View Full Version : Reay Recycling

22-Dec-07, 16:12
Can anyone please let me know what has happened to the Council's recycling facilities in Reay? All the collection bins have vanished.

Just before the busiest time of the year for bottles and cans - great timing, Highland Council!

22-Dec-07, 16:46
Had a look on the Highland Council website but no mention of it... here are their contact details though

General Enquires Tel: 01349 868 439
Email Address [email protected]

22-Dec-07, 18:14
Thanks Julia, though I doubt I'll be able to get anyone until after New Year.

It'll be a 20 mile round trip to Thurso tomorrow to drop off the cans, bottles, card and paper. I'll try and combine it with some last minute Xmas shopping!


22-Dec-07, 19:48
Council offices are open on Monday, call them on 01955 607737 and they'd tell you whats happening.

24-Dec-07, 12:14
Thanks Big Man

I rang the council today who told me that the bins were removed after complaints about rubbish going into someone's garden. The bins will be returned soon but as a temporary measure until a permanent alternative location is found.


24-Dec-07, 12:17
The main recycling bins were delivered to the layby along from the kirk at quarter to nine this morning :-)

24-Dec-07, 14:04
The bins are indeed back - thank you Highland Council!