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03-Jan-08, 00:32
Did anyone else catch the 'My Fake Baby' programme?
For those who didn't, it was about "Reborn" dolls that women dress and then put in prams and push about!! It was seriously weird!!!!!!!!
One woman even had one of these Reborns modelled to be identical to her grandson when he was a baby, her hubby didn't look best pleased, in fact he said it looked like it should be on a mortuary slab!!!!! That made the woman cry.
Another woman then flew out to USA to pick up her new Reborn which was to accompany her home in its new 'Harrods' pram and clothes. Alas, the poor baby had arrived injured so had to be sent back. How traumatic for the poor woman, she'd spent 2 days bonding with her too. :eek:[lol]

03-Jan-08, 00:35
Weve just watched that poo. ( not poo as in poo but poo as in short for porshiepoo ) LOL jan x:lol:

hell raizer
03-Jan-08, 00:40
im watching it just now, not my cup of tea :confused

Andrew C
03-Jan-08, 00:40
The ads for it looked bad enought...decided to give it a miss :o)

03-Jan-08, 00:42
I watched it too. It brought back memories of Guys and Dolls lol. :lol:

03-Jan-08, 00:43
I watched, more money than sense came to mind !

At first I thought Harry (the grandchild) had died and felt incredibly sorry for the woman but he had just moved to New Zealand, why on earth did she just not fly out see him :roll:

The woman who went to America was really OTT, I mean please, why on earth would you spend all that money on prams, clothes and leopard skin bottle holders for a doll !

Definitely the weirdest programme I have watched in a long time, infact maybe even ever.

03-Jan-08, 00:45
I watched, more money than sense came to mind !

At first I thought Harry (the grandchild) had died and felt incredibly sorry for the woman but he had just moved to New Zealand, why on earth did she just not fly out see him :roll:

The woman who went to America was really OTT, I mean please, why on earth would you spend all that money on prams, clothes and leopard skin bottle holders for a doll !

Definitely the weirdest programme I have watched in a long time, infact maybe even ever.Ah, I take it you missed Guys and Dolls then? Now that was wierd. It was blokes who bought these dolls to have as their girlfriends. :eek:

03-Jan-08, 00:49
I didn't see that one, I did watch a programme about men who dressed up as babies once, I was drunk when watching and couldn't work out what on earth was going on :confused

03-Jan-08, 01:02
The men with dolls programme was seeeeeeeeeriously weird! And kinda sick!!!

This whole baby thing was plain weird!
I told my OH and kids that I wanted one and even looked on EBay, OMG the looks on their faces were priceless, my kids were mortified. :lol:

Did anyone see the programme before it on the rather large woman?????
I was eating my dinner at the time, does wonders for the diet. lol.

03-Jan-08, 01:28
Everyone to their own i suppose, but im afraid i found some of the prog a bit weird, almost verging on disturbing, maybe its just me!

03-Jan-08, 01:59
It was blokes who bought these dolls to have as their girlfriends. :eek:

Thats not perfectly normal?

03-Jan-08, 02:10
Nowt as queer as folk...

03-Jan-08, 02:41
I thought it was very sad to see women spending so much money to get one of these dolls and pushing it about in a pram. why dont they foster a child or become child minders. deep down i think they were suffering from a mental illness, very sad. Mind you, some of the dolls were lovely, beautifully made, but personally i thought they looked like dead babies and i think the programme would have upset a lot of women.

03-Jan-08, 09:32
I thought that Fran, they did look like dead babies, not nice at all . It was def OTT the woman who had all thoes prams for her " babies " jan x
And yes i did see the program befor about the large lady, i felt really sorry for her. :(

03-Jan-08, 10:55
Her indoors collected china dolls for a while and had bought one of the reborns of ebay because they looked so realistic. I gave a few the shock of their lifes with it one day. Everybody that passes our house looks in the window (natural reaction), to teach them for being so nosy i held the reborn upside down by the ankle at the window and shook it pretending to be angry, pointing the finger etc. You should have seen their faces!! ROFLMAO

Back to the programme, i think the wifies grandson summed it up when she proudly showed off 'Baby Harry' to him. 'your a numbnut, thats just a doll granny!' was the response.

I really did roll on the floor laughing my

03-Jan-08, 11:51
I watched it but didnt see how much these people were paying for it?

How much were they?

03-Jan-08, 12:10
i didnt watch it all ... didnt realise that womans grandson hadnt died, its was abit weird for me!

03-Jan-08, 14:13
too creepy for me!

03-Jan-08, 14:25
Was totaly freaked out by some of these. I can understand a few circumstances where it may temporarily help women through say, the loss of a child, but considering the lead times I doubt it would be much use.

I can also understand giving them to teenagers to help understand about taking care of a baby, in order to make them think long and hard about the consequences of underage sex, however there are more realistic dolls available with computers in to make the experience more realistic.

However the gross amounts being spent (I've no idea how much the dolls themselves were, but the cost of accessories being purchased were ridiculous) to satisfy the whims of a few women I think is obscene.

03-Jan-08, 14:50
That woman that flew to the states was a complete nut job! She spent over £240 on 'it's' coming-home outfit! She had about five prams but only one pair of wheels for outside, which she referred to as 'dirties'... She did not want her own children as they would make a mess or noise etc.. And what about the bottle of fake formula she carried with her!! Words fail me, a psychotherapist would have a field day with her! [lol]

As for the other woman, I too thought her grandson had passed away, I felt so sorry for her but to find out he had just moved (happy he was still alive tho'), get a grip, she was even still in contact with him via email and webcam!

It's a flippin doll woman NOT a baby! Personally they give me the creeps :eek:

03-Jan-08, 15:12
And yes i did see the program befor about the large lady, i felt really sorry for her. :(

So did I, I was so impressed with her eldest daughter, she seemed really mature for her age.
It made me cry at the end when they were putting the fireworks off.

03-Jan-08, 15:32
That woman that flew to the states was a complete nut job! She spent over £240 on 'it's' coming-home outfit! She had about five prams but only one pair of wheels for outside, which she referred to as 'dirties'... She did not want her own children as they would make a mess or noise etc.. And what about the bottle of fake formula she carried with her!! Words fail me, a psychotherapist would have a field day with her! [lol]

As for the other woman, I too thought her grandson had passed away, I felt so sorry for her but to find out he had just moved (happy he was still alive tho'), get a grip, she was even still in contact with him via email and webcam!

It's a flippin doll woman NOT a baby! Personally they give me the creeps :eek:

Remember, these people have the same vote as you or me. Now that IS disturbing!!

03-Jan-08, 16:28
Well for those wondering the price of these weird dolls, I think they're about £200 off the shelf, bog standard. If you want all the extras like breathing :eek: and wriggling :confused then that's all extra. Don't rush now I'm sure they'll have anticipated the stampede for these dolls.

In a way I guess it's better that these nut jobs are happy with these substitute babies otherwise we could have even more baby snatching going on.
Weirdo's all the same.

03-Jan-08, 17:33
Oh i see youve been on the net looking then Poo, i bet youve got your order in ! LOL jan x:lol:

03-Jan-08, 17:38
I think this might help thoes who are interested

woops thats gone wrong !! jan x serves me right for trying to be clever !:lol:
Well they range from £200 to about £500 .

03-Jan-08, 17:41
I think all 13-14 year olds should have them for about 6 weeks or more, they are a great idea for teens learning how tough it is, but for adult women errr no abd as for the thought of these women fostering or childminding :eek:, Thats why there are very strict checks done on people before they can look after children to weed out these very types of people :eek:

03-Jan-08, 18:57
I think all 13-14 year olds should have them for about 6 weeks or more, they are a great idea for teens learning how tough it is, but for adult women errr no abd as for the thought of these women fostering or childminding :eek:, Thats why there are very strict checks done on people before they can look after children to weed out these very types of people :eek:

These ones were nothing like the virtual babies that are used for teenagers.

03-Jan-08, 18:59
ahh thanks for letting me know, I didn't watch it but I tend to avoid these types of programme as I find them too weird :lol: ayayyay I just looked them up that is horrible, freaky.

Aquarian Girl
03-Jan-08, 19:37
This was one of the weirdest progs I have seen recently. As you say more money than sense. I felt really sorry for the granny of Harry as I thought that she had lost both daughter and grandson in an accident. Looked up the web site and dolls were from £268. Serious stuff.

03-Jan-08, 20:26
glad i missed it, more money than sense some people ...

03-Jan-08, 21:49
to have a doll and to wheel it around as though its a real baby is not normal behaviour (unless you are a child). They should get a life and stop living in their fantasy worlds I know Harry's granny said she wasn't hurting anyone by doing it but she was, her husband he hated it.......thank goodness theres someone normal in the family and Harry who is only about 3 himself had sense to see it was only a doll!!

03-Jan-08, 21:54
to have a doll and to wheel it around as though its a real baby is not normal behaviour. They should get a life and stop living in their fantasy worlds I know Harry's granny said she wasn't hurting anyone by doing it but she was, her husband he hated it.......thank goodness theres someone normal in the family and Harry who is only about 3 himself had sense to see it was only a doll!!

It is not hard to see why they moved to New Zealand is it, this sounds awful but at one point she sounded almost disappointed that her daughter had recovered and taken Harry back.
Weird and strange woman, I felt sorry for her husband.

03-Jan-08, 22:08
wotched it too only cos it was on before shameless. what a bunch of fruitcakes. to put a doll in a babyseat is very odd. to take it out a walk in very nice prams..mental.