View Full Version : Car Boot Sales?

06-Oct-05, 12:15
Does anyone know where i can find out about when there are car boot sales happening in Caithness?


06-Oct-05, 15:46
Hi, there is one in Castletown Drill Hall on Sunday 23 Oct from 13:00 to 15:00. Tables are £5 each, ring 01847 821827 to book.

06-Oct-05, 16:32
Hi - cars normally come equipped with boots, but if somebody sold you one that didnt have one I would try and get your money back. The AA can come and check the car out for you before you buy it, hopefully they would spot the missing boot, this service will cost about £40 but is well worth it.

I don't believe there is an organised sale dedicated to boots but you might find the model you need lying in a field somewhere on the back road between Thurso and Reay there always used to be plenty of cars lying around there.

Good luck with your hunt - theres nothing worse than driving home with your messages on your knees.....

06-Oct-05, 17:01
here is a top tip - if you are looking for a boot for a Morris Ital, and Ital boots are hard to come by (unless you want one in brown) you can also fit your Ital with the boot from a Morris Marina.

For those of you who remember, the Ital was a pathetic attempt to relaunch an even more pathetic car under a different name.

Although, I do remember there was a Marina cruising Thurso in the seventies which had a Starsky and Hutch Ford Torino paint job... that was about as cool as the Marina/Ital fiasco ever got...

Of course, as far as car boots go - you could just cut out the boot dealers and by a hatchback ...

06-Oct-05, 17:06
LMAO.....Cheers Cullbucket, great reply, and the only thing to make this miserable git smile in the last week :)

And thanks Fifi, i basically have to sell everything i own, including my car, hopefully it wont sell before the 23rd or i'll be totally up poop creek for that sale :eek:

06-Oct-05, 17:07
My mate has a car with two boots -- the one at the back he keeps the dog in, and the one that sits beside him in the passenger seat. If you ask him nicely he might give you his spare one. Come to think of it, he sometimes refers to the boot that sits beside him as a dog. This is way too confusing for me. I must get back to reading my new books "How to boot your PC" and "How PC is your boot?"

His dog isn't called hereboy though.

06-Oct-05, 22:33
There is a sale on in Staxigoe Hall on Sunday 27th November at 1pm
pm me for further details.

the k
07-Oct-05, 09:17
Car Boot sale in Wick Dounreay Club this Sunday 9th @ 1.00pm also 13th November to book a table ring 01955 602750 or 07876683216 Tables £5.00

07-Oct-05, 10:28
all you people organising car boots etc could be advertising them free of charge on Caithness FM's what's on slots on a tuesday and thursday nights - email details to [email protected]

07-Oct-05, 18:51
car boot sale this sunday in dounreay club - I'll be there so it should be good!!!!

08-Oct-05, 19:26
i know there is one in casletown on the 23 october as there are poasters up every where and i am going my self / :D