View Full Version : Wick? Thurso? etc.

27-Dec-07, 15:05
Well I've been in Wick for about 1 or 2 months (previously lived in Spain) and I'm 16. Seeing as there is a website dedicated to the Caithness region, I was thinking of making a website/forum dedicated to some towns in the Caithness region (ie. Wick, Thurso) where the latest news of the town can be placed there, adverts can be placed there, services, meetings etc., like a community website.

I have emailed the owner of Caithness.org to ask what he thinks of it, anyone have any opinions?


Mr P Cannop
27-Dec-07, 15:12
Well I've been in Wick for about 1 or 2 months (previously lived in Spain) and I'm 16. Seeing as there is a website dedicated to the Caithness region, I was thinking of making a website/forum dedicated to some towns in the Caithness region (ie. Wick, Thurso) where the latest news of the town can be placed there, adverts can be placed there, services, meetings etc., like a community website.

I have emailed the owner of Caithness.org to ask what he thinks of it, anyone have any opinions?


i think thats a great plan

27-Dec-07, 15:14
good idea let us no how it goes:)

27-Dec-07, 15:19
Personally I think Caithness.org covers it all. I don't fancy logging into three sites to catch all the craic in Caithness. I would think that any advertising, anouncements etc., would just be repeated on all three......to what end?

27-Dec-07, 15:20
I'm all for things like that but think pretty much everything is covered on the ol' Caithness.org. This website has being going that long it's pretty much become an institution. I think anything else would find it hard to step out its shadow.

On the otherside I think it's good that you take an interest in these types of things especially if you're only 16 and think you should give it a bash.

One place I think could really do with an updated website is Thurso's very own Skinandis. It does currently have a website and you can see they're at least trying to make an effort but I dont think they have someone who can really focus on the site. I think it would attract a different community and think there is defo a market out there for it.

27-Dec-07, 15:22
Well yes, but the idea was also for people in each town to get to know each other and more people living in their town (admittedly probably everyone knows everyone). If you live in Wick or Thurso and just want news about the town YOU live in, then it can be handy.

I see what you mean yes, but .... this is why I'm asking for opinions :p

27-Dec-07, 15:24
I shall be making one soon for Wick and probably for Thurso, I will post the link here and those that wish to visit, may do so :).

27-Dec-07, 15:27
Also, if anyone living in Wick or Thurso would like to help (I would really appreciate some help), please email or add to MSN: [email protected]

(or email me in caithness.org)

27-Dec-07, 15:44
Well yes, but the idea was also for people in each town to get to know each other and more people living in their town (admittedly probably everyone knows everyone). If you live in Wick or Thurso and just want news about the town YOU live in, then it can be handy.

I see what you mean yes, but .... this is why I'm asking for opinions :p

I am not one to stifle a new venture but what are you looking to provide that Caithness.org does not provide already?
You are saying that "people from each town can get to know each other/just want news about the town YOU live in".......I'm a bit puzzled......:(

27-Dec-07, 16:00
Perhaps I got the wrong message across or chose my words wrongly. I'll try again :p.

The point in having a forum/website dedicated to just Wick (for example) is not because I want to compete with Caithness.org but because it is there to provide a community for the people that live in Wick. I know most of the happenings in Wick appear in Caithness.org but it is also nice to have a website dedicated to your home town as it is easier to talk to people, meet people, buy or sell things etc. I will explain more later, but that is basically it.

Again, I'm not trying to compete with caithness.org (for those of you who think that), I am simply trying to make a forum dedicated to a town (not a region) for the citizens of the town to enjoy and use knowing they have communication with fellow towners.

I'm sorry if it seems a bit confusing, but you will see what I mean when I make it :)

27-Dec-07, 16:06
I do know what you mean and I wish you luck with it but have you tried offering your services to the management at Caithness.org and putting across your ideas in order to enhance the community site already here?

I'm a golden oldie and would just find it a nuisance logging on to three different local sites to find that a lot of the content is similar; a problem which is very much the downside of the world wide web.

The towns of Wick and Thurso are not very big and there are a lot of people and places in between.....

OK, ok, I will try to be patient to see what ensues.....:)

27-Dec-07, 16:15
Sorry RicardoR but I am with Torvaig here - can't see the point. Caithness isn't huge and what is the Org not providing that these sites will - I too will wait and see.

27-Dec-07, 16:17
Well I will also wait for the owner of caithness.org to email me back and talk to him about it :). See what he says.

27-Dec-07, 16:24
Hats off to innovation, certainly.

Though I have to agree with other commentators and say that I feel you would simply blur the lines.

It may be worth considering that Caithness is a relatively small community, we have less people in the whole of the county than most people have in a town anywhere else.

I can't really see how you could develop your idea without simply coming up with a clone site that only caters for a very small amount of people.

What products could you come up with on your website that would make people want to use your site as opposed to a very well established and respected existing site, such as Caithness.org? You'll have to be very innovative to avoid accusations of 'cloning'.

If you decide to go ahead, then good luck to you. But I feel you will have a hard job generating enough traffic to make the site worth the effort.


27-Dec-07, 16:27
Perhap your all right :p. Thinking about it there seems to be nothing that isnt in Caithness. Before I give up all hope I will wait for more peoples opinion :).

27-Dec-07, 16:56
Well I've been in Wick for about 1 or 2 months (previously lived in Spain) and I'm 16. Seeing as there is a website dedicated to the Caithness region, I was thinking of making a website/forum dedicated to some towns in the Caithness region (ie. Wick, Thurso) where the latest news of the town can be placed there, adverts can be placed there, services, meetings etc., like a community website.

I have emailed the owner of Caithness.org to ask what he thinks of it, anyone have any opinions?


If u no how to build a website go for it
Caithness website is avery good webiste and its always updated regular which is impressive considering the time involved in it
but if u notice its more wick orientated RicardoR?
Im quite sure if u ask bill fernie he would give u sound advice i think u should give it a bash and RicardoR im sure u no buy now caithness is fill of nosey people they will come on to ure website regular to catch all the scandal they cant help themselves its part of there culture to be nosey lol but it is true

27-Dec-07, 16:58
So perhaps making one for Thurso? :D

Seriously though, I have a lot of free time and I'm just thinking of things to do from home. If anyone has any ideas or opinions, please tell me..

Margaret M.
27-Dec-07, 17:04
Hi Ricardo, good for you for taking an interest in your community and trying to provide a service! Like some of the others have said, my concern would be the volume of participants your website would draw if it had much the same content as caithness.org. Personally, I like to see the info about the entire county in one shot. There may be a need for a website for people your age something that concentrates on all things pertaining to the younger folk with a chat room, message boards, etc., just for them.

27-Dec-07, 17:16
Yes the youth idea is a good idea, but by youths I suppose you mean up to 18 year olds? Do most 18 year olds or younger join youth communities or just simply spend the day with their friends?

27-Dec-07, 17:20
making a website for thurso is a good start point were its focused on every day life on what local people are doing and whats happening in thurso u would be suprised at the amount of people that used to live in thurso or caithness that like to keep uptodate on whats happening but i do think a messageboard makes the difference in any website
Biggest problem in building a website is knowing what to put on it

27-Dec-07, 17:59
So perhaps making one for Thurso? :D

Seriously though, I have a lot of free time and I'm just thinking of things to do from home. If anyone has any ideas or opinions, please tell me..

You go fot it. There is no reason why there should not be another one or even more sites for the county.

One thing I would ask, make sure if you print groups of people make sure you name at least the principal people in them. Hundreds of pics without names is pointless for the vast majority of us and once the event has past they are really not worth looking at unless captioned.

27-Dec-07, 18:01
Well now I have thought of making a youth community but I dont know if many youths would bother to join. So for the moment I'm thinking.

27-Dec-07, 18:12
Go for it.



Margaret M.
27-Dec-07, 19:58
by youths I suppose you mean up to 18 year olds?

I was thinking even older than that -- teens through 20's or even older -- the user decides based on content. A website with in depth info about what is going on locally that impacts them, what's going on in the clubs, school info, jobs available, etc. I may be wrong but I don't think too many teens+ use the caithness.org chatroom.

27-Dec-07, 20:17
I may be wrong but I don't think too many teens+ use the caithness.org chatroom.

Hi Margaret,

Do you know if there is a minimum age here on the Org?:confused


27-Dec-07, 20:34
I dont think there is an age limit.. I spoke to Bill and he knows I'm 16 but he didnt say anything about an age limit.

It sounds hopeful thoough.. I'll think about it.

27-Dec-07, 20:36
I thought you had to be over 13 to register? :confused

27-Dec-07, 20:38
Do you know if there is a minimum age here on the Org?
Hmmm, good question, should there be a maximum age also on the Org, What other restrictions can we think of, I wonder?
None of course, as long as the Org rules are kept.

27-Dec-07, 20:40
I dont think there is an age limit.. I spoke to Bill and he knows I'm 16 but he didnt say anything about an age limit.

It sounds hopeful thoough.. I'll think about it.

No, I don't think so either!

I can think of three posters who are 16 but I can't say I am aware of anyone on the forum who is younger ..so that might be your 'market':D


27-Dec-07, 20:43
Hmmm, good question, should there be a maximum age also on the Org, What other restrictions can we think of, I wonder?
None of course, as long as the Org rules are kept.

This helps Ricardo find the correct audience for his venture how exactly?:confused

27-Dec-07, 20:57
RicardoR-Look at it-define it,is it for people of say wick an thurso-or youth of same, -theres a heck of a differance sunshine,an you come over as a good bright ray! Long as it 'aint going to damage your finances to much-try it:)

27-Dec-07, 22:27
I think there is a need for such a youth-based community network. Bebo and the like are fine to a degree - you can join a 'group' which could be your local school, etc. and 'meet' with other members through the messaging system, but it's all a bit haphazzard.

I would imagine high school / young college age-group - maybe up as far as 18 or 20, is your target demographic.

I'd also definately make it a Caithness Community Youth Forum to try and get the youngsters of Thurso and Wick (along with the outlying areas) together to get over this long-held mistrust between the two towns - they may show the older generations just how it should be done!

So what are you waiting for! Get on with it! :D

28-Dec-07, 03:52
It's a good thing to try out new ideas, I say Go for it! :D

28-Dec-07, 20:22
I say he should just go out and get drunk and high on the street corner like all the others his age :lol:

me cynical? surely not ;)