View Full Version : Wetherspoons and Carters, when are they opening?

17-Apr-03, 11:50
Does anyone know when these pubs are opening?

17-Apr-03, 12:00
Heard that Weatherspoons is behind and opening about the 28th and Carters is meant til be opening about the 10th or something - not sure if this is true or not but it is about that dates I heard! Can't wait until they open! Might bring more people to the town!


17-Apr-03, 12:03
I know, I was home for a night out 2 weekends ago and although I wasnt a huge fan of Carters it was so weird not having anywhere to go at the end of the night and I ended up in Camps which was absolutely packed and wasnt much fun.

17-Apr-03, 12:09
Take it you never went to the Waterfront then?? People say the Camps is a good laugh at weekends. Not been out in Wick for so long, always end up out in Thurso and it is a good laugh but looking forward to a night out in Wick when this pubs open.


17-Apr-03, 14:49
Ended up in camps last weekend packed but was fun unless you needed the loo in which case it was IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!


25-Apr-03, 12:55
Looks like 5th of may according to banner outside the Alexander Bain.

29-Apr-03, 18:29
The sooner Wetherspoons get into Thurso the better

For once Wick has the better pubs

Thurso Sucks Spittal Rocks

30-Apr-03, 08:06
Thought they had not yet opened?

30-Apr-03, 13:35
"The sooner Wetherspoons get into Thurso the better"

Why cant Wick get some benefits first before Thurso jumps ahead again.

Its about time Wick had something Thurso doesnt.

30-Apr-03, 14:48
I am so glad to hear that Thurso is going to have a branch of Cartiers.
Last time I was in the Rue Rivoli in Paris my wife and I found ourselves gawking at the incredible display of gold plated tank watches in the window. When we decided to get married where else could we go for the rings but Cartiers - this time the Montreal branch.
I've never much enjoyed the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's because I think Tiffany's is an inferior jeweller. Perhaps more suited for Wick.
Anyway, there is nothing to stoke the fires of romance like some really good jewellry.
Well done, Thurso!
I have never heard of the other place Weather-wots-its.
Do they do Wellie boots?

12-May-03, 13:02
Just an update

Was in weatherspoons on Saturday night

along with the rest of Caithness it seemed it was good crack but you had to wait a wee while for to get served.

Busy busy busy