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View Full Version : Caithness Photography And Digital Media Exhibition?

04-Dec-07, 22:04
Dear Fellow Photographers and lens based media artists!

My name is Carrie and i'm a first year Grays school of art (Aberdeen) student, however out with term time i live in Halkirk. I've been a keen photographer for quite a while now and am hoping to specialise in PEM (photographic and electronic media) next year. I'm posting because for sometime now i've been aware that Caithness Artists don't allow for photography or digital media in their annual exhibition. Therefore after much consideration i would like to propose a Caithness Photography and digital media exhibition. It's a project i am keen to undertake myself and would like to know you're thoughts as practitioners of these art forms within the county.

I believe it would be beneficial to the community and allow for celebration of these art forms which are popular and very well suited to the landscape we live in. It would encourage artists to share their work, get to know other artists, become recognised for their talents and have the oppotunity to sell their work.

It's important to me that i know that it is something that the community would want to be a part of. I have already begun contacting recognised professionals and those who have replied are supportive of the project. I have also began to look at venues and dates, rules for submission and advertising and even funding. However none of this can take place unless people are willing to participate.

I'd be very greatful to know what you think! :D

If you would like further information you can contact me via this thread or private message.

05-Dec-07, 15:21
Go for it! I for one would love to submit something for your exhibition, just had some sample calendars printed of some of my landscape stuff and had some positive feedback from people that have seen them :)

05-Dec-07, 18:40
Think it is a great idea and have seen some fantastic photos taken by locals and have a few good ones myself that I would love to submit if this happens.

05-Dec-07, 22:55
Brialliant idea CG - go for it!

06-Dec-07, 23:46
Right folks!
I know i havn't had much feedback from this forum but i've been busy bee-ing away contacting all the pro's in the area i could find contact addresses for and everyone that's contacted me back including John Baikie and Martina Cross are keen to support the project and so i'm now putting all my notes and plans into action! I will keep everyone updated who is interested or not via this forum and feel free to contact me if you have comments or questions!

Carrie :Razz

07-Dec-07, 00:06
That's great to hear Carrie, well done!