers that the database is hosted on due to the increased demand the org has now.

This was why some of the vbulletin features were disabled to try and reduce the server load.

I heard this about a year ago now, did it ever take place?

21-Jan-08, 23:44
Oops! Just found my reply.
The same post was in two different places and I was looking at the wrong one for my reply!
Slinks away with red face!

Lol Liz and I was just about to jump on my soapbox and blame the windfarms & the giant pylons :lol:

22-Jan-08, 15:19
ahhhhhhhh...thought it was my comp last night ..xx

22-Jan-08, 15:26
Lol Liz and I was just about to jump on my soapbox and blame the windfarms & the giant pylons :lol:

I'm too honest for my own good!:confused

22-Jan-08, 18:06
im so gled at' ye brocht 'iss up lazytoon cos i bin thinkin 'at it wis ma computer :roll:

i ca handle phonin bt again....no' for love nor money...no way [evil]

30-Jan-08, 01:30
Was it just me or did the .org disappear last night for ages?

30-Jan-08, 01:38
Me too, couldnt get on for 3 hours

30-Jan-08, 08:27
couldnt get on here either, gave up and went to bed

30-Jan-08, 08:32
It was there one minute, changed message boards and pooooof it had gone and I too gave up and went to BoBos and put out big Zzzzz's

30-Jan-08, 09:16
Notice the Org was down for quite a while last night.

May I suggest to the Admin that they implement a robots.txt file to reduce the amount to spiders crawling the site, thus reducing the bandwidth and load on the db server. Plus it will give you more accurate stats on who is visiting your site.
Below is a sample of a robots.txt file, I put the Slurp at a higher crawl delay than the others at it seems the slurp is the worst offender (currently 46 of them out of 90 guests).

# robots.txt
User-agent: Slurp
Crawl-delay: 1200
User-agent: *
Crawl-delay: 120
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /admincp/
Disallow: /chat/

Or you can get a free server module that does it better.
http://www.robotcop.org/ (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.robotcop.org/)

30-Jan-08, 09:25
Hecks we cant have this happening, we need tugg's input, lol

30-Jan-08, 10:11
More talk of spiders - it is fair putting me off coming in here!!!

30-Jan-08, 10:24
More talk of spiders - it is fair putting me off coming in here!!!

Ach wifie, not all computing terms are bad, for instance on the internet alone you can get cookies and breadcrumbs:Razz
other computing terms:bytes, nybbles, these are the more silly ones but do have a proper definition (dynner, playtes, tayste,crumb)[lol]

30-Jan-08, 10:27
Hecks we cant have this happening, we need tugg's input, lol
came off for a brb last night and rest of the night was data base error
was in the midst of discussing this fr cast with tuggs too?

30-Jan-08, 10:29
came off for a brb last night and rest of the night was data base error
was in the midst of discussing this fr cast with tuggs too?

yeah it just went all wrong on me too :(

tigh, will post an update on the snow thread after 5pm tonight, then let you know about what you asked via pm :)

30-Jan-08, 10:38
Froze on me just after 9.00pm and could not re-access,maybe it was monitoring Tug's forecast and decided to run for warmer climes.

30-Jan-08, 14:18
Maybe it's time some of the threads from way back were deleted? They must take up a lot of space and add to the site's problems.

30-Jan-08, 15:44
I couldn't get on last night and the night before I was happily having a nose at the photo's and all of a sudden I was cut of and when I came back was down as a visitor, took a while before I found my password to log on again

30-Jan-08, 23:13
Hiya Lazy... I could'nt get on at all last night... Tried 7 times....

Hugs x

31-Jan-08, 11:17
Me too - been having problems connecting to the forum on and off since about Christmas. Strangely, been able to connect to the main .org site without problem - its the forum connection I've had a problem with.

Perhaps the moderators can advise?


31-Jan-08, 11:23
The question has been posed to Admin - just waiting for a response! Unfortunately us Mods have no control or indication why this is happening so can't assist directly.

Patience...and keep your fingers X'd :D