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28-Nov-07, 01:33
Coming up from Cumbria, noticed in a newspaper there;
Taser saves man's life

Police use a taser to stop man disembowelling himself with a samurai:

http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/viewarticle.aspx?id=568409 (http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/viewarticle.aspx?id=568409)

Excellent use of the Taser?

George Brims
28-Nov-07, 02:07
Well this is the sort of situation where the police have always hoped to have a non-lethal way to disarm someone. Obviously this individual was not well in his head, and the officers would have felt terrible if he had either succeeded in harming himself, or they had had to shoot him to protect themselves or someone else.

That's not to say the taser is always the answer. It sometimes fails to subdue a person on drugs, and sometimes causes injury or death, but at least in the latter case it is still far safer than use of a firearm.

28-Nov-07, 09:39
Well done for bringing this to the fore Bekisman, more positive posts such as this should be posted on CCWS.

28-Nov-07, 09:49
Well, like most things, if used properly, they can be a useful tool.

28-Nov-07, 11:52
Golach: "Well done for bringing this to the fore Bekisman, more positive posts such as this should be posted on CCWS."

A life saved is precious..

28-Nov-07, 11:54
A life saved is precious..

Where as 2 million lives lost is only a statistic.

28-Nov-07, 12:30
Push those buttons fred....

28-Nov-07, 15:00
Fred: "Where as 2 million lives lost is only a statistic."

WHAT are you on about this time Fred? (must admit I was surprised how long you took to get some Google thing in!) Is it 'something' to do with Sadam causing deaths by refusing to comply with the UN?

Camel Spider
28-Nov-07, 16:58
Where as 2 million lives lost is only a statistic.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YevYBsShxNs (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=YevYBsShxNs) ..

Both statements make as much sense as each other .. ;)

And on the thread subject .. nice save by the Police.

28-Nov-07, 17:32
Fred: "Where as 2 million lives lost is only a statistic."

WHAT are you on about this time Fred? (must admit I was surprised how long you took to get some Google thing in!) Is it 'something' to do with Sadam causing deaths by refusing to comply with the UN?

Why would I be googling? I made my position clear from the start.


I'm not a hypocrite...or in denial.

28-Nov-07, 17:49
Fred, I've just bored myself again by reading your link (which was googled) and I fail to see where you get your lives lost bit in.. but then again I might be thick - along with a number of others who you have denigrated?

All I did, for possibly the rest of us who might be interested, was to mention that a chap who was about to rip his stomach open with a sword, was halted in doing so by a Police Officer using a taser. (Bloody Good Chap!) I'm pretty sure there was no conspiracy theory involved, I'm also pretty sure the damn Yanks were not involved, and quite sure there was no mention of Jews or Palestinians or indeed 2,000,000 lives lost - but then I only read the headline..

28-Nov-07, 19:19
All I did, for possibly the rest of us who might be interested, was to mention that a chap who was about to rip his stomach open with a sword, was halted in doing so by a Police Officer using a taser. (Bloody Good Chap!) I'm pretty sure there was no conspiracy theory involved, I'm also pretty sure the damn Yanks were not involved, and quite sure there was no mention of Jews or Palestinians or indeed 2,000,000 lives lost - but then I only read the headline..

Could have sworn you added "A life saved is precious..".

George Brims
28-Nov-07, 19:43
Subjects high on PCP ("angel dust") are often immune to pain to the extent that it's not just a taser that is ineffective. In one case in the US a suspect in an armed robbery continued a running gun battle with police for half an hour until finally succumbing to blood loss. He was found to have sustained 22 bullet wounds while firing almost 100 rounds at the police officers. Several of the officers were amazed that they kept "missing" him, not realising that they were hitting him and he was keeping going.

28-Nov-07, 19:47
Fred: "Could have sworn you added "A life saved is precious..".

Did too, this was ref a poor mentally ill desperate chap who was trying to kill himself (he was 'saved' - get it?)- nothing to do with some Iraqi despot refusing life saving medicines for HIS people..

28-Nov-07, 20:05
Fred: "Could have sworn you added "A life saved is precious..".

Did too, this was ref a poor mentally ill desperate chap who was trying to kill himself (he was 'saved' - get it?)- nothing to do with some Iraqi despot refusing life saving medicines for HIS people..

Why do you keep bringing it up then?

28-Nov-07, 20:21
Where as 2 million lives lost is only a statistic.

Come on Fred, that was a cheap shot!


28-Nov-07, 20:24
Don't fall for it folks, Fred has got his nets out!


28-Nov-07, 20:24
Fred: "Why do you keep bringing it up then?"

Well considering that I started this thread with just a straightforward report on an action carried out by a PC with a taser, I had no idea whatsoever that you would attempt to hijack/deviate away it with your usual (oh so very, very usual) depressing rendering upon that joyous event.. I would, if so inclined, begin to think that the SAD thread of recent times was being resurrected!. I've no doubt fred, that you're hoping I'll 'say' something that may give you glee and cause to contact the mod.. - no such luck mate..

Come on fred, are you not joyous that a disturbed man's life was saved? that's something I've not heard yet..

AND this constant posting is getting boring.. anyone else out there?

28-Nov-07, 20:29
The solution is simple.
Equip the police with Samurai swords...

28-Nov-07, 21:05
Come on fred, are you not joyous that a disturbed man's life was saved? that's something I've not heard yet..

I don't think there is any doubt on this forum about the regard I have for human lives, all human lives, not just the ones that can be used as an argument for equipping the police with electronic bull whips.

28-Nov-07, 21:15
Not all human lives f red - otherwise you would accept that the police have a right to defend themselves, and the public they are pledged to protect, in an increasingly violent society.

28-Nov-07, 21:23
Fred: "I don't think there is any doubt on this forum about the regard I have for human lives, all human lives"

But Fred you say this, but what are you or have you, actually physically done or are doing about it? are you or were you in the 'life-saving' professions, have you worked to save life? can you simply say; 'well I tried'...

28-Nov-07, 21:28
He can say "I Googled...."

28-Nov-07, 21:49
Getting a feeling of deja vu here....

28-Nov-07, 22:01
But Fred you say this, but what are you or have you, actually physically done or are doing about it? are you or were you in the 'life-saving' professions, have you worked to save life? can you simply say; 'well I tried'...

There you go again trying to steer the thread away from the subject at hand and focus it on me. Then you wonder why I ignore questions about myself.

28-Nov-07, 22:07
Not all human lives f red - otherwise you would accept that the police have a right to defend themselves, and the public they are pledged to protect, in an increasingly violent society.

Ever stopped to wonder why our society is increasingly violent?

28-Nov-07, 23:24
Fred: "I don't think there is any doubt on this forum about the regard I have for human lives, all human lives"

But Fred you say this, but what are you or have you, actually physically done or are doing about it? are you or were you in the 'life-saving' professions, have you worked to save life? can you simply say; 'well I tried'...

Well some people are doing their bit by trying to raise awareness about issues of their concern. No need for everyone to go to the Middle East and become actively physically involved in fighting, lifesaving or nationbuilding. I reckon it is at least as important a task to ensure that certain critical issues are not being forgotten and to discuss them on the internet or elsewhere.

On topic: I found myself in situations fairly similar to what is described in the original link posted. Once I was standing opposite a drugged and drunk person with a machete in his hand threatening to attack me. This happened when I worked in the ambulance service and friends of the “attacker” called us to help him. There was no need to use any guns, simply words and light physical action sufficed to make him abandon his weapon. Similar situations I have experienced many a time, never have I felt the need to use a taser gun or worse.

Having said that, I agree there may be situations where a taser gun is the right choice. To deal with a very drunken person in despair I feel is not one of those situations. Of course I wasn’t on scene, so the officers may have acted correctly. Just wanted to share my experience of similar situations where the use of a taser gun could have easily been justified but we did very successfully without.

28-Nov-07, 23:51
On topic: I found myself in situations fairly similar to what is described in the original link posted. Once I was standing opposite a drugged and drunk person with a machete in his hand threatening to attack me. This happened when I worked in the ambulance service and friends of the “attacker” called us to help him. There was no need to use any guns, simply words and light physical action sufficed to make him abandon his weapon. Similar situations I have experienced many a time, never have I felt the need to use a taser gun or worse.

Talking someone "down" in a situation is always preferable - when talking has no effect then you have to escalate the amount pf persuasion.
Sadly, as many paramedics now will confirm, they are having to wear body armour because their personal safety is at risk even when trying to help those injured or at risk of injury.

Likewise Firefighters who are being lured into 'traps' by gangs who then stone them and their appliances.

28-Nov-07, 23:56
Likewise Firefighters who are being lured into 'traps' by gangs who then stone them and their appliances.
Now Now MP,those little thugs are someones little innocent darlings who helps their granny with the messages every Saturday, and they would not harm a hair on a firemans head, Its the Fire Brigade's fault with their beeg Red Engines and shiny helmets

29-Nov-07, 00:08
Talking someone "down" in a situation is always preferable - when talking has no effect then you have to escalate the amount pf persuasion.
Sadly, as many paramedics now will confirm, they are having to wear body armour because their personal safety is at risk even when trying to help those injured or at risk of injury.

Likewise Firefighters who are being lured into 'traps' by gangs who then stone them and their appliances.

It's a very difficult situation. What nobody wants is an escalation of the situation at present. If the Firefighters and Paramedics are going to be equipped with tasers or else this will most likely fuel the fire. Just to increase the level of violence can't be right (call me a dreamer...). There have got to be other ways. I spent long hours discusing those issues with collegues with no proper result, but anyone agreed that an escalation of violence must be avoided at all costs.

Camel Spider
29-Nov-07, 00:08
Now Now MP,those little thugs are someones little innocent darlings who helps their granny with the messages every Saturday, and they would not harm a hair on a firemans head, Its the Fire Brigade's fault with their beeg Red Engines and shiny helmets

This may make you smile Gents .. http://www.hastingsobserver.co.uk/newshastings/Yob-who-egged-poppyday-parade.3515377.jp (http://forum.caithness.org/go.php?url=http://www.hastingsobserver.co.uk/newshastings/Yob-who-egged-poppyday-parade.3515377.jp) .. strike one for the Good Guys.

Loved the Copper's style.

29-Nov-07, 00:11
Now Now MP,those little thugs are someones little innocent darlings who helps their granny with the messages every Saturday, and they would not harm a hair on a firemans head, Its the Fire Brigade's fault with their beeg Red Engines and shiny helmets

What are you on about? Do you have any references of anybody justifying violence against firefighters or paramedics? Your comment does not contribute much to a potentially usefull and important discussion.

29-Nov-07, 00:29
Tasers have their good and bad sides, I don't understand why a new conversation had to be posted when there is one already opened, other than to push the buttons of those who some people feel push buttons, its getting petty?

If the UN feel its an instrument of torture and its a story worth discussing, then surely we can gather information from both angles and post it all in one conversation?

Having read the story about the drunk man, how long did he sit with the sword pointing to him waiting for the police to come, was he really going to do it or was he just craving attention because he was drunk and getting problems off his chest? Will Tasers now remove the negotiating skills that policemen require in numerous situations to be trained for, will they say forget negotiating use the taser. These are questions to be thought about. Had the man had coronary problems the police may have killed a potential suicide victim or just killed a blithering drunk?

Pondering all that though, I still think Tasers have their use and we cannot put a finger on how many poeples lives may have been saved by them, nor compare them to figures of deaths we cannot prove?

29-Nov-07, 00:31
I am not suggesting that paramedic or firefighters get issued with Tasers!!!!!

Paramedics down here wear anti stab vests as everyday equipment. One of the reasons that ambulance crews switched from their old blue uniforms to the hospital green clothing was partly due to crews being mistaken for police officers and getting the crap kicked out of them.

And firefighters do have the option of turning high pressure hoses on the thugs/yobs/little darlings if they get caught outside their appliances. They also have a fair amount of personal protective equipment as it is, but having seen footage of a fireman being cornered by a gang who then proceeded to beat him up, because he had the audacity of putting out the car they had set on fire, makes you wonder what these kids are thinking (assuming that they have enough brain cells to call a brain).

So, the only people who should carry such devices are the police.