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View Full Version : Sad day for fire service

03-Nov-07, 17:44
This is a very tragic story for all concerned http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,70131-1291361,00.html
These men and women face huge risks every day to keep us safe. I feel very sorry for their families. Their bravery is huge, I couldn't imagine running into a place that everyone else is running out of.

03-Nov-07, 17:55
Yes corgiman i heard the sad news last night about midnight. These guys are worth their weight in gold, I know i could'nt do their job anyway. I heard today that another three firemen were missing as well. I looked at the footage contained in your post and this is horrible, to think that someone deliberately started this fire is beyond beliefe. If it was arson, i hope those involved are caught and made an example of, i.e. as stiff a sentence as the law will allow.

George Brims
03-Nov-07, 20:50
That's terrible. Over here in California five firefighters were killed a year ago in the Esperanza fire. The arsonist responsible was caught and could get the death penalty if convicted. We just had another spate of fires and some of those were arson too. One was caused by plain stupidity (a guy welding in 50mph wind, while a dozen fires were already darkening the sky!) and one was a wee boy playing with matches. This weekend the Santa Ana winds are supposed to rise again so we all have our fingers crossed.

03-Nov-07, 20:57
It must be a tough way to live wondering whether your house will still be standing in a weeks time. Stay safe:)

Anne x
04-Nov-07, 20:33
Just been watching the news what young lives and families are devastated so awful we forget our unsung heroes of the public services Police Men/ Woman Firermen /Women And Ambulance and Paramedics Male and female
so very sad

04-Nov-07, 20:40
Firemen and women are wonderful and they deal with all of the worst messes - they cut people out of cars and effect all sorts of rescues and recoveries of bodies, not just in fires. Long ago I worked in emergency planning and the firemen were the most impressive of the people I met. We should appreciate what they do

04-Nov-07, 20:40
I fully agree its a sad day, and all the firework/bonfire lovers that have no thoughts for the safety of others, only their own gratification.!!!!!!!!
Please Please think of the Fire Fighters out there dealing with your stupidity

04-Nov-07, 21:35
I fully agree its a sad day, and all the firework/bonfire lovers that have no thoughts for the safety of others, only their own gratification.!!!!!!!!
Please Please think of the Fire Fighters out there dealing with your stupidity

Indeed they are golach,

My husband works for Central Scotland fire Brigade and bonfires and the like are put out in minutes and crews relocated.

The arson attack on that warehouse is quite different and has not only lost lives..but tied up crews from dealing with other things.

Ask anyone in the Fire Brigade and they will tell you that it isn't foolish kids on Bonfire Night that make for a dangerous 'turnout'.

It is the worrying trend towards arson of insured property and the like.

It may not be what you want to hear but those are the facts!


04-Nov-07, 22:21
It is the worrying trend towards arson of insured property and the like.

It may not be what you want to hear but those are the facts!
As one who is not a Fire fighter I would not know any better, are you suggesting this warehouse fire is a possible insurance "job"?

04-Nov-07, 22:44
Maybe so golach..do you want to second guess the experts?

As is (boringly!) usual, you are happy to mis-represent anything I say.:roll:

More fires.and serious ones at that, are started for insurance purposes than 'wilful fire raising from kids..even at this time of year, and those 'nuisance fires' are easier extinguished and crews put back on the road to stop YOUR house burning down than the crews and forensic teams involved in deliberate and wilful fire raising in insurance cases.

keep to what you know and you won't be caught out for anything other than being impolite!

How long were you in the fire service again?:confused

All the best!

04-Nov-07, 22:45
Wick's Fire machines just went along bridge st and up High st only 5 /10 mins ago lights with there lights flashing

04-Nov-07, 22:47
Wick's Fire machines just went along bridge st and up High st only 5 /10 mins ago lights with there lights flashing
hopefully it is a wee sprinkler on the bonfire and a 'slap o hands.

05-Nov-07, 01:23
Maybe so golach..do you want to second guess the experts?
As is (boringly!) usual, you are happy to mis-represent anything I say.:roll:
keep to what you know and you won't be caught out for anything other than being impolite!
How long were you in the fire service again?:confused
All the best!
With respect, I was taught fire fighting in the Royal Navy, and could put out fires on ships and naval establishments, and again with respect when have I ever been impolite to you?
You Karia seem to have a problem with me........I do not understand why?