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16-Dec-07, 15:13

Im really annoyed about this.

I have just found out that my cat just got ran over on Smith Terrace, Thurso.

The driver didnt even stop and now i think its about time we as a community to try and resolve this situation.

This is the 3rd cat that has been killed on this road in 2 years.
All times the drivers did not stop and it costs me a fortune in vet bills if they are still alive.

Im going to the council about this cause i think there should be a reduced speed limit on this part of the road.. Not just for my cats but also for my kids.

Sorry its just my rant as im totlly peed off...

16-Dec-07, 15:42
Sorry to hear of your sad loss Moonboots. I live next to the main road to Castletown and have seen many cats crossing the road ( some actually making it). A few of them are road savey and know when not to cross but there are the others who dont. They are the ones who normally get hit by cars. A driver may not know that he has driven over a cat as they move so fast( the cats). A 20mph zone would not do much good as that road is like a race track at times, as is ours. [evil]

Margaret M.
16-Dec-07, 15:55
So sorry to hear about your cat -- the loss of a pet is never easy. I think if I lived on a busy street and had a cat, it would have to be an indoor cat. Some drivers make little effort to avoid an animal, regardless of the speed limit.

Camel Spider
16-Dec-07, 15:58
A cat is classed as a wild animal so drivers dont have to stop, I thought I had hit a cat once when out on the Motorbike and stopped to see if I had. I was confronted with an extremely angry woman who berated me for almost taking out her neighbours cat .. As if I knew it was going to run out in the road. That particular cat endangered me and others as I could have come off the bike and or hit someone else if I had either swerved or hit the animal.

Sorry to hear your Pet has been killed but are you seriously considering a speed limit for cats ??, personally I would extend the courtesy of letting the owner know if possible in the event I injured or killed one, but I would not pay ANY vets bill. At the end of the day you let your animal out to run wild and they are your responsibility. Have you considered the hazard presented to drivers and cyclists by cats just popping out onto the road ??, its happened to me more than once.

If only Cat owners were as vocal about stopping their pets using other peoples flower beds and gardens as a toilet.

16-Dec-07, 16:15

Im really annoyed about this.

I have just found out that my cat just got ran over on Smith Terrace, Thurso.

The driver didnt even stop and now i think its about time we as a community to try and resolve this situation.

This is the 3rd cat that has been killed on this road in 2 years.
All times the drivers did not stop and it costs me a fortune in vet bills if they are still alive.

Im going to the council about this cause i think there should be a reduced speed limit on this part of the road.. Not just for my cats but also for my kids.

Sorry its just my rant as im totlly peed off...
I am sorry to hear about your cat. I think it sounds like your more annoyed about the large bill in the vets, and yes thats highly insensitive of me to accually come out and say that. I am not saying you don't care ofcoarse you do. Its just the way i am probably reading today. :roll:

16-Dec-07, 16:31
A cat is classed as a wild animal so drivers dont have to stop, I thought I had hit a cat once when out on the Motorbike and stopped to see if I had. I was confronted with an extremely angry woman who berated me for almost taking out her neighbours cat .. As if I knew it was going to run out in the road. That particular cat endangered me and others as I could have come off the bike and or hit someone else if I had either swerved or hit the animal.

Sorry to hear your Pet has been killed but are you seriously considering a speed limit for cats ??, personally I would extend the courtesy of letting the owner know if possible in the event I injured or killed one, but I would not pay ANY vets bill. At the end of the day you let your animal out to run wild and they are your responsibility. Have you considered the hazard presented to drivers and cyclists by cats just popping out onto the road ??, its happened to me more than once.

If only Cat owners were as vocal about stopping their pets using other peoples flower beds and gardens as a toilet.
This post just about sums up the problem.

16-Dec-07, 16:34
I am so sorry to hear about your cat - you must be heartbroken !

It's the same where I live with cars going far too fast in a residential area. The rules are there, but many folk pay no attention.


16-Dec-07, 16:47
Oh Moonboots, i'm so sorry to here about your cat being run over. I have cats myself and can sypathise with you. :~( It's not the first time i've lost one on the road and it is heartbreaking to say the least. Since we moved up here i have had a fair few cats and they are all house cats, my street can be pretty busy, so if they don't get out i don't need to worry about them. They are happy enough indoors as there are lots of things to entertain them and as i've had them since they were kittens they don't know what it is to go out, so they don't miss it either. :roll:

16-Dec-07, 17:05
A cat is classed as a wild animal so drivers dont have to stop, I thought I had hit a cat once when out on the Motorbike and stopped to see if I had. I was confronted with an extremely angry woman who berated me for almost taking out her neighbours cat .. As if I knew it was going to run out in the road. That particular cat endangered me and others as I could have come off the bike and or hit someone else if I had either swerved or hit the animal.

Sorry to hear your Pet has been killed but are you seriously considering a speed limit for cats ??, personally I would extend the courtesy of letting the owner know if possible in the event I injured or killed one, but I would not pay ANY vets bill. At the end of the day you let your animal out to run wild and they are your responsibility. Have you considered the hazard presented to drivers and cyclists by cats just popping out onto the road ??, its happened to me more than once.

If only Cat owners were as vocal about stopping their pets using other peoples flower beds and gardens as a toilet.

I agree with you camel spider, it could of been a person being hit instead of the cat if they had swerved to miss it.

But, i am very sorry for the loss of your cat, and i think that the person responsible could of let the owners know what had happened.