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View Full Version : babies abroad??

18-Jan-08, 12:04
hithinking of going to thailand with baby and bit worried bout it. does anyone have any experiences of travelling such a long way with a 16 month old?

18-Jan-08, 16:33
Very small babies are easier to travel with than toddlers! You will be able to get advice on various websites. Hygeine will be important as will sun protection.

Mister Squiggle
18-Jan-08, 16:54
Dear Cat,We have travelled a lot since our youngest was 2. The most important thing I would suggest is check with your GP about vaccinations for places like South East Asia and also once you get there, try to stock up (or take with you) plenty (legal amount) of children's paracetamol, ibuprofen etc. We got caught one night in central Italy, a long way from the nearest 24 hour pharmacy, without enough Calpol and it was an experience I do not wish to repeat.Also, there is a brilliant Rough Guide to travelling with babies and young children - you can order it from Amazon. Lots of good tips and ideas.Generally though we've always loved travelling with our children and never had problems on planes, ferrys, trains etc. They tend to sleep a lot on planes but again I'd chat to your GP about possible medication to help with travel sickness, sore ears etc.Bon voyage!

18-Jan-08, 17:14
all the best, I am sure it will all go fine.
Ewww they made me drink the baby milk afore goin on plane [lol]
Dat the worst that happened xxx I went to Oz

18-Jan-08, 18:01
i gave birth to my son in saudi arabia..so we travelled back and forth since he was weeks old...as they say check with doc about shots, they gave my son his T.B. shot before leaving the hospital..but when checking the long haul flights let the airline know..as they do supply a lot for babies, and the hotel....and enjoy bring back the photos xx