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01-Nov-07, 23:48
That got your attention! Now leaving aside issues to do with legitimate hunting and pest control, do you shoot airguns?

I noticed since moving back up here that there is no airgun club for almost 250 miles around! Being used to having access to an indoor range 24hrs/day and outdoor range weekly, this was a bit frustrating.

HFT- or to give it its full name Hunter Field Target is the sport of shooting at metal knockdown targets and scoring points, see here for info: http://www.ukahft.co.uk/2007/intro.htm

The indoor range I used was set up with a varienty of targets, and great fun could be had in a safe and secure environment.

The idea that airguns are dangerous is a false one, an airgun never shot someone of its own accord, it will not go off unless a person loads it and fires it. It is therefore important that the person using the airgun is doing so responsibly.

And that is the great thing about an organised club, you can shoot there safely.

I think there has been some confusion recently with the change in the laws. The changes are quite simple:

No sales to under 18s
No mail order sales, all sales (except private 2nd hand) must be face to face.

Gunshops also have to keep a record of name and address when selling new airguns, but private sales do not. Wick even has its own airgun shop where you can can buy air rifles and target air pistols and accessories.

Airguns have had a lot of bad press in the last few years, which is a shame as it is one of the safest sports out there.

So do you shoot airguns? And if so, can I share your field?



PS, just remember that giving kids airguns for Christmas is not legal if they are under 18 years old. You have to supervise them at all times if under 18.

02-Nov-07, 01:35
yes i use an airgun, have done for 10-15 years now.

02-Nov-07, 08:19
A lot of years ago i owned and used an airgun (rifle not hand) as we had a huge garden and we bought the paper targets, unfortunately i haven't got one now, but i must admit i wouldn't mind picking it up again.

02-Nov-07, 08:58
I may be wrong but I thought that a club met at Thurdistoft (sp?) and another in Watten?

02-Nov-07, 13:15
As far as I know there are no airgun clubs up here, a lot of small bore, but that is not as fun!

02-Nov-07, 15:04
Had an air rifle a few years ago. We would shoot tin cans off the back garden wall, (with a suitable backstop). Lots of fun.

03-Nov-07, 00:34
Not sure if it helps but I am sure there is some kind of Gun Club in Halkirk, strangely its right beside the kids playpark.

03-Nov-07, 00:52
Not sure if it helps but I am sure there is some kind of Gun Club in Halkirk, strangely its right beside the kids playpark.

:rolleyes: That kind of remark is how rumours get started mate.