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View Full Version : polishing flagstone

06-Jan-08, 22:18
Does anyone know what is the best thing to polish flagstone with. I would like to get a shine on it, at presest it is in it's natural state.


06-Jan-08, 22:21
try Caithness Chemical,s they have slate oil, doe,s the job brilliantly.

06-Jan-08, 22:21
if I remember right my Mum used to use linseed oil and I can remember something about milk but that may cause a smell once it drys

06-Jan-08, 22:23
Watered down PVA glue, looks like milk when wet but drys to a really nice shine, just put it on with a soft broom. jan x

06-Jan-08, 22:33
You can buy slate oil from the place that makes the headstones.

07-Jan-08, 00:29
hometec have 2 chemical agents 1 to clean and the other to protect and gloss.

made by hg, both very good as we use it on our 170 year old tiled floor, brings it up as good as new.:)

07-Jan-08, 13:36
I'd advise against using any chemicals on stone. Tiles are usually glazed .
Stick to the traditional stuff - slate oil.:D

07-Jan-08, 14:56
Black liquid shoe polish gives a lovely shine, We did this on our caithness flag hearth, came up lovely

09-Jan-08, 14:03
Thanks for all your suggestions.