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View Full Version : Proud !

06-Jan-08, 16:12
I played a part in this, I am very proud to see something happening as a direct result.


Given that many from all over Scotland receive treatment at the Beatson the new Maggies Centre will be in a great place to provide support.

I have taken part in the London Moonwalk 3 times, the first when there were only a few thousand walkers but to see it happening in Scotland and to see the results helping those in Scotland is fantastic.

06-Jan-08, 16:15
Well done to all those who have taken part - and well done especially to you Starry!

06-Jan-08, 16:19
Starry, and so you should be very proud of your self. Well done to all that took part. jan x

06-Jan-08, 16:23
CONGATULATIONS to you starry for the part you played here. Well done to everone who moonwalked.;)

06-Jan-08, 16:24
I can't commit to doing a full moonwalk this year but I have just registered to do the Glasgow Half with the moonwalk team.
I did this a few years ago, I hadn't had time to train, was very unfit, it was the hottest day EVER and I finished 37th from the last [lol]
Honestly by the time me and my friend had got round all the pipers had gone home lol !
This year I am going to try my hardest to get fit and although I know I won't be in the first 200 to finish I am going to try not to be in the last 200 either.

Details here if anyone interested.


06-Jan-08, 17:14
Starry well done, true grit means doing something you find particularly difficult.

06-Jan-08, 17:29
Well Done Starry, and everyone else who took part.

06-Jan-08, 17:31
Well done Starry!You have every reason to be proud x

Valerie Campbell
06-Jan-08, 19:23
Well done. My mother was diagnosed with cancer just a few days before she died, and several members of my family have died of cancer, so people like me can't thank people like you enough.

06-Jan-08, 19:27
Valarie that is a really nice thing to say, thank you.

I am sorry about your mum xx