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Mister Squiggle
26-Nov-07, 10:45
Help! Our little darling vomited on our beige carpet last night. There is an orange-coloured stain which I've tried to blot with soda water, but it's not shifting.
Any ideas? It's smack bang in the most obvious place of course, so I'm desperate to remove it. The carpet is a wool/synthetic blend.

26-Nov-07, 10:50
I have used the Vanish spray things, failing that I would get a professional cleaner in.
I had my carpets cleaned in the summer and they came up like new, much better than when I did them myself.

26-Nov-07, 11:47
Hi Mister Squiggle,

We hired 'rug doctor' from Homebase and it was terrific on our cream carpets.

Good Luck!:)


26-Nov-07, 11:57
Have to agree with Karia, Rug Doctor did a super job on our cream carpet too. Well worth a try!

26-Nov-07, 12:24
Try this link, lots of good hints

26-Nov-07, 12:29
Have you tried Stain Devils they do a range for all different stains

26-Nov-07, 12:49
Hi Mister Squiggle,

We hired 'rug doctor' from Homebase and it was terrific on our cream carpets.

Good Luck!:)


is it any good for doing a stair carpet ?????????????

26-Nov-07, 13:00
Hi riggerboy,

I don't have stairs so can't speak from experience but I think it comes with attachments for areas like stairs and for upholstery where the main unit would be too cumbersome.


Camel Spider
26-Nov-07, 13:06
I spilt Guiness on my beige carpet and used a carpet cleaner called .. "1001 Spot Shot" .. worked a treat.

Took a couple of applications but it came up like new.

Mister Squiggle
26-Nov-07, 13:18
Thanks for all the suggestions.
As an emergency, until I can get in to Homebase to hire their carpet cleaner, I have used the carpet shampoo recommended by Camel Spider. It does look a lot better and seems to have taken off the worst of the stain, although it's not dry yet.
It does smell a bit, but I think that will go as the carpet dries. I really, really hope so. :eek:

26-Nov-07, 13:55
There's a great wee product called 'No Vac', you just spray the foam on, it dries removing bacteria and odours and leaves a pleasant fresh smell, great for pet owners! As the name suggests you don't need to hoover it off. Tesco and Somerfield sell it

26-Nov-07, 13:56
sorry to hear about you poor bairn being sick. my son was sick through the night on thursday nite he was fine when he went to bed was excited about going to school for golden time on friday the i heard him being sick and like you it went all over the carpet ie scrubbed it with eerything but still cant seem to get rid of the smell but found febreeze to be good for the smell. The joys of the sick bug eh.

Mister Squiggle
26-Nov-07, 18:44
Thanks telfordstar; yes, it seems the sick bug is sweeping Caithness schools with a vengence. Poor wee pet has had it twice now, but her brother has dodged it so far (touch wood). I have to say carpet looks better tonight - perhaps I am just learning to live with the new mottled colour. ;)

26-Nov-07, 19:02
If all else fails you should not be shy about a claim on the insurance

26-Nov-07, 20:35
Try 1001 carpert cleaner or I've found baby wipes excellent. I know!! They removed and irn bru stain from my beige carpet. Also vinegar is very good x