View Full Version : When earth’s last picture is painted

19-Jan-08, 14:44
When earth’s last picture is painted.
By Rudyard Kipling

When earth’s last picture is painted
And the tubes are twisted and dried
And the oldest colours have faded
And the youngest critic has died
We shall rest, and faith, we shall need it
Lie down for an aeon or two
Till the Master of all good workmen
Shall put us to work anew.

And those that were good shall be happy
They’ll sit in a golden chair
They’ll splash at the ten league canvas
With brushes of comet’s hair
They’ll find real saints to draw from
Magdalene, Peter and Paul
They’ll work for an age at a sitting
And never be tired at all.

And only the Master shall praise us.
And only the Master shall blame.
And no one will work for the money.
No one will work for the fame.
But each for the joy of the working,
And each, in his separate star,
Will draw the things as he sees it.
For the God of things as they are!

When I read this it reminded me of another verse called 'The Master Weaver'.


19-Jan-08, 14:48
The Master Weaver

When grey threads mar life’s pattern
And seem so out of line
Trust the Master Weaver
Who planned the whole design;
For in life’s choicest patterns
Some dark threads must appear
To make the rose threads fairer
The gold more bright and clear…
The pattern may seem intricate
And hard to understand,
But trust the Master Weaver
And His steady, guiding Hand.

I feel this verse really puts life into perspective - I have often drawn comfort form it in times of despair.


19-Oct-08, 00:43
Lavenderblue2,what a fine strong thread to catch hold of, to caress an warm up on in time of need,to knit a bridge over desperate despair and fill our hearts once more.

19-Oct-08, 10:25
Thank you for those kind words Horseman. :)