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View Full Version : In the Shadow of the Moon

Camel Spider
02-Nov-07, 14:07
New movie coming out from Ron Howard who interviews all the surviving Moonwalkers (except Neil Armstrong who doesnt do interviews apparently) .. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uG4L7PL6Pvs

I have a great interest in the Apollo program and feel it was the last really optimistic act the Human race embarked on, the fact that it was done at all to me is amazing. When you consider the Saturn V rocket is still the most powerful machine ever built (178,000,000 horsepower at lift off) and the Lunar Module had less computing power than today's mobile phones it was for me Mankinds greatest achievement. Perhaps the only time the whole world was enthralled at a Human endeavour. Funny how we could watch live colour tv from the Moon and fly across the atlantic at Mach 2 then .. we cant now. Progress ??

Would be extremely interested to hear from any of Orgers who remember the landings first hand.

03-Nov-07, 10:32
I'm far too young to remember the things you're talking about.

Oh alright then. :lol::lol:

Yes, I watched the moon landings on b&w tv, and thrilled to the idea that Concorde represented a triumph (not a Triumph - they still had oil leaks and broke down regularly in those days) of British Engineering.