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09-Nov-07, 17:32
Hey guys!Just had a thought...are you like your .org personality or are you completely different in real life???? x

09-Nov-07, 17:37
Well Thumper this should be an interesting thread.

I see you as friendly,fiercely protective of your family and friends,mischevious and a lover of animals and cartoons especialy Walt Disney films

Am I right.

09-Nov-07, 17:43
Well Thumper this should be an interesting thread.

I see you as friendly,fiercely protective of your family and friends,mischevious and a lover of animals and cartoons especialy Walt Disney films

Am I right.
Aww,bless you Cuddlepop!You have me down to a tee!Now what about you ;) x

09-Nov-07, 17:47
I'm really a fluffy bunny rabbit........ Aaaaah

And I sit on the first girnin that don't agree:lol::lol:

09-Nov-07, 17:57
i think im the same on here as at home, probably not as argumentative:D

09-Nov-07, 18:03
Think this would be more fun if those willing to have their personalities disected put forwards their names to see what others think so then they can say if that is what they are like in reality.

If anyone wants to disect my org personality I will let you know if it maches my real life personality.

Go on, go for it, you know you want to lol :lol:

09-Nov-07, 18:08
I don't set out to be any different from how I am in real life -but that doesn't necessarily mean that's how folk see me...:roll:

But...is my angel avatar a bit misleading I wonder? :confused

09-Nov-07, 18:10
Think this would be more fun if those willing to have their personalities disected put forwards their names to see what others think so then they can say if that is what they are like in reality.

If anyone wants to disect my org personality I will let you know if it maches my real life personality.

Go on, go for it, you know you want to lol :lol:
Changi,well done for being so brave!That was my first thought,but I thought it may desend into mayhem ;) x

09-Nov-07, 18:15
Think this would be more fun if those willing to have their personalities disected put forwards their names to see what others think so then they can say if that is what they are like in reality.

If anyone wants to disect my org personality I will let you know if it maches my real life personality.

Go on, go for it, you know you want to lol

Changi, I just think of you as being a lovely Mum! :D

09-Nov-07, 18:29
To be honest, I am a total shrinking violet in real life. I'm probably not how people think I'm like, I don't mind though, I didn't read a rule to say you had to be yourself when I signed up to the org. I have another login to a forum where I am totally anti-windfarm and I am hated for it. (Nobody likes to being told they are wrong if they think they have had their basic beliefs rocked). I'd like to be a bit more like Andrew_C on that forum as well but I am afraid I don't know enough about religion to pull off the con trick. I'm not abusive but I put my point across in a balanced way without resorting to anti windfarm diatribe, yet I do say things that call some of the members intelligence into question, but I don't really mean it, if I wasn't ad hominem, I'd suspect the topic wouldn't get their attention. Being like that on a number of forums helps me see the debate from both sides in a balanced manner.

Sometimes I just like to see where a debate goes if I just throw in an fresh issue. All in all, I just like to have fun without upsetting anybody too greatly because I know at first hand how hurting these forums can be even though we think it doesn't hurt when we post behind an anonymous login. And I know I have stepped over the mark on a couple of occasions and regretted it deeply.

09-Nov-07, 19:10

I am exactly like Saveman. Though I can't fly.....nor do I have super powers in any shape or form. However I do wear the costume.

09-Nov-07, 19:14
Think this would be more fun if those willing to have their personalities disected put forwards their names to see what others think so then they can say if that is what they are like in reality.

If anyone wants to disect my org personality I will let you know if it maches my real life personality.

Go on, go for it, you know you want to lol

I can't really as I've already met you. :)

I'm up for putting my name forward though so disect away. :eek:

09-Nov-07, 19:20
I dont know.. i would like to think that i am myself. i try not to put on airs.. but it is true its a lot easier to say things online than face to face.. I wonder do we show more of our true selves online than in real life?

Alice in Blunderland
09-Nov-07, 19:22
I'm up for putting my name forward though so disect away.

I have always thought you are the type of person who will call a spade a spade and are not afraid to speak your mind on the org and in real life :D theres Alices disection :lol:

Alice in Blunderland
09-Nov-07, 19:24
I dont know.. i would like to think that i am myself. i try not to put on airs.. but it is true its a lot easier to say things online than face to face.. I wonder do we show more of our true selves online than in real life?
I would bet some people do show more of themselves on here than in life. You can feel more at ease knowing that some folks dont know who you are. :)

09-Nov-07, 19:53
I am exactly like Saveman. Though I can't fly.....nor do I have super powers in any shape or form. However I do wear the costume.

Well I've never seen you wearing your outfit Saveman!! :lol:

Anne x
09-Nov-07, 19:58
Changi a mum protective of her offspring !!! good wife and mum , one who wont suffer fools gladly
and dog keeper !!!

09-Nov-07, 19:58
Well I've never seen you wearing your outfit Saveman!!

;) Remind me to wear it next time I'm Thurso:lol:

09-Nov-07, 20:00
Changi a mum protective of her young good wife and mum one who wont suffer fools gladlyChangi has a young wife???:eek: I wonder if her husband knows?

Anne x
09-Nov-07, 20:04
Changi has a young wife???:eek: I wonder if her husband knows?
have edited my post !!! sorry for bad Scots english !!!!

09-Nov-07, 20:05
;) Remind me to wear it next time I'm Thurso:lol:I bet no one recognises you with your clothes on Saveman.

09-Nov-07, 20:07
Remind me to wear it next time I'm Thurso:lol:

Yes I will do. I'm afraid I don't have any interesting superhero costumes myself tho - bit boring really! ;)

09-Nov-07, 20:09
I bet no one recognises you with your clothes on Saveman.

I am a master of disguise if thats what you mean ;).....I also have one of those faces that blends into a crowd.....I suppose that could be counted as a super power...

09-Nov-07, 20:43
Changi a mum protective of her offspring !!! good wife and mum , one who wont suffer fools gladly
and dog keeper !!!
She is a really wonderful person, she is all of the above and more.......but.....[lol]

09-Nov-07, 21:02
hi all
have studied the forum for long enough before joing
at times there was much contraversy. so asked myself can
i go on with an open mind and let all have there own opinions
dont know if i have but am here anyway????
for better or for worse your stuck with me now.
regards to all tony

09-Nov-07, 21:08
hi all
have studied the forum for long enough before joing
at times there was much contraversy. so asked myself can
i go on with an open mind and let all have there own opinions
dont know if i have but am here anyway????
for better or for worse your stuck with me now.
regards to all tony
I think when you first join it can be a wee bit daunting,I put my foot in it more times then I care to remember.

But it is worth sticking around and finding your feet.

I for one have found a few new friends:)

09-Nov-07, 21:19
Well one or two of you know me in the real world, but if anyone wants a go at dissecting my persona then feel free, i reckon it should be fun :D

09-Nov-07, 22:06
I'm up for dissection as well. Don't know about fun..but should be interesting to see myself as others see me.

09-Nov-07, 22:31
Loving the comments, thank you very much.

I wouldn't have put it so nicely but you have summed me up well.

Fiercely protective of family and friends but more than willing to tell them if I think they are out of order.

See - I told you I wouldn't have worded it as good. :lol:

09-Nov-07, 23:30
Hmmm - I would say that I am also up for character interpretation. Should be interesting to see how people see me. ;)

10-Nov-07, 00:17
Hey guys!Just had a thought...are you like your .org personality or are you completely different in real life???? x

That's a really interesting thought Thumper.

I'd like to think that I post here pretty much like the person I am in real life. I enjoy meeting folk in real life, the same as I do "meeting" different folk here.

My main Avatar here has always been of a snooZZZ...ing Labrador puppy. I changed it into a hapless Witch recently for Hallowe'en for a bit of a laugh. I am displaying a Poppy now for Remembrance Day.

So - I guess I would sum myself up as a docile, fun loving but sensitive person ;). Does anyone wish to disagree? :evil

10-Nov-07, 01:07
I reckon I pretty much write as I speak, so what you see is what you get. Except I don't swear on here - if I swore as much as I do in real life, I'd be the longest serving inmate in Orgatraz.:eek: Oh, and I'm not as argumentative on here either - again, because I'd likely be banned and inadvertantly offend people [lol].

10-Nov-07, 01:19
a cross between dawn french and hynacinth bucket + loyal,true and lovely too. :D

10-Nov-07, 01:56
Well folk here's another that would be interested to see what you think, there are quite a few that know me but the majority do not.
I try to be what I am in every day life is the only clue that I am going to give.

percy toboggan
10-Nov-07, 09:06
I'm almost always honest, forthright and fairly blunt. My principal weakness is lack of awareness of modern culture, especially music.

I don't seek friendship 'online' the whole concept of that strikes me as a bit silly. I look for agreement, yet respect others who disagree intelligently.
I like to lock horns , especially with liberals who think they are a cut above
me and my ilk. Whose opinions they dismiss with a kind of default superiority which is little more than self-delusion.

Still, I don't take things too seriously (forums especially) and tend to self-deprecate in real life. My prime reason for visiting internet forums is to use words to cathartise opinion, rather than drone on to members of my family, and real world friends.

The only times I hold back are when it might end in a kicking.
I can't kick back anymore, you see.
These occasions are few, thankfully.

People tend to like me or loathe me. Never mind eh?
As Gloria Gaynor once sang....'I fell into a burning ring of fire.'

lady penelope
10-Nov-07, 14:51
What you see is what you get with me.;)
I am caring, loyal to my friends and family, and am usually diplomatic, both on the org and in real life. oh,and I am a lady!:D
That is my opinion of myself, what other people think? I don't really care!

Pink Lippy
10-Nov-07, 18:06
My life is in rhyme,
Free verse is a crime,
The harsh Caithness rain,
Has rewired my brain.

I try to be kind,
But I do speak my mind,
My job is in Art,
And I dress very smart.

My mum is a hippy,
She hates my pink lippy,
My sense is my mentor,
My soul is magenta.

10-Nov-07, 19:23
Hmmm - I would say that I am also up for character interpretation. Should be interesting to see how people see me. ;)

My guess is you're a considerate person (is that me on your Christmas card list? lol)

10-Nov-07, 19:43
Well I think I come across as quite boring and my main topic of conversation is cats!!!!:lol:

I like to think I am not like this (I can talk about other animals!!!lol)and my org personality doesn't really portray what I am like.I often don't 'join in' as I lack confidence and don't really like when a friendly debate turns into just plain nastiness.

Come to think about maybe I am boring?!!!!!

percy toboggan
10-Nov-07, 19:45
I might be getting a cat tomorrow - does that mean I'm boring too?

10-Nov-07, 19:55
I might be getting a cat tomorrow - does that mean I'm boring too?

Ssssshhh! You're not supposed to say the C word around here or some people complain.:lol: Come on over to Pets Corner where you will be welcomed!

10-Nov-07, 20:45
In real life, Liz is actually totally crazy!
She has a great sense of humour and will do anything to help anyone.
Just in case anyone did think she was boring!

10-Nov-07, 22:05
Think this would be more fun if those willing to have their personalities disected put forwards their names to see what others think so then they can say if that is what they are like in reality.

If anyone wants to disect my org personality I will let you know if it maches my real life personality.

Go on, go for it, you know you want to lol :lol:

Ok Changi, you can do me, or anyone else, I have a thick skin. I am a very opinionated person, but also always willing to listen to someone with a valid viewpoint, and I am the same in real life, if I have something to say I say it and I back it up with "Why". Also I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong and not embarassed to explain why I was wrong, and I know when to apologise when it is needed and how not to when it is not required. Eh sometimes I am impatient as well, and when provoked unecessarily I can be foul mouthed and hot headed, but only when absolutely necessary and its very rare :cool:

10-Nov-07, 22:37
Don't need to do you Cheemag, you just did it yourself lol, would just add that you can be very helpful, as I know from first hand experience ty

Just so as I don't get called a sook, I will say you can be hot headed at times too lol

10-Nov-07, 22:51
myself ,im shy, quiet. reserved and i drive a lamborgini.

10-Nov-07, 23:18
myself ,im shy, quiet. reserved and i drive a lamborgini.

I just knew that somehow Johno. You were the perfect gentleman when I reversed into your Lamborigini today. Thanks so much - my OH need never know the details ;)

10-Nov-07, 23:42
I'm just the same, say very little but I take it all in.

10-Nov-07, 23:58
In real life, Liz is actually totally crazy!
She has a great sense of humour and will do anything to help anyone.
Just in case anyone did think she was boring!

Aaaawww that is so nice of you!!! I think!lol

I have to say it is easy to have a sense of humour with you as you always make me laugh and I mean that in the nicest way!

I have to say I didn't say I was boring to get peoples 'sympathy' but I felt I was very one dimensional on the org.

I have had the pleasure of 'meeting' a lot of orgers via pm's and, have to say, there are a lot of really nice people here.This is always shown when someone is going through a hard time of any kind and the org 'family' rally round in support.

11-Nov-07, 09:47
I am much more circumspect and polite on here than in real life.... :eek:

I would love to know how other orgers see Lolabelle, as I know that Paula has the same thought processes, but Lola usually says it better!

11-Nov-07, 12:42
Dissect away! (Am I sure about this? :confused)

11-Nov-07, 12:43
I am much more circumspect and polite on here than in real life.... :eek:
I would love to know how other orgers see Lolabelle, as I know that Paula has the same thought processes, but Lola usually says it better!
I have always thought you were a Fair Dinkum Sheila Lolabelle [lol]

11-Nov-07, 12:49
My guess is you're a considerate person (is that me on your Christmas card list? lol)

You are indeed! BTW, when's Christmas?;)

11-Nov-07, 14:56
you can disect me if you want!!!

11-Nov-07, 17:25
Yes i would like to think that i am te same on here as i am in the flesh.I have always been brought up to be honest and caring.People like me or they dont.I dont like to mix words or cross anyones path, but then i have the side that wont back down, so i can pretty much say that i am ME.......:eek:

11-Nov-07, 17:35
you can disect me if you want!!!

Sorry I can't, I haven't got a scalpel which is big enough or sharp enough to get through your thick skin.:lol:

11-Nov-07, 20:01
I am exactly the same on here as I am in real life!!! well at least I hope so.
Though on here I tend to get het up very easily whereas in real life I dont, strange that?

11-Nov-07, 22:32
Don't need to do you Cheemag, you just did it yourself lol, would just add that you can be very helpful, as I know from first hand experience ty

Just so as I don't get called a sook, I will say you can be hot headed at times too lol

Thanks Changi, I do try to help anyone whos asks for it, even if its someone I don't see eye to eye with, and I can be the biggest pain at the backside sometimes, but knowing it is halfway to fixing it I always think :Razz

12-Nov-07, 17:20
i dont hink i have been on lone enough for people to judge my character (though im always happy to see if someone can! lol)

but i dont think i am different to my online character... tho can i point out "honey" isnt what i think of myself, but due to the fact im a rangers supporter!! haha

12-Nov-07, 17:37
I just knew that somehow Johno. You were the perfect gentleman when I reversed into your Lamborigini today. Thanks so much - my OH need never know the details ;)
would take a bit o explainin at the trinkie car park at 12 midnight anyway
heh heh. just jokin. :eek:

12-Nov-07, 22:38
I haven't a clue what I am like therefore I don't know if I am like who I am. Furthermore - I haven't a clue if I was who I was or if I will be who I should be and this makes it more difficult. If weeboyagee is anything like me, who I was or what I will be in the future then he has a better idea than me - and if anybody knows if weeboyagee is like me or what I was or what I should be then could you tell me because I would like to know!!!

WBG :cool:

And if weeboyagee has an idea if he is like me, could he tell me too? :D

12-Nov-07, 23:20
I haven't a clue what I am like therefore I don't know if I am like who I am. Furthermore - I haven't a clue if I was who I was or if I will be who I should be and this makes it more difficult. If weeboyagee is anything like me, who I was or what I will be in the future then he has a better idea than me - and if anybody knows if weeboyagee is like me or what I was or what I should be then could you tell me because I would like to know!!!


And if weeboyagee has an idea if he is like me, could he tell me too? :D
R. B. Best see a shrink i think.:confused he he.

12-Nov-07, 23:21
With lolabelle what u see is what u get

12-Nov-07, 23:23
what do people think of me

12-Nov-07, 23:30
Trucker you must be someone with dogged determination as you keep on pushing that boulder up the hill! lol

12-Nov-07, 23:53
what do people think of me

I think you're the gentle giant type who says what he means and means what he says, am I right?

13-Nov-07, 09:36
what do people think of me

Trucker is me mate, and he gave me a yacht, so he has to be a nice bloke! :Razz
And the real clincher is that he is a "TRUCK DRIVER" [lol]

13-Nov-07, 09:40
Trucker gave me a yacht too - so I agree that he is a really nice bloke :) except when he is being not nice to me :( then he is a not nice bloke!

But in the main - nice Trucker!

13-Nov-07, 09:45
I am much more circumspect and polite on here than in real life.... :eek:

I would love to know how other orgers see Lolabelle, as I know that Paula has the same thought processes, but Lola usually says it better!

I have always found you to be straight and honest - a spade is a spade as far as you are concerned I think. Also, you don't attack people or deliberately set out to hurt!

14-Nov-07, 22:05
Also, you don't attack people or deliberately set out to hurt!

No you're right there, but sometimes I feel like it.... [lol]

As for Laguna2, I think she is a lovely genuine soul, with a wicked sense of humour. Sometimes she absolutely cracks me up in the quiz, I can barely type for laughing. [lol]

14-Nov-07, 22:15
No you're right there, but sometimes I feel like it.... [lol]

As for Laguna2, I think she is a lovely genuine soul, with a wicked sense of humour. Sometimes she absolutely cracks me up in the quiz, I can barely type for laughing. [lol]

Lolabelle, we must go to the same quiz with the same people and the same boats! And share the problem of trying to type and laugh at the same time.

Weeboyagee, you are exactly the same person on screen and off.

the charlatans
14-Nov-07, 22:35
I'm 100% more funny in real life. ;)

Camel Spider
15-Nov-07, 13:25
I must be just like my alter ego.

During a recent visit to Wick I was sussed by a woman who reads the forums, I had been chatting up her mate when I used a phrase I had posted.

15-Nov-07, 17:19
I must be just like my alter ego.

During a recent visit to Wick I was sussed by a woman who reads the forums, I had been chatting up her mate when I used a phrase I had posted.
OMG camelspider talk about being busted [lol]:lol: x