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29-Oct-07, 12:11
Once you've been on a certain rate of pay can your employer put your pay down?

I was speaking to someone yesterday who had heard that his rate of pay was getting lowered and i wasn't sure if they could do that.

29-Oct-07, 12:18
once you have been getting a certain pay rate for a reasonable amount of time it becomes your contracted pay even though its not in your contract it is on your itemised pay slip which is a contract in itself.i would advise you to contact ACAS who will tell you how to solve the issue.www.acas.org.uk

29-Oct-07, 12:21
Wouldn't it depend on what kind of contract you were on or how long you were employed? If your friend doesn't have a permanent contract with defined wages the employer may very well be within their rights to decrease a salary.

29-Oct-07, 12:22
Hi Highlander4, i don't think that can be right, i've never heard of it myself, hours can be cut off an employee so therefore they earn less per week, but i'm pretty sure you can't cut somebodies hourly rate and still have them working the same number of hours. Assuming your friend gets the national rate for his age, the law states that it cannot be less than that.;)

29-Oct-07, 12:23
I dont think they can put your pay down easily but they can freeze your pay at the level its on easily so in effect you dont get payrises so your pay goes down in line with inflation!

29-Oct-07, 14:54
Thank you all for your help. I will pass the information on :)

Murdina Bug
29-Oct-07, 16:33
Your friend could try asking the CAB (Citizen's Advice Bureau) for advice. They are usually up to date with all basic employment law etc. All employees should have a contract of employment which states terms and conditions including pay rate and that is only open to change with negotiation.