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View Full Version : Inventions To Uninvent

17-Jan-08, 09:14
You often see top 5 lists of the best inventions and innovations which have changed the world. What about the other way round? Is there anything you wish had never been invented.

I wish the TV remote had never been invented. Besides making me lazy, I find I have become an incessant "flicker" and channel hopper which means I rarely watch one programme right through and it annoys the living daylights out of the rest of the family.

What would be your uninvention? If any at all.

17-Jan-08, 10:03
Gun powder has to be my choice, think of all the lives that could have been saved!

17-Jan-08, 10:13
There are bound to be loads, just can't think of them!!

The TV remote is definitely one - especially in my mothers house. Its bad enough that she flicks - even worse that she flicks through the shopping channels!!! Saying that, its a pain in our house because I always lose it and spend ages searching for it so I can change the channel - never have the sense to walk to tv and do it.

Another would be the tv itself - I spend too much time watching rubbish on it when my time could be spent doing something more worthwhile.

17-Jan-08, 11:05
On a Sunday I usually wish it was Alcohol.

17-Jan-08, 11:15
If i could uninvent something my choice would be tobacco, chocolate, and has to be the dreaded TV as like everyone else we watch far to much of it . jan x

17-Jan-08, 11:22
I would uninvent religion, it has caused more wars and deaths & persecution on our planet.

17-Jan-08, 11:33
I'd un-invent games consoles, hopefully that would get the kids of today back out playing in the fresh air instead of stuck in their rooms getting fat and anti-social.

17-Jan-08, 11:44
I would uninvent "plastic" and all un-natural food......

17-Jan-08, 12:06
I would un-invent the Scottish Parliment....

17-Jan-08, 12:10
I would un-invent the Scottish Parliment....I'll take the bait, Why exactly would you do that?;)

17-Jan-08, 12:38
I would uninvent religion, it has caused more wars and deaths & persecution on our planet.
I forgot about religion, yes i think your so right. jan x

Andrew C
17-Jan-08, 15:37
I would uninvent religion too. Doesn't get you anywhere. Religion is the stuff that people build up around faith in God and clouds the real issue.

17-Jan-08, 15:44
The real issue being?

17-Jan-08, 16:02
The real issue being?

That it takes 120 seconds between post on here....

17-Jan-08, 17:32
I would uninvent the scottish parliament building! personality tests - why try a pidgeonhole people, racism, pesimism, plastic packaging, the list is endless!

Anne x
17-Jan-08, 17:40
Television as it ruined Family Life as I knew it we used to sit round a fire chatting now its round a Television with everyone been told to be quiet but as I watch it along with the masses a bit of pot and kettle here :lol:

17-Jan-08, 18:40
I would un-invent Credit Cards (Take away temtation to buy what we can't afford).

17-Jan-08, 18:52
drugs, ie heroin, cocaine etc

18-Jan-08, 18:40
I would uninvent religion, it has caused more wars and deaths & persecution on our planet.

I second that.

18-Jan-08, 18:56
I would uninvent religion, it has caused more wars and deaths & persecution on our planet.

That doesn't make grammatical sense.

Therefore I would uninvent grammar.

18-Jan-08, 18:58
mobile phones

18-Jan-08, 21:31

Yoda the flump
18-Jan-08, 21:56
Political Correctness, failing that popcorn flavoured jelly beans, I've just eaten one and its disgusting.

18-Jan-08, 22:00
Political correction!

18-Jan-08, 22:12
Political Correctness, .

That is exactly what I was thinking. Also things I love that are bad for me such as.....chocolate, Baileys Ice cream, cheesecake, et al