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03-Nov-07, 15:57
I just wondered with it being fireworks coming up, how many people actually bother to let their neighbours know they will be having a back garden display? I for one would far rather have a little bit of notice before they start going off over my house so I can try to get cat in and small animals into shed with music turned up a bit and have them calm and relaxed before the event. Some years we have none go off around but other years it is like the gazza strip. If it is just the 5th it is ok you know to get the animals organised but when it is days after you don't tend to expect it so much.

03-Nov-07, 17:23
Our neighbours warned us last week they would be having fireworks in their garden on the night. Very considerate of them I thought. At the moment every night seems to be banger night though. Still think one big organised event is the way to go

03-Nov-07, 17:52
I know I would prefer it to be organised only at least that way you would know when to expect them, not to mention all the injuries that would hopefully be avoided.

03-Nov-07, 18:07
Hi Corgiman,

It is a trend not limited to fireworks unfortunately!

I can remember when it was considered vital to inform your neighbours if you were going to make any untoward noise like hammering or if there were going to be workmen on your property who might cause them inconvenience.

Mind you it was also considered impolite to cause anyone disturbance after 10 o'clock at night and before 10 o'clock in the morning.

Peaceful days!


03-Nov-07, 18:09
The others I can live with and so can my animals but exceptionally loud unexpected noises tend to bother us all an awful lot more :eek: That said I had a cat whose tail had to be amputated after fireworks night as some charming lifeform had tried to try a firework to her tail and broken it badly in the process so it wouldn't stop that kind of badness but it would cut out a lot of stress.

mums angels
03-Nov-07, 18:22
Well we had a small display in the garden for my sons 6th birthday on Thursday and we let the direct neighbours know but must admit i hadn't thought of the animals and they do have a cat ( as i don't have any i really didn't think of it but will take note for next year ) i was just letting them know so that they could pop along or watch from the window :)

03-Nov-07, 18:24
well if it made even just you think to warn people for next year then the post was worth putting on here :D

Anne x
05-Nov-07, 12:42
what are the official dates for setting off fireworks ? is tonight the last one as it is the 5th

last night appeared to be the worst it went on for hours we even had to turn the tv volume up

05-Nov-07, 14:21
The display in Thurso is not until next weekend so I think it will still be ongoing here for at least a week :confused

05-Nov-07, 14:28
Its not been too bad here. Hoping for rain and a quiet night tonight. :lol:

05-Nov-07, 14:32
rain wont help it just means more on another night, I would rather it is all done at once.

05-Nov-07, 15:41
just wanted to remind people of the danger of fireworks being set off near to horses who are grazing and to ask that people are considerate when planning a display by at least informing owners of such an event.
i live in halkirk and last night had to contend with the neighbours having a display in their back garden within about 20-30m of one of our fields where there are seven horses grazing. all hell let loose! and i dont suppose that the neighbours thought about the fact that the horses could have been injured or worse escaped out of the field and put others in danger.
all that i ask is that people think about the many dangers of firework displays and as i have already mentioned that they inform the owners of the animals so that they can at least prepare as best they can for the short time that such a display takes. it could save everybody a lot of time, money and heartache for the sake of a phone call or visit.
rant over!

05-Nov-07, 16:11
i do love watching the firework display but i wish it was over and done with on one night! oh the decision tonight.......... to be with the dog and my 4year old daughter whom are scared or to go to the pony to make sure its OK, as the fire work display is only across the road from the pony. :roll:

05-Nov-07, 16:11
Well said KJL. A little bit of consideration for your neighbours is needed at this time of the year.

As I said, not had many close by yet, but it will probably be bad tonight.:(

05-Nov-07, 20:29
The debris falling from the sky is also a danger. Some domestic fireworks have substantial wooden rods attached. There was one 3 foot long one well embedded in our lawn from a neighbours "display" last night. Had it hit a spectator watching, there would have been a serious injury.

05-Nov-07, 21:34
no fireworks going off here tonight the weather is to bad....dog not scared Lauren sleeping =1 happy mummy!:lol:

05-Nov-07, 21:38
I've got two nervous wrecks under the computer.
Left it too late to get medication for them this year but will be prepared for New Year.

Why dont they just make fireworks that dont bang [evil]

do de do
06-Nov-07, 20:53
We let off a few fireworks at the weekend, but we did let our neighbours know beforehand. We also live 1/4 mile from the nearest house, but pets do love to wander!!!


06-Nov-07, 21:02
well done you for being thoughtful :D cuddlepop you should have just gotten some bachs rescue remedy, as far as I know you can get it in chemists

06-Nov-07, 21:04
idiots at the back off me letting of fireworks, wont a noise, we live in area where backgardens are really close to one another, dogs soo scared![disgust]

06-Nov-07, 21:10
I noticed a few at it as we drove across the town, I would have thought it was too windy :eek: