View Full Version : Black cat lost

06-Jan-08, 22:05
Anyone picked up, locked in or spotted (or even run over) a little black cat in the Hill of Forss/Janetstown area? Just over a year old quite small and shy, amazing big eyes and a tiny spot of white on her chest. She is one of a twin and her identical sister is missing her! (as are we). Thanks

10-Jan-08, 01:04
I'm sorry to hear that your wee cat is missing. If you'd like to forward as many details as you can (including a photo if possible) to the following email address, I'll put them on our website.

[email protected]

10-Jan-08, 23:24
Thank you for your kindness - I have sent an email and photo

11-Jan-08, 18:54
I really hope that your cat comes back home soon.

It is so awful when they go missing.:(

I take it that you have checked all outbuildings in the area as the biggest majority of missing cats have been shut in somewhere.
It would be worth contacting caithness.fm as well to ask them to broadcast an appeal.

11-Jan-08, 19:01
Thanks Liz - I've spoken to most neighbours - I'll go and check again over the weekend.

11-Jan-08, 19:06
Thanks Liz - I've spoken to most neighbours - I'll go and check again over the weekend.

If she is shy it would be best if you went round the outbuildings yourself as she may not show herself to strangers. Try to do this in the quiet of night.

One of my cats went missing and we checked all our neighbours' sheds but, after a week and still no sign, we went back to the first shed on our own and heard our cat meowing!
Because the neighbour was with us the first time he went into hiding!

11-Jan-08, 23:40
Anyone picked up, locked in or spotted (or even run over) a little black cat in the Hill of Forss/Janetstown area? Just over a year old quite small and shy, amazing big eyes and a tiny spot of white on her chest. She is one of a twin and her identical sister is missing her! (as are we). Thanks


I do hope you find your kitty soon! I know how I felt when my ferret went missing. Luckily I found him in a couple of days hiding out under the shed! Only found him because his favourite game is hanging onto my feet. Keep us posted if she turns up or you find her. I hope she is ok!

12-Jan-08, 13:38
So sorry to hear Max that your cat is missing, I do hope she comes home soon. Please do keep hoping for her return, I know only too well how you are feeling. One of our cats' went missing a while back and he was away for 4 weeks and i day, when he came home he was very thin and tired but after a few days rest he was fine. I hope she turns up soon.;)

12-Jan-08, 17:44
Thanks for all your messages - we are still looking and still hopeful!

12-Jan-08, 19:05
You should certainly stay hopeful! Cats are amazing creatures and great survivors.

Every time I see a new post added to this thread I keep hoping it is to say he is home.

I have been through this a few times myself so know how you feel.:(

14-Jan-08, 13:42
Has your cat got a collar on?

20-Jan-08, 22:15
No stupidly I didn't have a collar on her. A funny thing happened though - I think I saw her in Thurso with a collar on. If it wasn't her it was identical to her. I stopped the car and shouted on her and she looked at me with her big green eyes and ran away! She went into the garden of a house and I actually thought about going to the door of the house to ask, although that may not have been the house she is staying at. In a way I hope it was her, even if I don't get her back if she is alive and happy then I too am happy, even though I miss her. I still have her twin and she seems even more lovable now.