View Full Version : Marine Life conservation

08-Sep-05, 21:32
ok folks, promotion time for a new site.
Sorry it's not your cuddly dolphins, but another very important part of the ecology of the seas and oceans.
www.save-our-sharks.org has been set up and is now live.
We need the word spreading, members to join, articles to publish and piccies.
There is already one article from down Essex way, if anyone has any pics please email them to [email protected]

we need all the support we can get.

the article was originally posted by Leon Roskilly at http://www.anglers-net.co.uk/sacn/latest/index.php?view=379
makes very disturbing reading!

09-Sep-05, 14:20
Sharks are amazing creatures, it's a pity some humans can't realise they are living in THEIR natural enviroment and continue to slaughter them :(

Mr P Cannop
09-Sep-05, 14:30
i have sent the web link to bill fernie

18-Sep-05, 19:31
Thank you for that Paul.

Something from the site that may be of interest to sharky folk...

A tope byelaw has been proposed by the North Eastern Sea Fisheries Committee aimed at protecting the tope population of the area.

Details of the byelaw can be obtained from:

1. No person shall remove from any fishery any tope of the species (Galeorhinus galeus) or part(s) thereof which is detached from the body.

2. Any tope, if caught, shall be returned immediately to the sea in a position as near as possible to that part of the sea from which it was taken.

The intention of this Byelaw is to protect tope from commercial over-exploitation within the Committee’s jurisdiction.

As is usual the byelaw has gone out for consultation and responses should be sent to:

The Minister for Fisheries
Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
6th Floor
8 Whitehall Place
London SW1A OAA

Full report at http://www.save-our-sharks.org/e107_plugins/custompages/Mailouts.php