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View Full Version : Hypnotist show

21-Sep-05, 00:32
:( did any of you see the hypnotist show in the francis street club, wick on Saturday night.?
some walked out after the first half as nothing was happening, some thought he was a bit crude, others thought it was disgusting, some degrading at what he was making his "volunteers" do. :roll:
what did you think???? :Razz

21-Sep-05, 08:31
I once walked past a theatre where a hypnotist show was being shown which was being targeted by angry protesters from a christian group. I was shouted at just for walking past.

21-Sep-05, 08:52
I would never go to one of these shows, If you do I reckon you have to be prepared to have your deepest secrets revealed in public and be ready for public humiliation so I don't really have sympathy for someone that gets made a fool of at one.

21-Sep-05, 14:03
I was at the hypnotist show in the Francis st club and thought that it was a really good night. Fran if you were not up for a laugh why did you go to the show surely it is expected for some joking and crudeness after all it was not a WRI meeting. As for people walking out, it was those group of shop staff who were making a lot of noise spoiling it for the audience and the hypnotist.

22-Sep-05, 01:57
I didn't say that i didnt enjoy the show, i did, but some people left because of the rudeness and the hypnotist swearing all the time. i had a laugh, even though it was at the volunteers expense. i didnt think he was very professional and i certainly would not have taken part myself, but it turned out to be quite a funny show. i was just wondering what others thought of it. :o)