View Full Version : Community Gala

Thurso Town Improvements
18-Jan-08, 18:16
What would you like to see or do in you’re Community Gala? Why not have a say? Either post ideas here, mail [email protected] ([email protected]) or donate a couple of hours a month by coming along to a meeting. Help keep you’re Gala going and implement new features.

Thurso Gala 2nd-10th August 2008.

19-Jan-08, 00:24
We've just got to have our primary schools & the college crammed with youngsters who can paint or sculpt or draw etc. Could n't we have an exhibiton of their work during Gala week? Teachers, youth leaders even parents must have talented bairns out there.......:Razz

Thurso Town Improvements
19-Jan-08, 14:06
Thank you for that. We had the children's nursery schools draw for Santa's Grotto and displayed their work. We can approach the schools to see if they are willing and can come up with something.

Keep the ideas coming.

Thurso Town Improvements
22-Jan-08, 18:49
No more ideas or suggestions for the Gala? Is everyone happy and will not complain that anything is missing? Now is your chance to get things added!

Mr P Cannop
22-Jan-08, 19:48
a caithness massed pipe bands ??

Thurso Town Improvements
23-Jan-08, 16:16
Good Idea, however that will be stepping on the pipe band's toes.

23-Jan-08, 16:36
there should be more kids races, last year at the dammies, was good but not alot for the kids to do until the adults stopped there drunken races, and when the kids races did start hardly anyone knew about them. i also wouldnt agree with the teddy's bear picnic being in skinandis anymore, it is not a nice place to be with young kids, sticky floors, horrid smells etc (when sober anyway haha) but the gala just now s good, alot of effort gets put in by the comittee and the guys doing the floats, so well done to them

23-Jan-08, 16:40
What would you like to see or do in you’re Community Gala? Why not have a say? Either post ideas here, mail [email protected] ([email protected]) or donate a couple of hours a month by coming along to a meeting. Help keep you’re Gala going and implement new features.

Thurso Gala 2nd-10th August 2008.

If you were to post details of what already happens during the gala then those of us not born and bred here may be able to make a suggestion or two :)

Also nearer the time better publicity around the town for what's going on, I found it very difficult to know what was taking place when last year.

23-Jan-08, 16:43
Why not bring back the greasy pole?
Raft race in boating pond
Photo competition, or guess what the photo is or where.
Childs baking competiton.
Medieval night or some kind of theme night.

23-Jan-08, 16:54
Sheep dog demo's or would love to see the one with dogs rounding up the ducks.
Local farmers market or local producers selling thier wares.
Get sea cadets, army cadets or other organisations having tug or war or games, try to involve the teenagers as well as the smaller children.

23-Jan-08, 18:23
Sheep dog demo's or would love to see the one with dogs rounding up the ducks.
Local farmers market or local producers selling thier wares.
Get sea cadets, army cadets or other organisations having tug or war or games, try to involve the teenagers as well as the smaller children.

Sheep dog trials was part of the Gala during the 60's and if I remember correctly used to draw a fair crowd.
What about terrier racing? That always goes down well at Game fairs.

Thurso Town Improvements
23-Jan-08, 18:35
Since the knockout was a first for most of the Committee we did not not want to over stretch and rely to heavily on the good will of other people to help us, hence we did not have children's races.

The knockout was organised and advertised as teams to be first and then the equipment would be opened to the public.

There was a bouncy castle and Donkey rides right at the start for the kids, but in our meeting after the Gala we decided to add children's events to the next Knockout.

If it was not for Skinadi's generosity the TTIA would not be in such good shape, but we are taking on the feed back from the parents and will review the Teddy's Bear Picnic.

In reply to the advertising query it was in The Courier, Groat, posters were plastered all over town, on the org and Caithness FM & Dounreay notice boards.

Highlander and others I will take your ideas to the committee.

Once we contact all the individuals who normally organise events for us and confirm if they are willing to do them again, we will post a rough copy of the programme so that you can see what we have so far.

23-Jan-08, 19:00
Some tentative suggestions -

Would Caithness Field Club do an informative walk around Thurso ?

Sea Angling Competition ? Pier Angling ? Beach Angling ? Donated Trophy ?

Motocross race on Thurso beach ? Donated Trophy ?

Autocross ? Donated Trophy ?

Surfing / Kayaking ? Donated Trophy ?


Since this is being promoted as a Community Event , why don't folk muck in and make this a good week.
Even the tropies could be made by local supporters , and all the better for it !

It's easy enough to donate a little of your time to your community so that everyone gets just about what they want out of a community thing.

I think that trying to do something for your community is the thing that matters.

I've been to a small Fair where there was a man with a bit of twisted , loopy wire and a wire hoop connected to a doorbell so you had to thread the loop around the fixed loopy wire without ringing the bell. It was very popular (and probably cost 0p and an enjoyable hour to make ), but lots of people had a laugh trying it.

Everybody had some Fun !! :D

23-Jan-08, 20:05
You have some good idea's there dog-eared, haveing old fashioned stalls, with simple things are great, would love if we could have swing-boats, helterskelter. Sometimes the most basic and simple things can be more fun and rewarding, or am i just getting auld. LOL

23-Jan-08, 20:33
How about some demonstrations from various groups dancing etc.

Think the idea of a competition about things and places in Thurso with photos etc is a great idea and would be great for all ages.

Skinandis could be used for a theme night event.

It would also be good to have displays of groups that meet locally i.e. WI, Scotia writing group and various local artists and photographers.

The Vikings that we had in 2006 were great, my wee one was impressed and couldn't wait to tell all her friends about it when we returned to where we were staying at the time.

23-Jan-08, 20:46
I have noticed there is a lot of ideas being put forward that are already part of the Gala, is it that people dont take that much notice or that they would like to see more of it??

I think some ideas are a bit old, and needs revamped.

I do think its a great idea to involve the kids and of all ages from birth to teenagers, its there Gala too.

I would like to take part , maybe join the group but look how much work goes in, it must be a hard slog.

I would hate for it to fall by the way side, so If any ones with me on this I am going to contact them for details about how much time it does involve.

23-Jan-08, 21:52
If you were to post details of what already happens during the gala then those of us not born and bred here may be able to make a suggestion or two

You can see what type of events are held by visiting the TTIA's website at www.thurso.org (http://www.thurso.org) and looking at the Gala 2007 page.

29-Jan-08, 12:09
Thanks for the PM about the ins and outs, I will hopefully be of some help