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26-Nov-07, 20:27
whats everyone planning serving up on christmas day. i am looking for some inspiration really. i have no idea for starter. will be having venison or lamb for main with all the trimmings. and was thinking pavlova but never made one before.

26-Nov-07, 20:42
prawns for starter(my fav)
melon balls

26-Nov-07, 21:05
I like an assortment of crudites & dips to nibble on all day

29-Nov-07, 17:20
We will be having home made pate & oatcakes for starter - kids requested it so will have to have it.

lynne duncan
29-Nov-07, 22:01
traditional - both sets of parents come to ours so 10sitting down but mum-in-law brings the broth, also have melon, melba toast and smoked salmon, i do turkey and trimmings and then mum takes in a duff (steamed xmas pud) and i make a pavlova

pavlova night before 3 egg whites stiffly whipped whisk in 6oz caster sugar, spoon onto greaseproof paper on a baking tray, shove in top of oven bake for 1hr at 100deg fan slightly hotter if not fan then turn off oven and leave over night. take out next day and set aside then bundle whatever you fancy on top us do whipped cream and strawberries and raspberries

29-Nov-07, 22:19
Very traditional here:
Prawn Cocktail / Fruit Juice
Turkey with all the trimmings
Sherry Trifle

Never have soup at Christmas as it fills you up too much and we just have to have the room for the trifle (which is more important than the turkey!)

11-Dec-07, 03:17
I usually do tomato soup and prawn cocktails - orders taken day before or sometimes i do about 4 -5 pieces Asparagus wrapped in thin ham. Serve hot or cold.
then I do turkey and a small chicken as not everyone likes turkey.
then its xmas pud and brandy sauce, Sherry trifle or fresh friut pudding.

22-Dec-07, 18:22
We're having smoked salmon for starters, then homemade tomato soup a la jamie oliver recipie with cheese and rocquet foccacia.

A wee break after that and then turkey with all the trimmings.

Not really a pudding house so not sure what to do yet, no xmas pudding eaters but maybe a chocolate and orange pudding. Do some baking for people to have as nibbles later in the evening.