View Full Version : Youth Community

27-Dec-07, 21:44
Right people of Caithness. I have been thinking of making a youth community (basically a forum for people under 20 to talk about any youth activies they wish) that is for Caithness. I need all your opinions to decide if this is a good idea or not. How many of you know or think under 20 year olds would bother to join or just go out with their friends?

I know this is a useless thread for most of you but there is no harm in posting it and if you think its useless, simply dont read it :).

27-Dec-07, 22:08
Right people of Caithness. I have been thinking of making a youth community (basically a forum for people under 20 to talk about any youth activies they wish) that is for Caithness. I need all your opinions to decide if this is a good idea or not. How many of you know or think under 20 year olds would bother to join or just go out with their friends?

I know this is a useless thread for most of you but there is no harm in posting it and if you think its useless, simply dont read it :).
I would suggest you run a poll, the Org is famous for its polls, and who knows, you may get a positives response.....and good luck anyway.

27-Dec-07, 22:11
A poll is a good idea but dont you have to be a member for so long before you can run a poll?

A younge person's forum is a good idea.:D

27-Dec-07, 22:25
Well I didn't have the option to run a poll.. :(

27-Dec-07, 22:29
Well I didn't have the option to run a poll.. :(

I'm sure golach meant well!


27-Dec-07, 22:55
Sorry to put a damper on the idea, but couldn't this end up a hunting ground for pervs looking to groom potential victims?

27-Dec-07, 23:02
Well then we can have an authentication system, some how. Just off the top of my head, when someone joins the club, I can have a meeting with them (not my best idea :p) or contact them by phone, I should be able to distiguish via their voice? Im not sure.

27-Dec-07, 23:42
In theory, it sounds like a good idea, but maybe you need to think about it in more detail.

Maybe it would be a good idea to become a volunteer with a community website first? That way, you would gain some experience in how to run a community website, and how to deal with issues like safety, before it becomes an issue?

I don't want to sound negative, but I think having some experience behind you first would be a great help. It's a good idea, and it is good that you want to do something for the community.

28-Dec-07, 00:39
Right people of Caithness. I have been thinking of making a youth community (basically a forum for people under 20 to talk about any youth activies they wish) that is for Caithness. I need all your opinions to decide if this is a good idea or not. How many of you know or think under 20 year olds would bother to join or just go out with their friends?

I know this is a useless thread for most of you but there is no harm in posting it and if you think its useless, simply dont read it :).

rfr10 is a member on here who is already actively involved in developing the community for young people.He is a member of the Highland Youth Voice Executive Committee. Might be worth sending him a pm.....

29-Dec-07, 21:54
I've sent him a message (on the 27th), still no news from him.

29-Dec-07, 21:56
I've sent him a message (on the 27th), still no news from him.

48 hours is no time at all in the hols...be patient!

29-Dec-07, 22:22
Well then we can have an authentication system, some how. Just off the top of my head, when someone joins the club, I can have a meeting with them (not my best idea :p) or contact them by phone, I should be able to distiguish via their voice? Im not sure.

Can i ask what you will be able to distinguish by their voice please.
Not if they are perverted in any way child abusers come in many shapes forms and guises

30-Dec-07, 00:44
Well do you have any ideas?

30-Dec-07, 13:13
I am not sure how you could moderate against it R.
What measures to bigger sites like Bebo etc put in place ?

30-Dec-07, 13:38
Well do you have any ideas?

I do not have any ideas as to setting up safe guards for a web site, as i would have no idea how to build a web page and all the things that go with it.

The only thing any one can do in general to safe guard children is to arm them with all the information you can regarding stranger danger.

Child abusers are very cunning and crafty and will do anything they can in their quest to groom a child.

30-Dec-07, 14:12

There are already Youth Communities in existence in the county run by or under the auspices of people who have gone through Disclosure Scotland checks. You are trying to set up something that at first glance seems simple but once thought about deeper opens up a number of very complex issues that you will not be able to overcome on your own.

Whilst I do not want to dampen your enthusiasim to set up some web resource of use to the public, please think harder in future.

And if you do come up with a good idea through this board, think on this

Someone might just pinch your idea and get it on the web before you!

Still as keen to bounce your ideas around on this board?

30-Dec-07, 14:29
Yeah well the plan was for youths in Caithness, not in the world.

And yes, I shall leave it for Bebo and face book and all the other pedo sites.

30-Dec-07, 14:49
Yeah well the plan was for youths in Caithness, not in the world.

And yes, I shall leave it for Bebo and face book and all the other pedo sites.
You sound angry Ricardo.
I myself and i am sure most of the people responding to your post are replying in good faith. Giving you their opinions and experience.
They are not judging you, just giving constructive criticism.

30-Dec-07, 14:55
Yeah well the plan was for youths in Caithness, not in the world.

And yes, I shall leave it for Bebo and face book and all the other pedo sites.

I think the point folk were making is once up and running it would be very difficult to monitor :)

30-Dec-07, 14:59
Chin up RicardoR - I think that gaining some experience as has been suggested is a good plan for you and you will meet some like minded peeps which is what I think you strive to find. Good luck.

31-Dec-07, 21:43
Hi there. Sorry for the long delay in responding to your message, I've been away for the past while.

With regards to a Youth Community/ Forum, there already is a youth forum operating here (Caithness Youth Forum) which basically deals with the issues of young people in the area and helps develop and improve Caithness for young people. The forum have recently been active in hosting MAD (A music, arts and dance event) in Thurso Youth Club and will probably not meet again until later on in the new year. At the moment, the forum have not had a huge amount of promotion therefore, very few people are probably aware of the form. We are aiming to attract new members sometime soon as at the moment there are very few members and those existing are from Thurso and Wick specifically however we need to focus on other areas of Caithness too.

Is Caithness Youth Forum along the same lines of what you had in mind?

Get back to be and I'll do my best to reply to you as soon as I can.



02-Jan-08, 20:48
Sorry, just after reading over the thread again, are you refering to a forum as in a group of people or a message board system on the internet?

A while ago now, I did attempt to also set up a message board for young people but to be honest, it attracted very few young people and a lot of adults actually signed up to the forum. The problem is that very few teenagers these days are interested in "Youth" forums/ groups or anything which involves "improving the area you live for young people" or "Having your say on matters that affect you" it all sounds very formal and the continuous response is that it is "geeky" however if more people take the time to actually find out what's involved in such groups, it is actually a lot of fun and in many instances informal.

Having saying this, Highland Youth Voice which is the Highland's Youth Parliament is made up of approxamately 100 young people from across schools and forums in the Highlands and there is now a full time Youth Convener in place in the Highlands so if you want any more details, you can contact her @ [email protected] or send me a message and I'll pass your message on. If you are interested in Highland Youth Voice, the next elections will be held in September time this year across all secondary schools in the Highlands and you are elected for 2 years but can stand down after 1. I think I am right in saying that you have to be over 14 years old to stand for election. You are expected to make high commitment and not just stand for election to see how popular you are. Highland Youth Voice hold a meeting biannually as a full parliament and then usually once every 6-7 weeks as an executive committee which is made up of 2 Highland Youth Voice representatives from each area of the Highlands who take forward any issues discussed at the full parliament meetings and meet with different organisations to assist them in engagement with young people. You should here about the elections nearer the time and if im unfortionate, there's no doubt I'll have to do some sort of a presentation at school! Hopefully not though. The parliament's website can be located at www.highlandyouthvoice.org (http://www.highlandyouthvoice.org) but it's currently going through upgrading as I'm sure you'll agree that the current website really isn't that great.

Anyway, Caithness Youth Forum- if you think you might be interested in joining then send me a PM or send me an email through the SYP website at http://www.scottishyouthparliament.org.uk/UserProfile.htm?domId=a456cee9-471e-42b6-b466-4262efd4a988 (don't forget to include your email address in the message)

Hope this is enough information.