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View Full Version : smoking chimney!

nicola v
24-Aug-05, 12:16
I have a slight problem with my sitting room fire-it smokes out the room above! Anyone know why, how, or know anyone who can fix it?Not quite sure who to ask

24-Aug-05, 14:49
At a guess your chimney needs a clean, chocked with soot. Possible draft in house somewhere too!! :eek:

24-Aug-05, 17:34
If smoke is appearing in the room above the sitting room then there could be a crack in the chimney somewhere. You would need to get it checked out as it could be a fire hazard.

24-Aug-05, 17:51
Its most likely you have a crack in your chimney wall,it happened to us in a house we used to live we had to get the chimey relined,i would imagine it is a fire hazzard we couldn't use our fire until it got fixed.Hope this helps

24-Aug-05, 23:08
probably needs lined with vent linings. :~(

26-Aug-05, 12:11
You really need to get that looked at as soon as possible. More important that the fire hazard, there's a big carbon monoxide hazard from a cracked chimney, whihc is a potential killer. Seriously get it looked at sharpish!!!

nicola v
28-Aug-05, 15:33
thanks for replies. I haven't used it since it smoked me out. Now all I need is a man who can fix it. Who does this sort of thing??

28-Aug-05, 16:13
your best bet is to ask around the village for a mason.
Mind you its liable to take a couple of men, a dunt of chimney liners, a fair puckle of sand cement and lime and depending on your hoose height, plenty scaffolding, not to mention some interior problems if your wall is shared or in the middle of your house. :(

30-Aug-05, 12:56
You may find it's better to have a stainless steel liner fitted with insulation poured into the lum (the cavity between the liner and the chimney walls). This can usually be done without disturbing the walls and gives a far better "draw" than plain stone chimney.

Some chimney sweeps will take on this kind of job.

30-Aug-05, 13:55
Before u waste your money

Is it a closed in fire??

My fire did that and i got the council out and all it was was the throat plate needing cleaned.......SORTED

Never had any problems with it since

nicola v
02-Sep-05, 18:48
thanks for all ur replys ive now found a man who can. so hopefully the prob will be sorted soon.