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View Full Version : Upgrade software problem

30-Aug-05, 10:07
Does anyone know how I can load my old upgrade software on a new pc that doesn't have a floppy drive? The version I use is on CD and I still have the floppies for the original version but of course can't do the usual thing of inserting a floppy when it's looking for something to upgrade from. Don't really want to buy new software as what I have is fine for what I need. Microsoft don't know the answer.

30-Aug-05, 12:42
You could invest in a USB Floppy Drive, they cost less than £20.00 and it's sure to come in handy. Take a look here:-
They have one at £18.80.
The other option is to find someone with a FD and CD-RW. Copy the files from the floppies to CD.
If you're a wee bit more technically minded, why not fit an internal FD, they can be bought for less than £10.00 as you will see on the given site.

30-Aug-05, 18:29
Thanks for that. I did try copying to a CD on my old pc, which I still have, but it didn't work. Didn't really want to have to buy a floppy drive as it would only be for this, I haven't used my old one for ages and was hoping there was a better way round it.

30-Aug-05, 18:44
I'm sure I've got an old FD lying around somehere. If you're through in Thurso at all then give me a shout beforehand and I'll dig it out for you - even if you only use it for the transfer and then rip it back out of your PC!

PM me for contact details if you're interested.

30-Aug-05, 23:34
Alternatively, what program is it you need to install? You may find someone here has a CD copy of your original version and they might be willing to give you a temporary loan of it in order to get it installed...

31-Aug-05, 19:19
Yes, I did wonder if I dared ask that. It's perfectly legal after all as I do have the licensed software, just can't use it, and that's actually how I got over the problem of loading Office 97 - someone lent me their 95 CD to upgrade from. I probably really should upgrade but it's all fine for what I need and don't feel like spending any more just now.
So - what I need to load now is MS Publisher 97 and if anyone does feel like trusting me with their CD of that or an earlier version (original only please, not copy) I'd be very grateful and would return immediately.