View Full Version : OK, Music in Caithness

18-Mar-03, 14:34
If we were to come and play up in Wick / Thurso and were after some support / other bands to play with (original bands, no covers monkeys), who would be able to pull in the biggest crowds and the most interest?

I would like to play in the Waterfront to a decent crowd...top night all round needed!

Also, dmore, I have replied to your mail...

18-Mar-03, 21:05
i don't know any band that could fit being a crowd puller and do all originals

maybe Cuban Heels... they have a lot of original stuff and are a really good band

19-Mar-03, 17:06

I think Jinx'd would pull you in a good crowd. They have some stuff of there own they play. I think they have some new stuff to put out as well.


20-Mar-03, 16:19
Was my email any good for you Mr More?

20-Mar-03, 22:40
The Rebels are a pretty good high energy band who always seem to pull a good crowd, i think it's just covers that they do though, dont know if they are still around though as i havent seen them in a while.

25-Mar-03, 18:05
I just want to take my band up! I think it would be really class to play up there, might get on to the Waterfront today. I could probably take another Liverpool band up as well.

We actually played in Manchester on Friday with a band from Aberdeen!

26-Mar-03, 10:13
Aye mike, cool, who were they?

26-Mar-03, 11:36
Then Came Music

05-Aug-03, 15:03
prolly most decent band i heard in thurso was the howlin gails, donnie is one spot on harp player. nothing wrong with covers mike

19-Sep-03, 14:54
You haven't heard enough bands then!

19-Sep-03, 23:27
Are you still looking for a band to support your band?
Also how long a set would you need?

06-Oct-03, 14:56
Ah well, the old bnd split and a new one is in the offing. Set of about 30 minutes would be needed if poss. Still on the lookout for somewhere that would be worth playing venue wise though.

07-Oct-03, 00:47
there's a severe lack of musical originality up here mike. everyone is either a cover band or writing songs that sound like Oasis

09-Oct-03, 08:22
nah mike i just know good music when i hear it

13-Oct-03, 16:44
Fair enough, but why bother listening to monkeys doing bad copies of other people's tunes when I can buy the CD and listen to the real thing? It isn't inventive playing note for note what someone else has wrote, is it?

15-Oct-03, 12:50
yeah but not everyone shares your opinion in what is good music,
dont get me wrong i like to hear originals being played in bands
but also like hearing covers aswell as long as they are played good

i mean who gives a flip as long as the music sounds good

16-Oct-03, 19:51
i hate thurso. trying to get an original band is impossible.

i don't kno wmany people who are willing to go ahead and do their own stuff

21-Jan-04, 21:20
Hey mike i saw your post and there is (unlike you have been told)a band in Thurso who has an album worth of their own songs. They are called Fear of Faith and they would be very interested in playing as a support band for you as their isn't many gigs held up here. If your interested they have a webiste if you wanted more info before making a decision it is www.members.lycos.co.uk/fearless4 :) thanks


26-Jan-04, 20:40
yeam the guitarist frm fear of faith we wud b willin to play as a support band we play entirly our own material were sorta rock/metal its a bit of everything reallly

10-Feb-04, 13:42
I am up in Wick next week. I might try a couple of people while there because the band really wants to come up to play!

11-Feb-04, 20:43
ma band wil be wilin. a checkd out those songs of urs ther pretty gud ma drummer has a broken wrist at the moment but his cast is cumin off on monday but av got a few demo tapes kickin about the house if yar wantin a listen. plz send me an email to [email protected] thats if ur interested no wurys if u aint

12-Feb-04, 18:54
If your lookin for any more bands to support you then give us a shout at: [email protected]. Were a classic rock band with plenty of or own songs.


24-Feb-04, 16:04
Hi, how's it going, I also play in a local band. We're called Boss Hogg and are just starting to organise ourselves. We've only been on the go for afew months, but are ready to start gigging now. We have our first gig at the Glasgow Cathouse on April 30th. We are looking to promote ourselves in Caithness very shortly, to try and drum up some local support so would be willing to help out setting anything up. You can check out our web site at www.bosshogg.official.ws


24-Feb-04, 16:14
Hello Boss,

Got your PM there a while back, can't remember if I replied or not. Boss, if you're interested in the travelling, I could see about getting you a Liverpool gig. Send me a CD if you have one.

25-Feb-04, 10:21
Hi Mike.

Would be very interested in some work down south, so any help would be great. Not got a CD available at present but are planning to put together a 3 track demo within the next couple of months. What's the name of the band you play in yourself and where are you based?

Am very interested in getting something organised in Caithness, the problem is finding a venue, i'm sure there would be plenty of bands willing to participate.
I'm actually based in Glasgow at the moment but am going back north in 2 weeks time and plan to check out afew possible venues. I know they used to hold band nights in the Viewfirth in Thurso so may have a look in there.


25-Feb-04, 12:52
Based in Liverpool. We've sent off to Barfly in Glasgow for a gig actually, we've played the one down here a few times, its ok. Will give you a shout if we play, you could come along!

New band is called Halo Effect.

26-Feb-04, 17:00
Would definetily go along to that. Let me know how you get on with them.
