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22-Mar-03, 07:11
I undersatand that a rather "interesting" letter appeared in Friday's Groat concerning the standard of cleanliness and aesthetic appearance of the "County Town". I went to check this out in the online edition but it does not appear to be there.

Anyone care to provide a copy of the erudite letter?

23-Mar-03, 16:59
Here is a transcript of the letter


Sir - On Sunday i had a stroll along the nicely laid out picnic area to the south side of the wick river.
My intention had ben to take photographs of mallards, teal and widgeon that have inhabited the sandbars in increasing numbers during the winter months ever since the groynes were installed and the river returned to a samblance of it's natural state.
I finally actually finnished up taking pictured of trees, plants and a few of the rooks nest building.
I did manage video clips of ducks in their thousands flying over the Bilbster/Watten area but they were too far away to identify individually, even with the high magnification of the camcorder.
There were only a few ducks at the sand bars but they were resting mostly out of sight in the grassy areas.
What i did see close up was the most disgusting mass of dumped rubbish covering a once beautiful area.
Even the barrel of the old cannon (for signal which my grandfather, Kenneth McLennan, had once fired) and it's wooden base were absolutely plastered with paint and graffiti.
I have to say it, and i do mean it, however reluctently: Wick does not deserve public monies to be spent on it, as it is definately the filthiest hellhole of a town i have come accross in my 67 years.
Even the poorest of peoples i met abroad took a great deal of pride in keeping even the dry earth their corrugated iron dwellings and wood huts spotlessly clean, but Wick? it's a total mess - and that does not include the streets clarted with dogs faeces! if any clouded brain councillor tries to tell me otherwise he/she is talking through a hole in their head.
How the youth of a town like Wick, and their parents who allow them, can destroy so much that is done for them is just about beyond belief.
I have seen increasing destruction going on, generation after generation with wayward offspring copying their parents ineptitude, and our local authorities refusing to do anything to combat them.
The pseudo intellectuals continually give us the spin that is all due to a "lack of amenities", Rubbish! any desert or bare mountainous area provides space for happy kids to enjoy themselves.
Here it is just a case of plain wanton destruction by miserable, lead brained, anti social cretins who allow themselves to wholly taken in by the disease of cultural demise that has crept in from the south over the past five decades without any local authority taking the slightest action to curb that behaviour.
In Canada and other countries on-the-spot fines insure that cities are kept spotless, and their peoples have become proud of that cleanliness.
In Scotland we get nothing! it's as though those in authority intend only to collect their inflated salaries and can see no further responsibilities.
Will the Highland Council ever accept it's responsibilities and get down to cleaning up the town, doing so without relying upon volunteers like the rotary club, etc., having to do it for them?
Lets for once see perpetrators procecuted and the message sent out that enough is enough. Could the council and the northern constabulary give us back a town for which we can begin to feel pride?


Robert Sinclair Shand

Never a truer word has been said, Mr Shand i applaud you

PS - And i dont agree with him cos i'm an old duffer living on memories of the good ole days, i'm 31years old and agree with him as he is 100% correct

Oh, and if iv'e made any mistakes in the transcripit i appologise, i'm really tired today and the old brain is in 4th gear

25-Mar-03, 18:11
I agree also, aged 26! I was annoyed at the state of the cannon and fountain when I took my son up, I wanted to show him it after I had told him about it, I know it isn't much, but he was genuinely interested. It was disgusting, its been neglected and vandalised. Down here, petty criminals have to repair and preserve area of vandalism. There are gold area where heavy fines are levied. A bit more pride in the area and it would be so much better.

25-Mar-03, 20:16
im only 19, and when my partner and i went for a walk up there, i was disgusted. its minging!

26-Mar-03, 13:21
I didn't think I'd agree with anything Mr Shand said but he's spot on when he describes the state of Wick. The amount of litter etc is disgusting.

It's not only in the town though. All sorts of things are dumped in the countryside from fridges to tyres.
Not only is it really unsightly it's also a real hazard to wildlife and farm animals.
A report has shown that thousands of animals are injured and even killed due to litter.
There is absolutely no excuse. It's down to sheer laziness and ignorance plus a lack of respect.!
What can be done about this problem? Cleaning up certainly but how do we stop it in the first place? [evil] :(

26-Mar-03, 23:05
Hence the name Dirty Wickers.

26-Mar-03, 23:20
Hence the name Dirty Wickers.

shut up, thurso isn't much better

26-Mar-03, 23:23
Who say's i'm from Thurso?. Never lived ther, never intend to live there.

27-Mar-03, 12:23
Lots of people seem to blame kids for the little problems around our town, but take it from me, from my window to the real world (living room window), I've never seen any kids dropping litter but what always shocks me is when some big expensive car rolls up outside my flat and they proceed to dump their car ashtray or bag of rubbish in the Wild Grass Land (or whatever you would call it) across from my house. Should I name and shame? A few business owners would be in my list. Perhaps I'll just take photos next time.

Dont dump your rubbish outside my flat, I'll be going out wi a black bag in the next couple of days to clean some of it up and I'll be recording number plates and reporting everyone I see to the police, it is illegal afer all.

And for the ones that live nearby, expect me to pick up your bag of rubbish and dump it in your garden, see how you like it spoiling your view.

Perhaps thats an idea for all of us, I'm going to clear up the area I can see from my window and then keep a closer eye on it, perhaps if we all started to do this we might get somewhere. Why not try it? Look out your window, can you see litter? Well why not spend ten minutes clearing it up? You can then take the moral high ground when you see someone dropping litter there. Its all very well to say that the council or some other body should be responsible for it, but lets face it, they dont care, we do, so lets do something about it.

Another point, when an area is devoid of litter, litter-louts might not feel so comfortable dropping anything.

Dirty Weeker
Ever wondered about the term used by and for the citizens of Wick. Well it apparently is a corruption of a phrase the evolved during the town's Herring days. It was not as you might think a derogatory term which pokes fun at people who don' wash. The original word was "Dirdie" a Caithness word meaning busy. Over time it was corrupted to dirty and somehow adopted by locals endearingly referring to each other as "Dirty Wickers" meaning a real Wicker.

27-Mar-03, 16:01
Good for you Niall! If you have the courage I would 'name and shame them' as there's no excuse for what they're doing. How would they like the contents of an ashtray emptied all over their living room carpet (now THERE'S an idea!)
I did once see a neighbour, who had just driven away in his car, throw an empty cigarette packet out of the car window. I was going to pick it up and throw it in his garden but the wind blew it away before I got to it!
I've seen things like fridges; tyres; loo seats and rolled up carpet dumped at 'The Old Man' and Wick River at the end of the Srath Road at Sibster.
Also cans; bottles in ditches which have obviously been thrown from cars. Oh yes and they empty their car ashtrays!
Part of the problem may be lack of skips provided by the council. Where I live we only get a skip twice a year and it is always full up in a matter of hours.
I know that doesn't help with the litter problem but it might help?
Anway Niall good luck - hope it works! Something has to be done! :roll: :eek:

Bill Fernie
27-Mar-03, 20:24
I took pictures of the cannon about a year or more ago. It was such amess I never put them on the web site. I did have in mind to creep out one moonlit night with a tin of black paint and paint it back to the original colour. I might do it yet. If I do the picture will definitely appear. If someone beats me to it drop me a line and I will take the pic.
Sounds like a great idea - a kind of latter day Scarlet Pimpernell of the local environment.

27-Mar-03, 20:33
Good on ya Niall
One of my biggest pet peeves is litter, i absolutley detest it and there is no need for it whatsoever, and i think naming and shaming those who do throw litter is a great idea.

I mean, i'm no saint, i have thrown litter on the ground as a kid,( even though i was brought up not to) but when i was 14 i pushed a chip tray into a bin on the Bridge St Bridge which fell back out as the bin was full, i didnt bother picking it up, but a copper saw me and gave me a serious dressing down over it,he scared the c**p outta me and i dont remember ever throwing litter away since [lol]

Wick is riddled and spoilt with litter, which is a shame as it has the potential to be such a nice town.

I remember speaking to a German tourist once and he said that Scotland was such a beautiful place but he couldnt believe the amount of litter all over the place,. he was really disgusted by it and said you would never see anthing like that in Germany.
The same applies to Norway, i have been there twice and the streets are so clean you could probably eat your dinner off them, well...nearly :roll:

Right, i'll stop myself there or i'll rant all night, and please, just dont get me started on dog poo or i'll be late for work in the morning [lol]

27-Mar-03, 23:18
Sorry if I offended people with my last comment, but it was just meant as a bit of fun. I do actually know the true meaning of dirty weeker. I can agree with what everyone is saying about the state of the town. We all know the Highland council are to blame for the poor upkeep of the town. Wick is a very historic place and it's about time it was smartened up. The fountain is a disgrace, the riverside is a mess amongst other things. Tourists think the town is excellent but if they were to take a closer look they would be quite surprised at the state of it.
One thing I really do find annoying, is the amount of litter on the roadsides. An utter disgrace. Have they no thought for the wildlife and fauna?
I was at the harbour one day last summer when there were two women stood at the waters edge opposite the harbour cafe. One of them had a carrier bag with the handles tied, she was looking round swinging the bag and casually threw the bag into the harbour. I was quite disgusted at seeing this. I only wish now I had pulled her up about it. Because I'll bet she wouldn't have done it again. [mad] [mad]

27-Mar-03, 23:59
Well, hopefully, i've been true to my word

Everything I could see from my window in two black bags.

Mabee next week I'll stick me heid oot a bit further and clear some more up



My point in doing this though is to try to set an example, if everyone did as I have done most of our litter problems would be solved. I know that some feel that its not their responsibility to actually get off their rear and do something constructive but I feel that if we dont care enough to do some of the work ourselves then why should anyone else.

Also, I feel that the people who walk their dogs in these sorts of bits around the town also should take some responsibility. Why not take one of those safeway/co-op/lidl/weeShopee bags you've got next time you walk the dog and pick up a couple of bits of rubbish before you come home. Not lots, mabee just a couple of cans or whatever.

I feel that if we all do a little, we can accomplish a lot. We have to change the attitude of those who dont even think about dropping litter. People say kids are to blame but I can tell you that most of the rubbish I picked up today was not dropped by kids. Its the adults we have to re-educate and in turn they will sort out the kids.

Mabee everyone could look out thir window and do what i did. I didnt do the whole street (but i might). If you have a really big view from your window, mabee you can convince a neighbour or 2 to help.

Just for a little incentive, send me yer photos (before and after if you like) and I'll upload them to the site. Also with details of streets that the occupiers have cleaned floating about, mabee we can make people feel more uncomfortable about dropping litter in those areas (which should lead to them not dropping litter at all).

As none of the authorities are going to do anything about this litter problem, we should be the ones to make people feel unclean, unwelcome, unwhatever you like as long as you make them feel bad about it. Point at them, ridicule them with your children, make loud comments anout it behind their back when you see them in the shop, that kind of thing.

Anyway, discuss....

George Brims
29-Mar-03, 01:15
Cripes Niall your front lawn isn't half big. Time you gave it a bit of a cut though.

29-Mar-03, 13:59

Mabee next year... :roll:

29-Mar-03, 14:14
Niall you inspired me this morning to get a Co-op bag and fill it with the litter on the pavement outside my front door.

It only took a couple of minutes to fill it with items ranging from plastic bottles to a bag of prawn crackers!! That's the corner of Dempster Street/Beaufoy Street looking a wee bit better. Let's hope it stays that way.

29-Mar-03, 14:39
I'm impressed - all these men tidying up!!!!
Seriously though well done.
How about a sponsored clean with people sponsoring you for each bin bag you fill up?
That way the town, and hopefully country, will be cleaner and you'd raise money for good causes.
Keep up the good work! :Razz :D :o)

02-Apr-03, 10:03
I like the idea of a "sponsored tidy-up". Mabee we could make it an annual thing.

Do you think this should be a wick-only thing or are folks on the other side of the county up for it as well?

I'll do some phoning round to see if anyone (supermarkets) will help out with gloves n bags.

We'll also need to decide who we would give the money to if we did this. Local charities only please, I dont give to national ones.

Ideas welcome, for any part of this. Mabee its a thing the community councils could get involved with, I know its something thats discussed in community council meetings. Would be nice to see them get involved this time before the Girl Guides steel their thunder again :roll:

02-Apr-03, 12:20
Look what they did here in the Pool...
This is part of the captal of culture bid...

Friday March 14 2003

A small army of volunteers are backing Liverpool’s Capital of Culture bid – by helping clean up the city.

More than three thousand have volunteered to take part in ten giant community clean-ups right across the city – from Croxteth to Speke.

A mountain of rubbish and junk is expected to be shifted when the litter-busters get to work next week. The clean-ups have been organised as part of the city’s G-Litter festival – a gigantic spring clean as part of its bid to become European Capital of Culture in 2008.

A staggering 600 people have volunteered to give Toxteth a spring clean on Tuesday 25 March starting at 9.30am . Organiser Joe Feeley said: “The response of local people has been amazing. They are so enthusiastic. We were hoping for a couple of dozen to join the clean-up. I was staggered when 600 volunteered – and the numbers are going up every day.

“It just shows you how much local residents care about their community. We all want to live in a nice, clean and pleasant area. The clean-up is not just about shifting rubbish. It’s about fostering civic pride and building a community that cares about each other. Lots of children are taking part – as well as mums, dads and grannies.

“It’s going to be a really fun day, but with a clear purpose – we are helping create a clean city and we’re determined to keep it that way.”

G-Litter - a unique community-led campaign - is much more than just sprucing up the city. It is tackling the problem of litter on the streets in a new, creative and inventive way with artists, musicians, street theatre and high fashion all being used to turn litter picking into a cultural carnival.

Councillor Mike Storey, the leader of the city council, said: "Litter is a hot issue for every city. In Liverpool, we are serious about cleaning up our streets and are involving the whole community

“The city council is investing £70 million over the next decade in cleaning up Liverpool. We have launched a campaign to clean up graffiti and shopkeepers have been asked not to sell spray paints to teenagers.”

Councillor Joe Anderson, Leader of the Opposition on the city council, said: “G-Litter is more than simply a one off clean-up campaign. It’s about making a permanent difference. Everyone has a part to play in making Liverpool cleaner and greener. G-Litter will grab people's attention and engage thousands of people in making our city brighter and a better place to live.”


Monday, March 24.
TUEBROOK: The area around Windsor Road. From noon
CROXTETH: The back of Petherick Road and Moss Way shops. 10am to 3pm.
SPEKE: Millwood on Alderfield Drive. 9.30am-noon and 1pm-3.30pm. (Arriva will run courtesy buses on the site from the Parklands Centre from 9am.)

Tuesday, March 25
TOXTETH: The area from Dingle Lane to Parliament Street, and Princes Road to Sefton Street. 9.30am-3pm.
WAVERTREE/PICTON: Areas including Thornycroft and Lawrence Roads, Bagot Street and St Dunstans Field. From 10am

Wednesday, March 26
WEST DERBY: The village, Almonds Green, Town Row and Mill Lane. Meet at 10am at the village square.
CHILDWALL VALLEY: The Netherley area and valley close to Sustrans cycle track. Meet at 9.30am at Our Lady's Parish Hall, off Hartsbourne Avenue.

Thursday, March 27
ORRELL PARK: Devonfield Gardens. From11am.
EVERTON: Beresford Street public open space. From 2pm
CITY CENTRE: Great George Square in Chinatown.10am until noon.

02-Apr-03, 19:49
I participate in a hobby called geocaching you can find out all about it at www.geocaching.com. The basic idea is to hide a "cache" somewhere you find interesting for other peole to find using a hand held gps and a clue. It is amazing to see some of the remote and beautifull parts of the country but it is also disgusting to find all the places where litter can turn up. A thing that we do is called "cache in trash out" So when we are searching for or hiding our caches we pick up any bits of litter we find and take them home with us. So that the next visitor will find the place tidyer than it was when i went. This is something I do every time I go out but this year the site is organising a big world wide event see the following link for more info


Magellan and Groundspeak are sponsoring the first international Cache In Trash Out Day on April 26th, 2003. Cache In Trash Out Day is an opportunity for Geocachers to help clean up the parks and other cache friendly places throughout the world. Through the volunteer efforts of the Geocaching community, we will all help preserve the natural beauty of our outdoor resources. Together, we can make an enormous difference with just a little effort.

Cache In Trash Out Day is made possible by a partnership between Magellan, Groundspeak and the entire Geocaching community with support from businesses and organizations everywhere.

If only everyone put the effort in to keep places tidy events like this would not be needed as there would be no mess to pick up.